1.1.Parties and Consultants

1.2.Timing and Duration of Works

1.3.Site Access and Temporary Roads, Hard Standings etc.

1.4.Limitations of Working Space

1.5.Trespass and Nuisance

1.6.Inspection of the Site




1.10.Plant, Tools and Vehicles

1.11.Site Administration

1.12.Site Security and Temporary Fencing

1.13.Temporary Accommodation for Use by the Contractor

1.14.Safety, Health and Welfare of Work people

1.15.Maintenance of Roads etc.

1.16.Keeping Roads etc. Clean

1.17.Removing Rubbish etc. and Cleaning Works on Completion

1.18.Police Regulations

1.19.Control of Noise and Pollution

1.20.Planning Consent & other Statutory Approvals

1.21.The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015

1.22.Ground & Site Investigation


1.24.Failure of Tests

1.25.Contractor Responsibilities


1.27.Quality of Materials and Workmanship

1.28.Sanitary Accommodation

1.29.Site Location

1.30.Site Access

1.31.Design Criteria


2.1.Constructional and Performance Requirements

2.2.Detection of Roots during Excavation

2.3.Site Dimensions and Layout

2.4.Health and Safety




5.1.Court Extension to the East of the Block of Courts

5.2.Preparation of Existing Courts

5.3.Power supply, switchgear and other matters










1.1.Parties and Consultants

Employer: / The Royal Parks
Contact: / Ms Jane Pelly
Head of Landscape
The Royal Parks
The Old Police House
Hyde Park
W2 2UH
T: 0300 061 2000
Project Consultant: / Mr Bob Froud
MSc - Consultants Ltd
Unit 3, Greenwich Centre Business Park
53 Norman Road
SE10 9QF
T; 020 8293 6655
Fax 020 8269 0440
Contract Administrator: / Mr Steve Riley
Will To Win Tennis
The Regent’s Park Tennis Centre
The Regents Park
York Bridge
Inner Circle

1.2.Timing and Duration of Works

Works will commence on the 6thFebruary and finish on the 31stMarch, 2017.

1.3.Site Access and Temporary Roads, Hard Standings etc.

The Contractor shall allow for forming a suitable site access to allow the works to be undertaken during the agreed contract period. This shall include providing all temporary roads, hard standings, crossings and the like necessary for carrying out the whole of the Works. On completion of the works the Contractor shall remove any temporary haul roads and fully reinstate the access way.

1.4.Limitations of Working Space

The Contractor shall confine everything pertaining to the Contract within the area of the proposed works and surrounding areas. The Contractor’s operations are to be confined to the minimum area required to carry out the works, which shall be executed carefully so as to cause minimum nuisance and inconvenience to the users of adjoining facilities.

No storage of materials will be allowed on the adjoining roads or pavements.

1.5.Trespass and Nuisance

All reasonable means shall be used to avoid inconveniencing adjoining owners and occupiers. No persons employed on the works shall be allowed to trespass on adjoining properties.

The Contractor shall indemnify the Employer against any claims or action for damage on account of any trespass or other misconduct of the Contractors' employees.

The Contractor or any of itssub-contractors, their staff and workmen shall not park any vehicles or plant on roads surrounding the Employer’s site.

1.6.Inspection of the Site

The Contractor is recommended to visit the site and surrounds, as no claim due to lack of knowledge that could have been obtained by such a visit will be entertained. Details may be obtained from the Contract Administrator, Steve Riley.

Site visits will be hosted on the following date:

Hyde Park Tennis Centre / 10:00 – 14:00, Thursday, 22nd December


All rights of advertising on the site shall be reserved by the Employer and the Contractor shall take all necessary measures to ensure that no unauthorised advertising takes place.


No information, either written or verbal, nor photography or drawings concerning the Contract shall be supplied by the Contractor to any third party without the written authority of the Employer.


When required by the conditions of contract, or as requested by the Employer the Contractor shall amend and revise its programme or works to show all works completed at the time of revision and the anticipated phasing and completion of all uncompleted works.

1.10.Plant, Tools and Vehicles

The Contractor shall allow for providing all plant, tools and vehicles necessary for the completion of the Works.

1.11.Site Administration

The Contractor shall allow for all necessary site administration for the proper execution of the Works. Prior to commencing the works on site the Contractor shall confirm to the Employer the name of the person in charge of the site together with brief details of their experience. This person is not to be changed without the prior agreement of the Employer, which will not be unreasonably withheld.

1.12.Site Security and Temporary Fencing

The Contractor shall ensure that the works and the site are properly protected and secured at all times, including any works outside the site boundary, and that the Employer is indemnified against any claim for loss, damage, theft or the like. Where required the Contractor shall provide temporary and permanent fencing as necessary.

The site is to be maintained in a secure state until completion, at which time all temporary fencing, building materials and equipment shall be removed and the site made good. The site is also to be left in a safe and tidy state at the end of each working day.

