Stockade Association Board Meeting Minutes

March 1, 2017

St. George’s Church, North Ferry Street

Members Present: Carol DeLaMarter, Keith Dayer, Dianne Crozier, Bob Lemmerman, Sean Philpott-Jones, Colleen Macaulay, Peter Rumora, Kevin Grace, Bob Stern

Members Not Present: Suzy Unger, Tamie Fowler

Non-Members Present: Gloria Kishton

The meeting was called to order at 7:25 p.m.

Approval of the Agenda: The agenda was approved without change.

Minutes: Sean Philpott-Jones moved to have the minutes of the February 1, 2017 board meeting as printed in the March Stockade Spy approved as written. Keith Dayer seconded that motion which was then approved by acclamation.

Treasurer’s Report: A Treasurer’s report was presented by Bob Lemmerman. That report was emailed in advance to the board.

President’s Report: Carol DeLaMarter reported that she made a formal request to Schenectady County for $1,800 for support of the audio tour. For the past several years, the County has given the Association $1,000 each year for this Association sponsored initiative. She stated that the increased amount requested was due to the fact that 7 new stops were added to the tour. Also the tour is featured at the new Marriot Hotel.

Carol DeLaMarter reminded the board that the March General Membership Meeting will be held on March 16 at the Schenectady County Historical Society. Ray Gillen of Metroplex will be the featured speaker. Colleen Macaulay volunteered to provide soda bread as refreshment. Sean Philpott-Jones volunteered to facilitate the Metroplex portion of the meeting.

The May General Membership Meeting will be at the YWCA. Colleen Macaulay will invite Schenectady Police Chief Eric Clifford, and various Police Officers who regularly patrol the Stockade to attend the May meeting.

Carol DeLaMarter said that some residents in the Stockade thought the article in the March Spy concerning the new Casino painted a picture that was “too rosy”. She stated that we may need to address traffic and parking issues related to the Casino either in a future Spy or via some other forum. Sean Philpott-Jones suggested that we obtain crime statistics for time periods before and after the opening of the casino. Carol DeLaMarter noted that there was a significant amount of litter near the casino.

Ad hoc workgroup/Committees

Website and social media review and work plan

Sean Philpott-Jones handed out a document that he and Bob Stern prepared that provided an outline of steps that should be taken by the Association to more effectively present itself in its website and using social media. A scan of that document is attached to these minutes.

Facebook: A Facebook moderator (Administrator) and backup moderator will need to be designated. New content relevant to the Stockade should be added frequently (several times per week). Any existing Stockade Association Facebook pages should be consolidated. Sean volunteered to be the Facebook administrator for the Association.

Twitter: Sean recommends that we not use Twitter at this time. Bob mentioned that we have actually used Twitter and had approximately 40 followers.

Instagram: Sean stated that we might want to utilize Instagram as a means of consolidating the many Stockade related photos that are shared on various social media platforms. This may even have fundraising potential.

YouTube: Sean suggested that the Association might consider establishing a YouTube channel.

SA website: The Association needs to define the mission of the website. The committee will look at the statistics available for visits to our website. Sean asked that the website be a topic at the next general membership meeting.

Further reports from this committee will be provided to the board as their work continues.

Ad hoc-Priority projects for Stockade investment:

A committee consisting of Bob Lemmerman (chair), Suzy Unger, Glenn Houston, Carol DeLaMarter, Kevin Grace and Richard White-Smith was established to consider priority projects that the Association might consider funding. A report from the one meeting of that committee was provided to the board. The committee will meet again and begin the process of providing actual costs for some of the recommendations that were made. The committee will report on their efforts at the next board meeting.

Standing Committee Reports


The monthly Spy meeting to decide on content for the next issue will be held at Arthur’s at 10:00 on Saturday March 4.

Infrastructure Maintenance:

Keith Dayer reported that Fred Breglia of Landis Arboretum will make a presentation at a special event meeting at 7:00 at the St. George’s Great Hall on April 27. Fred is the person who was hired to evaluate trees on Front Street and parts of other Stockade streets.

Keith Dayer reported that he communicated with Floyd Slater, acting director of solid waste in the city concerning the procurement of trashcans in the Stockade. The Association can save money if it purchases trashcans through the city. This is an already budgeted Association project. We will be able to purchase 2 and possibly 3 trashcans with the money that has been budgeted. There was some discussion of where cans should be located. A Stockade logo can be placed attached to these trashcans.


No separate finance committee report was provided other than the report on priority projects for Stockade investment (see above).


Kevin Grace and Colleen Macaulay reported on the Pancake Breakfast that was held on Sunday, February 26 at the Civic Players building. At that event $275 was collected by the Association. Since this event was a Civic Players fundraiser, the $275 will be turned over to the Civic Players. Colleen suggested that the Association donate $125 to the Civic Players, which will “round-up” the $275 to $400. Sean Philpott-Jones moved that the Association donate $125 to the Civic Players for this purpose. Keith Dayer seconded the motion, which was passed by acclimation.

Beautification Committee:

No report

Historic Preservation and Zoning:

No report.

Committee on Safety:

Colleen Macaulay stated that the committee on Safety will meet on the first Tuesday of the Month.

Nominating Committee:

The following Association board members have board seats that expire in May 2017: Carol DeLaMarter, Bob Lemmerman, Sean Philpott-Jones, Keith Dayer, Dianne Crozier. Dianne Crozier asked for verbal confirmation form these board members concerning their willingness to serve for one more term. All of these individuals confirmed that they would be willing to serve another term starting in May of 2017.

Event Planning Template

Colleen Macaulay talked about her efforts to develop an event planning checklist that can be used to plan future stockade events such as the Walkabout or the recent massacre remembrance event. The checklist might be able to be tested for the next sidewalk sale (see below).

Old Business

Under the Old Business section of the agenda, Keith reported action on new trash cans (see above). No other Old Business items were discussed.

New Business:

Sidewalk Sale:

Peter Rumora suggested that the Association support a sidewalk sale in 2017. Keith Dayer moved that the Association support a sidewalk sale in 2017. Peter Rumora seconded the movement which was approved by acclimation.

Meeting adjourned at 9:40 pm

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