USGS Scientist Emeritus Publications 2015
Abendini, A.A., Robinson, J.E., Muffler, L.J.P., White, D.E., Beeson, M.H., and Truesdell, A.H., 2015,Database for the geologic map of Upper Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 911.
Akande, S.O., Lewan, M.D., Egenhoff, Sven, Adekeye, Olabisi, Ojo, O.J., and Peterhansel, Amdt, 2015, Source rock potential of lignite and interbedded coaly shale of the Ogwashi–Asaba Formation, Anambra Basin as determined by sequential hydrous pyrolysis:International Journal of Coal Geology,v. 150, p.224-237.
Alexeiev, D.V., Cook, H.E., Djenchuraeva, A.V., and Mikolaichuk, A.V., 2015, The stratigraphic, sedimentological and structural evolution of the southern margin of the Kazakhstan continent in the Tien Shan Range during the Devonian to Permian:Geological Society, London, Special Publications427, p.SP427-3.
Alley, W.M., and Konikow, L.F., 2015, Bringing GRACE down to earth: Groundwater, v. 53, no. 6, p.826.
Amidon, W.H., and Clark, A.C., 2015, Interaction of outburst floods with basaltic aquifers on the Snake River Plain: implications for Martian canyons: Geological Society of America Bulletin,v. 127, no. 5-6, p.688-701.
Andrews, J.T., Bjork, A.A., Eberl, D.D., Jennings, A.E., and Verplanck, E.P., 2015, Significant differences in late Quaternary bedrock erosion and transport: East versus West Greenland∼ 70° N–evidence from the mineralogy of offshore glacial marine sediments:Journal of Quaternary Science,v. 30, no. 5, p.452-463.
Bacon, C.R., Dusel-Bacon, Cynthia, Aleinikoff, J.N., and Slack, J.F., 2015, The Late Cretaceous Middle Fork caldera, its resurgent intrusion, and enduring landscape stability in east-central Alaska:Geosphere,v. 11, no. 1, p.202.
Ballachey, B.E.,Bodkin, J.L., Kloecker, K.A., Dean, T.A., and Coletti, H.A., 2015, Monitoring for evaluation of recovery and restoration of injured nearshore resources, Exxon Valdez Oil Spill ii:Restoration Project Final Report (Restoration Project 10100750), U.S. Geological Survey, Alaska Science Center, Anchorage, Alaska,v. 3, p.7.
Ballachey, B.E. and Bodkin, J.L., 2014, Challenges to sea otter recovery and conservation:Sea Otter Conservation, p.63-96.
Ballachey, B.E.,Bodkin, J.L.,Kloecker, K.A., Dean, T.A., Coletti, H.A., and Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council, 2015,Monitoring for evaluation of recovery and restoration of injured nearshorerResources, Anchorage, Alaska: EVOS Trustee Council.
Bargar, T.A., Alvarez, D.A., and Garrison, V.H., 2015, Synthetic ultraviolet light filtering chemical contamination of coastal waters of Virgin Islands National Park, St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands:Marine Pollution Bulletin,v. 101, no. 1, p.193-199.
Barron, J.A., Stickley, C.E., and Bukry, David, 2015, Paleoceanographic and paleoclimatic constraints on the global Eocene diatom and silicoflagellate record: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 422, p. 85–100.
Belleveau, L.J., Takekawa, J.Y., Woo, Isa, Turner, K.L., Barham, J.B., Takekawa, J.E., Ellings, C.S., and Chin-Leo, Gerardo, 2015, Vegetation community response to tidal marsh restoration of a large river estuary: Northwest Science,v. 89, no. 2, p.136-147.
Bennett, S.E., Oskin, M.E., Dorsey, R.J., Iriondo, Alexander, and Kunk, M.J., 2015, Stratigraphy and structural development of the southwest Isla Tiburón marine basin: implications for latest Miocene tectonic opening and flooding of the northern Gulf of California:Geosphere, p.GES01153-1.