Guard dogs shall not be used.

1.13.Temporary Accommodation for Use by the Contractor

The Contractor shall allow for providing and maintaining all necessary temporary offices or storage for materials for its own requirements.

No offices, stores or temporary buildings shall be erected on site without first obtaining the consent of the Employer as to the position in which they are to be erected.

Contractor to photograph condition of site prior to temporary accommodation.

All huts and other temporary facilities shall be removed, and contaminated soil disinfected and all damage made good on completion of the works.

1.14.Safety, Health and Welfare of Work people

The Contractor shall allow for providing and maintaining all welfare and safety measures to a standard not inferior to that laid down in statutory instruments, rules and orders and subsequent amendments thereto for all workmen employed on the site including the employees of sub-contractors.

Sanitary accommodation for workmen and staff shall be provided by the Contractor, connected to existing drainage where practicable, and maintained in a thoroughly clean, deodorised and orderly condition.

The Contractor shall provide industrial safety helmets complying with the latest BS for the use of all personnel including sub-contractors and authorised visitors attending the site. The Contractor shall be expected to use its best endeavours to ensure that safety footwear, helmets and other necessary protective clothing are worn be all personnel on site in accordance with current legislation. The Contractors' attention is particularly drawn to its obligations under the Health and Safety at Work Act etc., 1974.

1.15.Maintenance of Roads etc.

The Contractor shall maintain all public and private roads, footpaths, paved areas, boundary walls and fences on or adjacent to the site in their present condition and on completion, make good any damage arising from the works and reinstate to the satisfaction of the Employer.

The Contractor shall carry out a photographic survey of the site boundaries, footpaths and roads and agree this with the Employer prior to works commencing.

1.16.Keeping Roads etc. Clean

The Contractor shall keep any public, private and existing roads, footpaths and paving on or adjacent to the site or used by traffic entering or leaving the site in a clean and unobstructed and safe state to the satisfaction of the Employer, the Police and the Local Authority. He shall use all means to prevent mud or rubbish of any kind being carried on to such roads, footpaths and paving, by vehicles belonging to himself or any other sub-contractor to the reasonable satisfaction of the Employer.

Where, however, in spite of such precautions, mud or rubbish is carried on to the roads, footpaths or paving, the Contractormust immediately clean up such mud or rubbish at the Contractor’s own expense by scraping, brushing, shovelling and removing to tip. Special attention must be given to prevent mud becoming embedded in the road and footpath surfaces.

1.17.Removing Rubbish etc. and Cleaning Works on Completion

The Contractor shall allow for removing all rubbish, protective casings, coverings and debris from the site. All materials shall be disposed of in accordance with all appropriate environmental and health and safety legislation.

Rubbish, etc shall not be burnt on site.

1.18.Police Regulations

Police regulations shall be ascertained and the Contractor shall allow for complying with any such regulations or requirements concerning pedestrian or vehicular traffic control, the loading and unloading of or waiting by vehicles on the public highway, site ingress and egress, safety precautions and other matters affecting the works.

1.19.Control of Noise and Pollution

The attention of the Contractor is drawn to the provision of Section 60 of the Control of Pollution Act 1974 with references to the control of noise in relation to any construction works, and must comply therewith. The Contractor is recommended to confer with the local Chief Environmental Officer in relation to proposed method of work and resultant noise level. The attention of the Contractor is drawn to the provision of Section 60 of the Control of Pollution Act 1974 with references to the control of noise in relation to any construction works, and must comply therewith. The Contractor is recommended to confer with the local Chief Environmental Officer in relation to proposed method of work and resultant noise level.

Work can only take place between 07:00 and18:00 hrs from Monday to Friday. No work is permitted on weekends or on Bank Holidays, unless permitted by the Employer. The park by-laws must be adhered to at all times.

1.20.PlanningConsent & other Statutory Approvals

The Contractor is to allow for all necessary liaisons with the relevant planning authority and for complying with any requirements of the planning authority and all other statutory authorities notified to him by the Employer or that he may reasonably be expected to identify, before any works commence on site.

1.21.The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015

This Contract will be executed strictly in accordance with the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations. The Contractor will be deemed the Principal Contractor.

The Principal Designer is:

Mr Bob Froud

MSc - Consultants Ltd

Unit 3, Greenwich Centre Business Park

53 Norman Road


SE10 9QF

T: 020 8293 6655

F: 020 8269 0440


The Contractor shall:

i)Submit itsConstruction Phase Health and Safety Plan for the project prior to works commencing and shall execute the whole of the Contract strictly in accordance with Health and Safety Plan. The Plan must be approved in writing by the Employer before works can commence on site.

ii)Coordinate with the Principal Designer and execute the Health and Safety Plan.

iii)Contribute to the Health and Safety File as required by the regulations on completion of the works or within one month of practical completion. The Contractorshall ensure that all sub-contractors do the same.

iv)Allow the Principal Designer to access to the Works and afford him every reasonable facility for the performance of his duties.

