BAE Systems Hägglunds AB requires that the CECC form shall be filled in by the Supplier to inform of any export restrictions related to the procured goods.
The instructions below relate to the numbers on page 1.
1.Define the main item by type/part number etc as specified in the purchase order, contract or request for quotation. When details are applicable for multiple parts or items of the contract work, an enclosure page listing the Item Descriptions and Part Numbers may be used and referenced in this box.
2.Provide the full legal name of theSupplier.
3.Provide the full legal name of the Manufacturerif the Supplier is not the Manufacturer.
4.Export restrictions apply:Tick the box “Yes” or “No” whichever applicable. If you are not sure please comment on item 8.
USML Cat/ITAR Item; Other Military List Item; US DualUse item/EAR Item; Other Dual Use Item Tick the box applicable for the main item. Note that an item shall be ticked as Dual Use even if no license is required (NLR).
Dual Use Item:
Country of origin:State the name of the country where the item was originally produced.
Export Classification Number:Provide the Export Control Classification Number. Please note that a Dual Use item may have a Classification number despite it is not subject to export restrictions from the Supplier’scountry.
Licence exceptions: EU001, CIV, LVR etc. If no export restrictions apply, note NLR.
Defence item:
Country of origin:State the country where the item was originally produced.
Classification:Provide the classification as it appears on the national control list. For example USML/EU ML etc + number of that list.
Significant Military Equipment: Tick Yes or No.Only applicable for US content subject to the International Traffic in Arms Regulations(“ITAR”).
Major Defense Equipment: Tick Yes or No. Only applicable for US content subject to the ITAR.
5.Tick Yes or No,depending ifthe classification has been confirmed/approved by the relevant Authorities. If No is ticked, the Supplier is assumed to have made a self-assessment and will be held responsible for the classification and any non-compliance with applicable regulations, resulting from an inadequateself-assessment.
6.Should the main item includemilitary or Dual Use items from a third country, the Yes box shall to be ticked and page 2 be completed.All embedded items, including software shall be considered. The total fair market value of US EAR content shall be stated if the Yes box is ticked.
7.Taric, HTS or Schedule B are the customs code defining the product. It comprises 8 or 10 digits and will be required by the national customs when exported.
8.Any restriction imposed by authorities will have to be listed. If more space is needed, attach a separate page to which a reference is made in this box. Reference to a license, agreement (TAA, MLA, WDA etc) shall be noted here.
9. Contact details are required to enable contact with the authorized company official who has provided the details and signed the CECC.
Page 2
Table 1
If the main item contains embeddeddefence item(s) (ML, USML etc.) this table shall be filled in. Please use one row for each embedded defence item.
Table 2
If the main tem contain embedded Dual Use Item(s) (EU,US ECCNetc.) this table shall be filled in. Please use one row for each embedded item.
Manufacturer’s Part no. or identification: Identification of the embedded item to correspond to actual license.
Country of origin:State the country where the item was originally produced.
Supplier: Provide the name of the supplier from who the embedded item is procured.
Original manufacturer (OEM): Provide the name of the OEM of the embedded item.
Export Control Classification Number/Munitions list category: Provide the classification of the embedded item as it appears on the applicable export control list (ML, ITAR etc./ EU or US ECCN etc.).This information should originate from the supplier of the embedded item.
Number of items: Specify the number of embedded items in the main item.
EUC requirements: If and end user or end use certificate is required for the sub item state yes and provide the name of the country requesting the certificate.
Comments: Provide other relevant information such as references to a license or agreement (TAA, MLA, WDA etc).
If the space on the form is not sufficient please use one or more extra pages.