Bermúdez-Lugo, Omayra, Menzie, W.D., Long, A.J., Wentworth, C.M., Jachens, R.C., Williams, R.A., Tinsley III, J.C., Hanson, R.T., Wright, C.W., Klipp, E.S., and Kranenburg, C.J., 2015,The Ebola virus disease outbreak and the mineral sectors of Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone:U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet No. 2015-3033.
Birdwell, J.E., Mercier, T.J., Johnson, R.C., and Brownfield, M.E., 2015,In-place oil shale resources of the Mahogany zone sorted by grade, overburden thickness and stripping ratio, Green River Formation, Piceance Basin, Colorado and Uinta Basin, Utah:U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet No. 2015-3005.
Bishop, C.M., Spivey, R.J., Hawkes, L.A., Batbayar, N., Chua, B., Frappell, P.B., Milsom, W.K., Natsagdorj, T., Newman, S.H., Scott, G.R., and Takekawa, J.Y., 2015, The roller coaster flight strategy of bar-headed geese conserves energy during Himalayan migrations:Science,v. 347, no. 6219, p.250-254.
Bodkin, J.L., 2015, Historic and contemporary satus of sea otters in the North Pacific:Sea Otter Conservation, p.43-61.
Bodkin, J.L., and Larson, S.E., 2015, The conservation of sea otters: a prelude: Sea otter conservaton, p. 1-17.
Booth, D.B., Troost, K.G., and Tabor, R.W., 2015,Geologic map of the Vashon 7.5'quadrangle and selected areas, King County, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map No. 3328.
Borcherdt, R.D., 2015,NGA-West 2 GMPE average site coefficients for use in earthquake-resistant design:U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report No. 2015-1116.
Bowen, Lizabeth, Miles, A.K., Kolden, C.A., Saarinen, J.A., Bodkin, J.L., Murray, M.J., and Tinker, M.T., 2015, Effects of wildfire on sea otter (Enhydra lutris) gene transcript profiles:Marine Mammal Science,v. 31, 1, p.191-210.
Bowen, Z.H., Oelsner, G.P., Cade, B.S., Gallegos, T.J., Farag, A.M., Mott, D.N., Potter, C.J., Cinotto, P.J., Clark, M.L., Kappel, W.M., and Kresse, T.M., 2015, Assessment of surface water chloride and conductivity trends in areas of unconventional oil and gas development—why existing national data sets cannot tell us what we would like to know:Water Resources Research,v. 51, no. 1, p.704-715.
Bradley, D.C., 2015, Mineral evolution and Earth history:American Mineralogist,v. 100, no. 1, p.4-5.
Bradley, D.C., O'Sullivan, Paul, and Bradley, L.M., 2015, Detrital zircons from modern sands in New England and the timing of Neoproterozoic to Mesozoic Magmatism: American Journal of Science,v. 315, no. 5, p.460-485.
Breyer, K.E., Getchell, R.G., Cornwell, E.R., Wooster, G.A., Ketola, H.G., and Bowser, P.R., 2015, Efficacy of an extract from garlic, Allium sativum, against infection with the Furunculosis bacterium, Aeromonas salmonicida, in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss:Journal of the World Aquaculture Society,v. 46, no. 3, p.273-282.
Brezinski, D.K., and Cecil, C.B., 2015, Late Devonian climatic change and resultant glacigenic facies of western Maryland:Field Guides,v. 40, p.85-108.
Bridge, E.S., Kelly, J.F., Xiao, Xiangming, Batbayar, Nyambayar, Natsagdorj, Tseveenmyadag, Hill, N.J., Takekawa, J.Y., Hawkes, L.A., Bishop, C.M., Butler, P.J., and Newman, S.H., 2015, Stable isotopes suggest low site fidelity in Bar-Headed Geese (Anser indicus) in Mongolia: implications for disease transmission:Waterbirds,v. 38, no. 2, p.123-132.
Brownfield, M.E., Schenk, C.J., Charpentier, R.R., Klett, T.R., Pitman, J.K., Tennyson, M.E., Gaswirth, S.B., Mercier, T.J., Le, P.A., and Leathers, H.M., 2015,Assessment of undiscovered conventional and continuous oil and gas resources of the Baltic Depression Province, 2014:U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet No. 2015-3015.
