Summer Youth Employment and Training Program

Work Based Learning Project Outline

Project Liaison:
Project Location:
Telephone: / Extension:
Estimated number of youth needed to complete the project:
  1. Project Goals:List and describe the products and/or service outcomes of the project. including detailed requirements or specifications:

  1. Description of Project: Provide a general description of the work that will need to be performed. Explain if they youth will be responsible for completing one or more parts of a larger project, or if their project is a stand-alone activity.

Please note plans for inclement weather:
  1. Expectations and Accountability:

Describe what you will expectof the youth and how theirprogress will be measured:
Describe the skills you believe the Project Supervisor will need and feel free to suggest anyone you think could handle the job:
Indicate the estimated time schedule for your project.Include the number of hours per week and the total number of weeks you want the youth to work:
It is the responsibility of the Agency to provide all of the tools, materials and supplies that will be needed to complete the project. Please provide a list of these items:
  1. Employment Training and Career Exploration: One of the SYETP goals is to provide youth with opportunities’ which will enhance their occupational and academic skills. In the following section, please list specific training, both formal and informal, the youth will receive. In addition, please estimate the allotted time anticipated for training and skill building activities. Some examples of training and skill building activities may be: First Aid, Customer Service, software related training, team building skills, safety, budgeting etc.)

How will this experience connect youth to local employers? What local businesses, individuals or consultants will be brought into the project? (Field trips, guest speakers, job shadowing, technical consultants, mentors, or continued collaboration with experienced professionals.)
Explain the various careers youth will be exposed to through this project:
  1. Description of Youth's Roles in the Project:What roles will the youth have in determining the process and progress of the project:

What types of activities will the youth be engaged in:
What will be the specific learning objectives for the youth?
The SYETP program will be assigning youth to the project. Provide recommendations on we can determine which youth would be appropriate for this project? List particular skill requirements for the position.
  1. Evaluation of the Project:

Describe what measurable outcomes can be achieved:
Who will assess the project outcomes, and what defines a quality job:
  1. Completion Ceremony:

If there is to be a completion ceremony for the project participants, describe the details of it:
Will there include a presentation of the completed project, if so describe the details:
  1. Additional Comments:

Worksite Administrator Signature / Date
Interoffice Use Only:
SYETP, Director / Date
Columbia-Greene Workforce New YorkComments: