Work Based Learning Module
Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust
Module Number: NQCG 3031 / 3032
Academic Credit: 20 / 40
Academic Level: 2 / 3 / 4
Mentor in practice:
Academic Facilitator:
Module Commences:
Assignment Submission Due:
Work Based Learning
Work Based Learning (WBL) is about learning through and learning from practice. Any aspect of care or practice can be studied through WBL and one of the best ways to think about WBL is as a joint venture in education between the University and the Trust/your clinical area.
This pack is to be used in conjunction with the WBL Module Handbook (from the University) and can help guide your learning to explore and reflect upon your nursing practice. Your chosen subject presents many challenges and the aim of any WBL module should help you to develop a greater theoretical understanding of the complex issues. This theory is coupled with a strong practice element that you can use to bridge the practice theory gap.
This pack is designed to support you in completing a Work Based Learning module of study. It includes a “menu” of learning outcomes that you can choose from, which relate to your chosen topic of study. Support and guidance will be available throughout any WBL module from a variety of sources, however the drive and motivation to progress with your WBL study must come from you.
Work based learning explained
Before you attend an induction day with the University of Southampton you will receive an information pack. It is important to read through this and meet with your manager to identify your potential learning outcomes, consider the assessment process and begin to think about possible learning opportunities which will help you to achieve your learning outcomes.
You will then attend an induction day where you will meet with your academic tutor to discuss your learning outcomes, talk over how you can meet your learning needs within the clinical setting and begin to formulate a learning contract. Your learning contract should be agreed with your academic tutor within 6 weeks of the induction day.
You will need to produce a piece of work (assignment) which will provide evidence of your learning and achievement of your identified learning outcomes. This assignment will total or be equivalent to approximately 3,000 words for every 20 credits of study. This work will need to demonstrate that you have achieved each of the learning outcomes you have identified. We have given you some examples of evidence you might wish to produce later in this pack.
Further examples, and information about the contract can be obtained from the WBL Handbook and the University of Southampton WBL website The WBL site on the PHT Learning and Development zone can also provide you with further ideas and information.
In order to fully utilise your learning opportunities, part of the learning contract is the agreement with your manager for you to have 4 identified (and protected) days for you to focus your study and learning. You can negotiate how you spend this time, but it might include spending time with specialist nurses, visiting other departments etc.
Included at the back of this pack is a timetable for you to record how you have utilised this time. Your Ward Manager will arrange for you to have a practice-based mentor to support you through this module. If you are unsure who your mentor is, then pursue this with your manager.
Additional Support
Support required / Name/Who / Contact detailsStudy Skills,
Assignment support / Academic support team (Learning and Development)
WBL Academic Tutor / QAH ext 1202
Contact details will be given at induction day
One-to-one Library Skills / Fran Lamusse (librarian Support) / QAH ext 6042
Clinical Practice Support / (insert who might support you in practice)
Facilitation of Learning in the Work Base / (insert who might help facilitate your learning)
Information about WBL process / Work based learning handbook (you will receive a copy) and website / University of Southampton website:
PHT intranet site:
General/PHT information about education and development / PHT Learning and Development Zone /
Notes or comments:
Guide to Completing your Work Based Learning Module
Step 1 / Discuss and agree your potential learning outcomes with your ward manager and identify how you might utilise your 4 identified learning days (note on the off-duty).Step 2 / Attend the introduction day with the University of Southampton and meet with your WBL academic tutor. Please remember to take this pack with you so that you can discuss your learning outcomes. Develop a learning contract which comprises the learning outcomes and how these will be achieved.
Step 3 / Arrange to meet your mentor and organise how you are going to utilise your time. Identify further dates for meetings with your mentor – put the dates in your diaries!
Step 4 / Plan and organise your learning opportunities
Step 5 / Maintain a timetable and notes of your learning experiences you have had during the period of study. Make sure you visit the library or access on-line resources that are going to help you write your assignment. Read, read and read…
Step 6 / Plan and compile your work for submission to meet/demonstrate evidence of achievement of the learning outcomes. Contact your academic tutor/the PHT Acadsupport Team to review this work prior to submission.
Step 7 / Submit assignment by submission date
Learning Outcomes:
Here is a menu of learning outcomes related to (insert topic) It is normally proposed that you chose between 5-6 outcomes per 20 credits. These outcomes might also include the achievement of some clinical competencies. Choose the learning outcomes you wish to achieve and insert them into your learning contract.
Here are some Exemplars (insert specific content)
- Anatomy and physiology
- The impact of co-morbidities
- Implications of ….. on …..
- Risks
- Patient needs
- The role of ….
- How to optimise care through nursing interventions
- The importance of …
- Literature search
Learning Opportunities:
- Insert specific
Add any other opportunities you can identify:
Examples of Evidence/Assignment
Here are some examples of work that you may want to produce to demonstrate achievement of your identified learning outcomes. Talk with your manager, mentor and academic tutor to agree which one would be the most appropriate for you.
Case study
Reflective report
Proposal for change in practice
Plan/rationale and development of tool for audit
Evaluation of Audit/practice
Education package – patient or staff
Departmental algorithm/pathway
Paper for presentation
Journal article
Programme of Learning
Note here how you are to utilise your 4 identified days for learningDay / Date / Learning Activity / Comments / Sign
Morning / Afternoon
1 / Attend Introduction Day at the University of Southampton
Acadsupport September 2008 / WBL Framework Group/ Adapted from Chris Caws and Caroline Chapman.