Bui, T.V.D., Takekawa, J.Y., Overton, C.T., Schultz, E.R., Hull, J.M., and Casazza, M.L., 2015, Movements of radio-marked California Ridgway's Rails during monitoring surveys: implications for population monitoring: Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management, v. 6, no. 1, p. 227-237..
Bullen, Thomas, and Chadwick, Oliver, 2015, Evidence for nutrient biolifting in Hawaiian climosequence soils as revealed by alkaline earth metal stable isotope systematics:Procedia Earth and Planetary Science,v. 13, p.312-315.
Bunnell, D.B., Davis, B.M., Chriscinske, M.A., Keeler, K.M., and Mychek-Londer, J.G., 2015, Diet shifts by planktivorous and benthivorous fishes in northern Lake Michigan in response to ecosystem changes:Journal of Great Lakes Research,v. 41, p.161-171.
Bury, R.B., Wehr, J.D., Bury, G.W., Baggett, C.L., and Doten, Kali, 2015, High incidence of filamentous algae on western pond turtles, Actinemys marmorata, in the Willamette Valley, Oregon:Northwestern Naturalist,v. 96, no. 2, p.150-153.
Byappanahalli, M.N., Nevers, M.B., Whitman, R.L., Ge, Zhongfu, Shively, Dawn, Spoljaric, Ashley, and Przybyla-Kelly, Katarzyna, 2015, Wildlife, urban inputs, and landscape configuration are responsible for degraded swimming water quality at an embayed beach:Journal of Great Lakes Research,v. 41, no. 1, p.156-163.
Byappanahalli, M.N., Nevers, M.B., Whitman, R.L., and Ishii, Satoshi, 2015, Application of a microfluidic quantitative polymerase chain reaction technique to monitor bacterial pathogens in beach water and complex environmental matrices:Environmental Science & Technology Letters, v. 2, no. 12, p. 347-351.
Campbell, K.M., Gallegos, T.J., and Landa, E.R., 2015, Biogeochemical aspects of uranium mineralization, mining, milling, and remediation:Applied Geochemistry,v. 57, p.206-235.
Camp, V.E., Pierce, K.L., and Morgan, L.A., 2015, Yellowstone plume trigger for Basin and Range extension, and coeval emplacement of the Nevada–Columbia Basin magmatic belt:Geosphere,v. 11, no. 2, p.203-225.
Carrara, P.E., and McGeehin, J.P., 2015, Evidence of a higher late-Holocene treeline along the Continental Divide in central Colorado:The Holocene, v. 25, no. 11, p.1829-1837.
Carr, M.H., 2015, Roving across Mars: searching for evidence of former habitable environments: Elements Magazine.
Casazza, M.L., Ricca, M.A., Overton, C.T., Takekawa, J.Y., Merritt, A.M., and Ackerman, J.T., 2014, Dietary mercury exposure to endangered California Clapper Rails in San Francisco Bay:Marine Pollution Bulletin, v. 86, no. 1, p.254-260.
Cecil, C.B., 2015, Paleoclimate and the origin of Paleozoic chert: time to re-examine the origins of chert in the rock record: The Sedimentary Record, August.
Chandler, R.B., Muths, Eris, Sigafus, B.H., Schwalbe, C.R., Jarchow, C.J., and Hossack, B.R., 2015, Spatial occupancy models for predicting metapopulation dynamics and viability following reintroduction:Journal of Applied Ecology,v. 52, no. 5, p.1325-1333.
Chapelle, F.H., Kauffman, L.J., and Widdowson, M.A., 2015, Modeling long‐term trends of chlorinated ethene contamination at a public supply well: JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association,v. 51, no. 1, p.1-13.
