Barcelona | September 2009
Thursday September 178.45–9.10 / Opening
9.10–10 / The Prosody of Givenness: Germanic vs. Romance
Lisa Selkirk Angelika Kratzer (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
10–10.50 / A focus intonational morpheme in EP: production and perception
Sónia Frota (University of Lisbon)
10.50–11.20 / Coffee break
11.20–12.10 / Can intonational contours be lexicalised?
Sasha Calhoun (University of Edinburgh)
12.10–13 / Prosodic Reflexes of the Interplay between Information Status and Focus-Background Structure in Spontaneous Speech
Stefan Baumann (Universität zu Köln)
13–15 / Lunch
15–15.50 / Intonational encoding of topic and focus in adults with autism
Anne-Marie R. DePape (McMaster University), Aoju Chen (Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistic), Geoffrey B. C. Hall (McMaster U.) & Laurel J. Trainor (McMaster U.)
15.50–16.20 / Perceiving Focus Domains
Jason B. Bishop (UCLA)
16.20–16.50 / Non-Exhaustive Answers to Wh-questions as Split Foci
Gorka Elordieta & Aritz Irurtzun (Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea)
16.50–17.50 / Coffee break – POSTER SESSION 1
17.50–18.20 / Syntax-Prosody Mapping and Topic-Comment Structure in Hungarian
Shinichiro Ishihara & Balázs Surányi (Postdam University)
18.20–19.10 / Phrasing, Focus and Meaning
Aditi Lahiri (University of Oxford)
Friday September 18
9–9.50 / Prosody and context management in interactive discourse: a study of two different interaction scenarios
Jill House (University College London)
9.50–10.40 / Intonation and meaning in social context
Anne Wichmann (University of Central Lancashire)
10.40–11.20 / Coffee break
11.20–12.10 / The role of context in mapping prosody to meaning
Laura Dilley (Bowling Green State University)
12.10–13 / Local and global phrasing cues to Focus and Topic marking in Italian and French
Mariapaola D'Imperio (Université d'Aix-en-Provence)
13–15 / Lunch
15–15.50 / Meanings, shades of meanings and prototypes of intonational categories
Barbara Gili-Fivela (Università del Salento – Lecce)
15.50–16.20 / Syntactic disambiguation: the role of prosody
Sónia Frota, Marina Vigário, Cátia Severino (Laboratório de Fonética - FLUL/CLUL)
16.20–16.50 / The role of pitch height in constraining the inferential space in Catalan yes-no questions
Maria del Mar Vanrell (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), Ignasi Mascaró (Institut Menorquí d'Estudis), Francesc Torres-Tamarit (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) & Pilar Prieto (ICREA-UPF)
16.50–17.50 / Coffee break – POSTER SESSION
17.50–18.20 / Prosody in German Sign Language
Annika Herrmann (University of Frankfurt)
18.20–19.10 / On linguistic and paralinguistic meanings of intonation
Carlos Gussenhoven (Radboud University of Nijmegen)
- Factoring out Speaker Variation in Experimental Studies of Prosody: The Case of Association with Focus
M. Breen, M. Wagner, S. Shattuck-Hufnagel, E. Flemming, & E. Gibson (UMass Amherst, McGill University, MIT) - Non-local pitch range relationships in read and elicited speech
Alejna Brugos (Boston University) - On the prosodic marking of contrast in Romance sentence topic: evidence from Neapolitan Italian
Lisa Brunetti, Mariapaola D’Imperio & Francesco Cangemi (Laboratoire Parole et Langage, Aix-en-Provence) - Encoding focus in French: phrasing, deaccentuation, tonal patterns or all of them?