1.22.Ground & Site Investigation

Limited hand dug trial hole excavation has been conducted on courts 4 and 5 and the findings are as follows:

  • 20mm depth of 6mm nominal aggregate sized porous macadam wearing course
  • 30mm to 35mm depth of 14/20mm nominal aggregate sized porous macadam base course
  • At least 100mm depth of crushed concrete

It is suspected that the large number of eruptions and cracks on the court block is the result of the non frost susceptible nature of the crushed concrete aggregate.

There is some slight puddling at the entrance to court 1 after rainfall.

It is however the responsibility of the Contractor to satisfy itself as to the nature of the existing site and grounds and presence of overhead and buried services to allow full construction of the works as required under the contract.

On contract award the Contractorwill be deemed to have undertaken its own site investigations and utility company investigations. No claims will be accepted by the Employerfor lack of information or inaccuracies in this respect.


Where the Contractor has given notice that a particular operation or stage of the works will be ready for inspection on a specified date and the Employer or its agent then find that the works are not complete on that date so that the inspection cannot be carried out or completed necessitating a further visit, the additional cost incurred by the Employer, including all expenses, will be borne by the Contractor.

1.24.Failure of Tests

Should any intermediate stages of construction or samples tested be found, in the opinion of the Employer or its agent, to be unsatisfactory or likely to produce unsound work, the defective material, workmanship or consignment which the sample represents shall be removed from the site or suitable and approved corrective action taken.

Any sample or intermediate work stage, which has been accepted by the Employer’s or its agent, may subsequently be rejected if he shall decide that the quality has in any way deteriorated.

The Contractor shall, at its own expense, remove and replace all rejected materials, or correct any intermediate work stage shown to be outside specification. Any delays consequential upon the rejection of any sample or work stage shall not in any way relieve the Contractor from its responsibility with regard to completion within the Contract Period.

Work corrected or materials replaced for these reasons will be re-checked by the Employer or its agent as determined by the Employer. The additional costs of testing any material replaced for this reason or re-inspecting any work stage subjected to remedial works shall be recovered from the Contractor.

1.25.Contractor Responsibilities

The Contractorshall assume full responsibility for the construction of the whole of the project as described in the Employer’s Requirements.

Any materials, fixings, foundations or drainage detail indicated in these documents are typical only and shall not relieve the Contractor in any way of any of its design or other responsibilities.

The Contractor shall conform to the mandatory data and any dimensions indicated in the Works Information.


PPA / Area within the boundaries of the court markings
TPA / Area within the boundaries of the court fence
CPCMTC / ‘Code of Practice for the Construction and Maintenance of Tennis Courts’ published by the Sports and Play Contractors’ Association, Second Edition, March 2007
ITF CS / Test method specified in the Initial ‘ITF Study on Performance Standards for Tennis Courts Surfaces’ publishedby the International Tennis Federation, June 1997

1.27.Quality of Materials and Workmanship

Where and to the extent that materials, products and workmanship are not fully specified they are to be:

i)Suitable for the purposes of the Works stated in or reasonably to be inferred from the contract documents.

ii)In accordance with good building and/or engineering practice, including the relevant provisions of current British and European Standards.

iii)In accordance with the CPCMTC.

1.28.Sanitary Accommodation

Washing and toilet facilities will not be available to the Contractor within the site. The Contractor shall provide portable washing and toilet facilities within its working compound and shall maintain these facilities in a clean and sanitary condition all to the satisfaction of the Employer's Agent.

1.29.Site Location

The site of the proposed works (see Appendix 1)is on land that is owned by the Monarch in right of the Crown and managed by the Secretary of State for the Department of Media, Culture and Sport (DCMS).

1.30.Site Access

Site access will be from West Carriage Drive (see Appendix 1). The compound will be on the grass area to the west of the courts. The Contractor shall allow for forming a suitable compound within the site in the areas shown on the drawing in Appendix 1 and shall convey by power-barrow and/or dumper, all materials to the working site. All landscaping around the courts must be protected to minimise damage to soft landscaping. All damage to soft landscaping must be reinstated on completion of the works. It is anticipated that the Contractor will include sufficient metal trackway within its price to allow traffic to gain access from the site entrance to the working site (90m anticipated subject to Contractor’s own survey).

1.31.Design Criteria

Drawings showing the dimensions and layout of the proposed facility are shown in Appendix 2. The existing facility comprises a block of six colour coated porous macadam tennis courts of overall dimensions 36.6m x 94.5m. There are also a block of two mini tennis courts to the west of the block of six courts. The overall dimensions of the mini tennis courts are 15.4m x 16.1m.

The primary sport on the new courts will be tennis, i.e. intended for school, club, recreation and community use. The courts are free to access to juniors during the afternoon but are bookable for a fee at other times.