Chen, Zhengquan, Wei, Haiquan, Liu, Yongshun, Tilling, R.I., Xu, Jiandong, Wu, Chengzhi, and Nie, Baofeng, 2015, A historical pyroclastic flow emplaced within a pre-existing Pleistocene lava tube: Silidong, Tianchi Volcano, Changbaishan, northeastern China:Bulletin of Volcanology,v. 77, no. 6, p.1-11.
Chiou, C.T., Cheng, Jianzhong, Hung, W.N., Chen, Baoliang, and Lin, T.F., 2015, Resolution of adsorption and partition components of organic compounds on black carbons:Environmental science & Technology,v. 49, no. 15, p.9116-9123.
Chun, C.L., Kahn, C.I., Borchert, A.J., Byappanahalli, M.N., Whitman, R.L., Peller, Julie, Pier, Christina, Lin, Guangyun, Johnson, E.A., and Sadowsky, M.J., 2015, Prevalence of toxin-producing Clostridium botulinum associated with the macroalga Cladophora in three Great Lakes: growth and management: Science of the Total Environment,v. 511, p.523-529.
Claggett, P.R., Hearn, P.P., and Donato, D.I., 2015,Historic and forecasted population and land-cover change in eastern North Carolina, 1992-2030:U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report No. 2014-1125.
Coates, P.S., Brussee, B.E., Hothem, R.L., Howe, K.H., Casazza, M.L., and Eadie, J.M., 2015, The effects of heterospecifics and climatic conditions on incubation behavior within a mixed‐species colony:Journal of Avian Biology.
Cobourn, K.M., Landa, E.R., and Wagner, G.E., Teaching Notes for Of Silt and Ancient Voices: Water and the Zuni Land & People.
Conaway, C.H., Thomas, Burt, Saad, Nabil, Thordsen, J.J., and Kharaka, Y.K., 2015, Carbon isotope analysis of dissolved organic carbon in fresh and saline (NaCl) water via continuous flow cavity ring-down spectroscopy following wet chemical oxidation:Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies,v. 51, no. 2, p.344-358.
Converse, P.E., Kuchta, S.R., Roosenburg, W.M., Henry, P.F., Haramis, G.M., and King, T.L., 2015, Spatiotemporal analysis of gene flow in Chesapeake Bay Diamondback Terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin):Molecular ecology,v. 24, no. 23, p.5864-5876.
Dean, W.E., Kennett, J.P., Behl, R.J., Nicholson, Craig, and Sorlien, C.C., 2015, Abrupt termination of Marine Isotope Stage 16 (Termination VII) at 631.5 ka in Santa Barbara Basin, California:Paleoceanography,v. 30, no. 10, p.1373-1390.
DeGraff, J.V., Cannon, S.H., and Gartner, J.E., 2015, The timing of susceptibility to post-fire debris flows in the western United States: Environmental & Engineering Geoscience,v. 21, no. 4, p.277-292.
De la Cruz-Reyna, Servando, and Tilling, R.I., 2015a, Risk management of El Chichón and Tacaná volcanoes: lessons learned from past volcanic crises: InActive volcanoes of Chiapas (Mexico): El Chichón and Tacaná.Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p. 155-174.
De la Cruz-Reyna, Servando, and Tilling, R.I., 2015b, Volcanic crises: InActive volcanoes of Chiapas (Mexico): El Chichón and Tacaná.Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p. 155.
Derksen, D.V., Petersen, M.R., and Savard, J.P.L., 2015, Habitats of North American sea ducks, In Studies in Avian Biology, CRC Press, p. 469-528.
Di Giacomo, Domenico, Harris, James, Villaseñor, Antonio, Storchak, D.A., Engdahl, E.R., Lee, W.H., and Team, D.E., 2015, ISC-GEM: Global Instrumental Earthquake Catalogue (1900–2009), I. Data collection from early instrumental seismological bulletins:Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors,v. 239, p.14-24.
Drake II, R.M., Hatch, J.R., Schenk, C.J., Charpentier, R.R., Klett, T.R., Le, P.A., Leathers, H.M., Brownfield, M.E., Gaswirth, S.B., Marra, K.R., and Pitman, J.K., 2015,Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources in the Cherokee Platform Province area of Kansas, Oklahoma, and Missouri: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet No. 2015-3054.
