Madison’s Central Business Improvement District (BID)
Thursday, December 7, 2006
BID Offices, Board Room, 615 East Washington Ave., 2nd floor
PRESENT: Larry Lichte, Pat McGowan, Mario Mendoza, Maria Milsted, Stacy Nemeth, Rick Petri,Hawk Schenkel, Ald. Mike Verveer
STAFF: Mary Carbine, Mitch Freund, Susan Schmitz (DMI)
GUESTS:Chuck Kamp (Madison Metro Director), Jessica Pavlic (Student BOD Nominee), Joel Plant (City of Madison Alcohol Policy Coordinator)
ABSENT:Tom Beach, Michael Goldberg, Lori Kay,Kristine Fauerbach, Sue Krug, Brian Mullins, Gregg Mulry, Mary Lang Sollinger
I.Call to Order
Stacy Nemeth, BID Board Chair, called the meeting to order at 12:13pm.
II.Approval of Minutes
Quorum was not met; therefore, the November BID BOD minutes could be approved. They will be voted on at the next BID BOD meeting with quorum.
III. Public Comment
Mario Mendoza, Assistant to the Mayor, introduced the newly appointed Madison Metro Director, Chuck Kamp. Mr. Kamp has ten years experience working with WashingtonD.C.’s Metro system and is interested in creating regional Metro transportation.
Mary Carbine, BID Executive Director, introduced Jessica Pavlic to the board. She is a UW student majoring in Economics applying for a seat on the BID board as the ASM representative.
IV.Chair’s Report
A.Nominations Update
Stacy Nemeth reported that the three (3) At-Large Seats to the BID Board was changed to two (2) At-Large Seats by Alderman Michael Verveer, and approved at the December 5 Common Council Meeting. The nominee names were sent to the Mayor’s office for approval on December 6. The Mayor will interview nominees through December 14. The nominees’ paperwork needs to be filed with the City of Madison by December 26. New board members, with Mayoral approval, will be introduced to the current BID board at the January BID Board Meeting and to Common Council for approval, January 16, 2007. Quorum must be met at the January BID Board Meeting in order to vote on current nominees.
Nemeth then reported the list of nominees for currently open and expiring BID Board seats: Kelly Meuer (State Street Brats), John Hutchinson (Fontana Sports), Kami Eshragi (Kimia Lounge), Linda Baldwin (Isthmus; as King Street Association Representative), Jack Garver (The Fanny Garver Gallery), Traci Miller (L’Etoile), and Rick Petri (continuation as DMI representative).
B. 2007 BID-DMI Administration Contract
Due to quorum not being met, the board could not vote on the changed contract. The issue will be discussed at the January BID BOD Meeting.
V.BID Budget
1.2006 Budget Status
Mary Carbine, BID Executive Director, informed everyone of the current status of the 2006 BID Budget.
2.2007 Budget
Due to changes in expenses, Carbine explained the 2007 BID Planting and Floral Program. A meeting was held between all involved parties, including City Planning, Mall Maintenance, BID staff, the Rettler Corporation, and Ken Saiki Design. After this meeting, all parties agreed that a comprehensive approach must be implemented in order to create a cohesive program. BID staff is working with the Rettler Corporation to create this cohesive program in regards to the hanging basket, the concrete planters, and the beds throughout the district. The projected budget will be an increase from the 2006 budget for this program.
Maria Milsted asked about the cost of the 2007 Downtown Madison Map & Guide. Carbine and Mitch Freund, BID Programming Coordinator, informed the board that advertising sell sheets have been sent to advertising renewals in the 2007 map.
Larry Lichte made note that the BID board members present accept the 2007 BID Budget as proposed. No vote was taken due to quorum not being met.
VI. Alcohol License Density Plan
Stacy Nemeth, BID BOD Chair, reminded everyone of the BID listening session at the MadisonSeniorCenter Wednesday, December 13 at 5:00pm. She encouraged everyone to attend. Nemeth then read responses to the proposed plan from BID Board members not present (Brian Mullins (opposed) and Mary Lang Solinger (undecided)), as well as Chuck Bauer from The Soap Opera (support with added measures) and DMI (undecided). Nemeth opened the floor for discussion.
Due to the undecided stance of DMI, Rick Petri brought up a possible conflict of interest as the DMI representative for the BID BOD and his strong personal feelings against the proposed plan. Everyone agreed that as long as he differentiated between his opinion and the stance of DMI, he could have his own viewpoint of the plan. It wasalso agreed that Petri would represent the BID Alcohol Density Subcommittee at the public meeting.
Other points of the discussion were the retail/restaurant/bar mix of the district, public opinion of the proposed plan, the stance of the entire BID, increased enforcement of current problems, a need to “slow down” the plan’s process, the over-serving of alcohol, Madison’s alcohol culture, and how would the City measure success of the plan.
VII.Halloween Report (Joel Plant, City of Madison Alcohol Policy Coordinator)
Joel Plant reported that debriefing for the Halloween event will take place in January.
VIII.Staff Reports
1. Mitch Freund, BID Programming Coordinator
a. 2007 Downtown Madison Map & Guide Advertising
Mitch Freund reported that sell sheets have been sent to advertising renewals for the 2007 map. Mary Carbine and Freundexplained to maximize the advertising space in the map to its fullest potential BID staff should market to businesses outside the BID. The floor was then opened for discussion.
Maria Milsted felt map ads should be from BID members only. Larry Lichte felt the cost of ads should be lowered to open opportunities for smaller businesses to advertise. Rick Petri felt “the BID is not an island;” therefore, we should market outside the BID, but to certain “partnering” businesses. After much discussion, it was agreed that BID staff should market advertising in the 2007 Downtown Madison Map & Guide to the following “BID Partner” types:
- Downtown real estate firms
- Condos just outside the BID (ex.: NolenShores)
- Hotels and accommodations
- UW Athletics (ex.: KohlCenter)
- Tourism businesses (ex.: Wis. Dept. of Tourism)
- Downtown construction firms (ex.: Daniels, Findorff)
- Businesses that appeal to map readership
IX. Downtown Dynamic Market Analysis Study Update
When the surveys are ready, Mary Carbine will send them to the BID BOD for editing. She then encouraged the BOD to pressure BID members to fill out the surveys.
X. New Business
None to report.
XI. City of Madison / Common Council update
Alderperson Michael Verveer reminded everyone that the Common Council recently approved two (2) At-Large seats added to the BID BOD and the City budget for 2007. He mentioned that all downtown amendments were withdrawn or voted down, and the mid-State Street parking ramp will continue to be focused on.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:48pm.