Aoju Chen (Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics) & Emilie Destruel (University of Texas) - The prosody of information structure in Paraguayan Guaraní
Cynthia G. Clopper & Judith Tonhauser (The Ohio State University) - Variations on Contrastive Topic Marking — Evidence from Mandarin Chinese
Noah Constant (University of Massachusetts, Amherst) - The prosody of ambiguous relative clauses in Spanish: a study of monolinguals and Basque-Spanish bilinguals
Irene de la Cruz-Pavía & Gorka Elordieta (Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea) - Types of Topic in Turkish
Beste Kamali (Harvard University) - The accentuation of sentences with predicate composition
Manuela Korth (University of Stuttgart) - Focus, prosody and relevance in the Spanish of Buenos Aires
Leopoldo Omar Labastía Alejandra Dabrowski (Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Argentina) - Three types of prosodic focus in Brazilian Portuguese: form and meaning
João Antônio de Moraes (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro / CNPq) - The Prosodic Encoding of Information Structure in Beaver (Athabaskan)
Gabriele Müller (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster) - Relating prosody to pronominal reference: information structure versus switch-reference
James Sneed German (Laboratoire Parole et Langage, Aix-en-Provence) - The prosody of focus in Italian and German productions of Lecce (South Italy) speakers
Antonio Stella (CRIL - Università del Salento, Lecce) - Perceptual Robustness of the Tonal Center of Gravity for Contour Classification
Nanette Veilleux, Jonathan Barnes, Stefanie Shattuck-Hufnagel & Alejna Brugos (Simmons College, Boston University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- The interplay of structural constraints and informational properties on PA selection
Giuliano Bocci & Cinzia Avesa (University of Siena & ISTC-CNR - Padova) - Early acquisition of form and meaning in Catalan and Spanish interrogatives
Joan Borràs-Comes (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), Jill Thorson (UPF), Verònica Crespo-Sendra (UPF), Maria del Mar Vanrell (UPF) & Pilar Prieto (ICREA-UPF) - The role of duration and tonal scaling as complementary cues in distinguishing presumptive from neutral yes-no questions
Verònica Crespo-Sendra (UPF), Maria del Mar Vanrell (UPF), Pilar Prieto (ICREA-UPF) - Who weefed whom? German childrens’ use of prosodic cues in transitive constructions
Thomas Grünloh, Elena Lieven & Michael Tomasello (Max-Planck Institute for evolutionary Anthropology) - Prosodic expression of sentence-level pragmatic meaning in Akan
Frank Kügler & Susanne Genzel (Department of Linguistics & SFB 632 “Information Structure” Potsdam University) - Questions headed by the particle “que” in the Spanish spoken in Lleida: a prosodic bilingualism interference
Eugenio Martínez Celdrán, Ana M. Fernández Planas, Lourdes Romera Barrios & Josefina Carrera Sabaté (University of Barcelona, Laboratory of Phonetics) - The Effects of Prosody on the Interpretation of Novel Noun-Noun Combinations
Dermot Lynott & Louise Connell (School of Psychological Sciences, University of Manchester) - The effect of contextual interpretability on pitch entrainment in different age groups
Marie Nilsenová & Marc Swerts (CIW, Tilburg University, The Netherlands) - Conditions for tonal curl and stød in the Central Swedish variety of Eskilstuna
Tomas Riad (Stockholm University) - A quantitative implementation of the autosegmental-metrical model: the study of pitch and duration in Friulian
Paolo Roseano, Ana Maria Fernández Planas & Eugenio Martínez Celdrán (University of Barcelona, Laboratory of Phonetics) - Leading tone alignment in Occitan disapproval statements
Rafèu Sichel-Bazin (Universität Osnabrück - Universitat Pompeu Fabra) - Question intonation: for the layman and results on Brazilian Portuguese for the expert
Hubert Truckenbrodt (ZAS Berlin) - Prosodic Optionality or Syntactic/Semantic Choice?
Michael Wagner (McGill University) - Intonation in Discourse: Gradient or Categorical Behavior?
Margaret Zellers & Brechtje Post (Research Centre for English & Applied Linguistics, University of Cambridge)