Drenth, B.J., Anderson, R.R., Schulz, K.J., Feinberg, J.M., Chandler, V.W., and Cannon, W.F., 2015, What lies beneath: geophysical mapping of a concealed Precambrian intrusive complex along the Iowa–Minnesota border:Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 52, no. 5, p. 279-293..
Dura, Tina, Cisternas, Marco, Horton, B.P., Ely, L.L., Nelson, A.R., Wesson, R.L., and Pilarczyk, J.E., 2015, Coastal evidence for Holocene subduction-zone earthquakes and tsunamis in central Chile:Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 113, p.93-111.
Dusel-Bacon, Cynthia, Aleinikoff, J.N., Day, W.C., and Mortensen, J.K., 2015, Mesozoic magmatism and timing of epigenetic Pb-Zn-Ag mineralization in the western Fortymile mining district, east-central Alaska: zircon U-Pb geochronology, whole-rock geochemistry, and Pb isotopes:Geosphere, p.GES01092-1.
Duxbury, Jane, Bierman, P.R., Portenga, E.W., Pavich, M.J., Southworth, Scott, and Freeman, S.P., 2015, Erosion rates in and around Shenandoah National Park, Virginia, determined using analysis of cosmogenic 10Be:American Journal of Science,v. 315, no. 1, p.46-76.
Eakle, W.L., Bond, Laura, Fuller, M.R., Fischer, R.A., and Steenhof, Karen, 2015, Wintering Bald Eagle count trends in the conterminous United States, 1986-2010:The Journal of Raptor Research,v. 49, no. 3, p.259-268.
Edwards, B.D., Phillips, E.L., Dartnell, Peter, Greene, H.G., Bretz, C.K., Kvitek, R.G., Hartwell, S.R., Johnson, S.Y., Cochrane, G.R., Dieter, B.E., and Sliter, R.W., 2015,California State Waters Map Series: offshore of Pacifica, California: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report No. 2014-1260.
Eoff, J.D., Biewick, L.R.,Brownfield, M.E., Burke, Lauri, Charpentier, R.R., Dubiel, R.F., Gaswirth, S.B., Gianoutsos, N.J., Kinney, S.A., Klett, T.R., and Leathers, H.M., 2015,Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources in sandstone reservoirs of the Cotton Valley Group, U.S. Gulf Coast, 2015:U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet No. 2015-3050.
Eppinger, R.G., Giles, S.A., and Klein, T.L., 2015,Geochemical maps of stream sediments in central Colorado, from New Mexico to Wyoming:U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report No. 2015-1025.
Ewing, S.A., Paces, J.B., O’Donnell, J.A., Jorgenson, M.T., Kanevskiy, M.Z., Aiken, G.R., Shur, Y., Harden, J.W., and Striegl, R., 2015, Uranium isotopes and dissolved organic carbon in loess permafrost: modeling the age of ancient ice:Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta,v. 152, p.143-165.
Fellers, G.M., and Halstead, B.J., 2015, Twenty-five years of monitoring a Townsend's Big-Eared Bat (Corynorhinus townsendii) maternity roost: Northwestern Naturalist,v. 96, no. 1, p.22-36.
Fellers, G.M., Kleeman, P.M., and Miller, D.A., 2015, Wetland occupancy of pond-breeding amphibians in Yosemite National Park, USA:Journal of North American Herpetology,v. 2015, no. 1, p.22-33.
Franson,J.C., Friend,Milton,Gibbs, S.E.J., andWild, M.A.J. (Eds.), 2015,Field manual of wildlife diseases:U.S.Geological Survery Techniques and Methods, no. 15.
Fleck, R.J., du Bray, E.A., John, D.A., Vikre, P.G., Cosca, M.A., Snee, L.W., and Box, S.E., 2015,Geochronology of Cenozoic rocks in the Bodie Hills, California and Nevada:U.S. Geological Survey Data Series No. 916.
Fortier, S.M., DeYoung Jr, J.H., Sangine, E.S., and Schnebele, E.K., 2015,Comparison of U.S. net import reliance for nonfuel mineral commodities—a 60-year retrospective (1954–1984–2014):U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet No. 2015-3082.
Foulger, G.R., Christiansen, R.L., and Anderson, D.L., 2015, The Yellowstone “hot spot” track results from migrating basin-range extension:Geological Society of America Special Papers,v. 514, p. SPE514-14.
Friedman, J.M., Vincent, K.R., Griffin, E.R., Scott, M.L., Shafroth, P.B., and Auble, G.T., 2015, Processes of arroyo filling in northern New Mexico, USA: Geological Society of America Bulletin,v. 127, no. 3-4, p.621-640.
Friend, Milton, 2015a, Information resources: U.S. Geological SurveyTechniques and Methods 15-C9.
Friend, Milton, 2015b, Introduction: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods 15-A1.
Fuis, G.S., Haeussler, P.J., and Atwater, B.F., 2015, A tribute to George Plafker:Quaternary Science Reviews,v. 113, p.3-7.
Gallegos, T.J., Campbell, K.M., Zielinski, R.A., Reimus, P.W., Clay, J.T., Janot, N., Bargar, J.R., and Benzel, W.M., 2015, Persistent U (IV) and U (VI) following in-situ recovery (ISR) mining of a sandstone uranium deposit, Wyoming, USA:Applied Geochemistry,v. 63, p.222-234.
Ganong, C.N., Small, G.E., Ardón, Marcelo, McDowell, W.H., Genereux, D.P., Duff, J.H., and Pringle, C.M., 2015, Interbasin flow of geothermally modified ground water stabilizes stream exports of biologically important solutes against variation in precipitation:Freshwater Science,v. 34, no. 1, p.276-286.
Gonzalez, Silvia, Huddart, David, Israde-Alcántara, Isabel, Domínguez-Vázquez, Gabriela, Bischoff, James, and Felstead, Nicholas, 2015, Paleoindian sites from the Basin of Mexico: evidence from stratigraphy, tephrochronology and dating: Quaternary International,v. 363, p.4-19.
Grams, P.E., Schmidt, J.C., Wright, S.A., Topping, David, Melis, T.S., and Rubin, D.M., 2015, Building sandbars in the Grand Canyon:EOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union,v. 96, p.1-11.
Graya, J.E., Van Metreb, P.C., Pribila, M.J., and Horowitz, A.J., 2015, Corrigendum to “Tracing historical trends of Hg in the Mississippi River using Hg concentrations and Hg isotopic compositions in a lake sediment core”[CHEMGE 17429 (2015) Vol/Iss–CHEMGE 395C 80–87]:Chemical Geology,v. 404, p.183.
Gray, J.E., Van Metre, P.C., Pribil, M.J., and Horowitz, A.J., 2015, Tracing historical trends of Hg in the Mississippi River using Hg concentrations and Hg isotopic compositions in a lake sediment core, Lake Whittington, Mississippi, USA:Chemical Geology, v.395, p.80-87.
Gray, J. R., 2015, History of the Federal Interagency Sedimentation Project, Part V.”
Griffith, E.M., Fantle, M.S., Eisenhauer, Anton, Paytan, Adina, and Bullen, T.D., 2015, Effects of ocean acidification on the marine calcium isotope record at the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum:Earth and Planetary Science Letters,v. 419, p.81-92.
Grimstead, D.N., Buck, S.M., Vierra, B.J., and Benson, L.V., 2015, Another possible source of archeological maize found in Chaco Canyon, NM: The Tohatchi Flats area, NM, USA:Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, v. 3, p.181-187.
Gundersen, L.C., and Townsend, Randy, 2015, Formulating the American Geophysical Union’s scientific integrity and professional ethics policy: challenges and lessons learned: In Wyss, M., and Peppoloni, Sylvia, Geoethics: ethical challenges and case studies in earth sciences: p.83-94, Elsevier.
Haider, Rizwan, Ghauri, M.A., Jones, E.J., Orem, W.H., and SanFilipo, J.R., 2015, Structural degradation of Thar lignite using MW1 fungal isolate: optimization studies:International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation,v. 100, p.149-154.
Haxel, G.B., Jacobson, C.E., and Wittke, J.H., 2015, Mantle peridotite in newly discovered far-inland subduction complex, southwest Arizona: initial report:International Geology Review,v. 57, no. 5-8, p.871-892.
Hayes, T.S., Cox, D.P., Bliss, J.D., Piatak, N.M., and Seal II, R.R., 2015, Sediment-hosted stratabound copper deposit model: Chapeter M in Mineral deposit model for resource assessment: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2010-5070-M, 147 p.
Hill, M.C., Kavetski, Dmitri, Clark, Martyn, Ye, Ming, Arabi, Mazdak, Lu, Dan, Foglia, Laura, and Mehl, Steffen, 2015, Practical use of computationally frugal model analysis methods:Groundwater.
Hino, Ryota, Tsuji, Takeshi, Bangs, N.L., Sanada, Yoshinori, Park, J.O., von Huene, Roland, Moore, G.F., Araki, Eiichiro, and Kinoshita, M., 2015, Q P structure of the accretionary wedge in the Kumano Basin, Nankai Trough, Japan, revealed by long-offset walk-away VSP:Earth, Planets and Space,v. 67, no. 1, p.1-10.
Holzer, T.L.,Noce, T.E., and Bennett, M.J., 2015, Strong ground motion inferred from liquefaction caused by the 1811–1812 New Madrid, Missouri, earthquakes:Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America,v. 105, no. 5, p.2589-2603.
Horowitz, A.J., Clarke, R.T., and Merten, G.H., 2015, The effects of sample scheduling and sample numbers on estimates of the annual fluxes of suspended sediment in fluvial systems:Hydrological Processes,v. 29, no. 4, p.531-543.
Hossack, B.R., Gould, W.R., Patla, D.A., Muths, Erin, Daley, Rob, Legg, Kristin, and Corn, P.S., 2015, Trends in Rocky Mountain amphibians and the role of beaver as a keystone species:Biological Conservation,v. 187, p.260-269.
Hossack, B.R., Gould, W.R., Patla, D.A., Muths, E.L., Daley, Rob, Legg, Kristin, and Corn, P.S., 2015, Amphibians on the U.S. Continental Divide: status, trends, and the influence of beaver on occupancy dynamics in four national parks:Biological Conservation,v. 187, p. 260-269.
Hothem, R.L., May, J.T., Gibson, J.K., and Brussee, B.E., 2015,Concentrations of metals and trace elements in aquatic biota associated with abandoned mine lands in the Whiskeytown National Recreation Area and nearby Clear Creek watershed, Shasta County, northwestern California, 2002-2003:U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report No. 2015-1077.
Howard, K.A., House, P.K., Dorsey, R.J., Pearthree, P.A., 2015,River-evolution and tectonic implications of a major Pliocene aggradation on the lower Colorado River: The Bullhead Alluvium:Geosphere, v. 11, p. 1–30.
Hu, Haiyan, Zhang, Tongwei., Wiggins-Camacho, J.D., Ellis, G.S., Lewan, M.D., and Zhang, Xiaolong, 2015, Experimental investigation of changes in methane adsorption of bitumen-free Woodford Shale with thermal maturation induced by hydrous pyrolysis:Marine and Petroleum Geology,v. 59, p.114-128.
Jacobson, R.B., Parsley, M.J., Annis, M.L., Colvin, M.E., Welker, T.L.,and James, D.A., 2015,Development of conceptual ecological models linking management of the Missouri River to pallid sturgeon population dynamics: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report No. 2015-1038.
John, D.A., du Bray, E.A., Box, S.E., Vikre, P.G., Rytuba, J.J.,Fleck, R.J., and Moring, B.C., 2015,Geologic map of the Bodie Hills, California and Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map No. 3318.