Written by Kartiyaine, Jayashree, Hemashree, Oviya Sree, Naythiran

Shanti Ramanlingam


Created as part of the School Enterprise Challenge Awards Programme – Silver Level

Section A: Our Business Details
No. of students involved in business idea activities (including writing this Business Idea) / Boys : 11 / Girls : 14 / Total : 25
Section B: Our School
1.  To help you understand our school business better, we will briefly describe our school (e.g. age of the students; location; environment).
Our school name is SJKT West Country Barat, located in Selangor, an industrial state in Malaysia. The school is located near urban area and surrounded by housing area and developments. The students involved in this project are from year 4 and 5 aged between 10 to 11 years old. These students are selected as they are active in school programmes and very much interested in participating in this project.
Section C: Our School Business Experience
2.  Here is a brief description of the school business we ran before/are currently running, including the products/services we sold/are selling.
We previously involved in the same business where we produce paper bags from recycled newspaper and sell to local market for packaging solution. We had to stop this business for some unforeseen reasons. For this year, we are trying to revive the project and put more effort to make it a success.
Our students also involved in vegetable farming and has been selling the vegetables to local community especially the parents.
Section D: Our Resources
3.  Considering our school’s physical resources, skills and location, these are the resources available at our school we can use to develop our business:
Resources that we need is mainly old newspapers which will be supplied by our school itself as we are provided by free paper for every year 6 students by local NGO. Apart from that the parents – teachers association has promised to maintain the supply of newspaper.
Section E: Brainstorming Business Ideas
4.  a) These are the five business ideas we thought of when brainstorming a new idea or a way of diversifying or growing the existing one:
1. Jewellery from used plastics. 2. Baking cupcakes. 3. Recycled newspaper bags.
4. Vegetable farming. 5. Souvenirs from recycled items.
b) The business we chose for our Silver Award is: Paper bags from recycled news paper.
And these are 3 reasons why we chose this idea:
1. Previous Experience
2. Stable supply of raw material
3. Easy for students to work with as this is new experience for them.
5.  Our final Business Idea will be sustainable and have a positive impact on the environment and our community because:
Through this project, we wish to eliminate paper wastage in school and teach the students the importance of recycling. Apart from that, this also will encourage the community to understand the importance of paper and help the society to pay more attention to recycling.
We also wish to encourage the teachers and students to work together in creating a sustainable environment for the class and teach students to be independent.
Section F: Financing our growth and development
6.  Here is a description of how we are planning to finance our business, including how we are going to raise the money needed for our school business.
The finance for this project will be provided by the students vegetable farming project where the students has been consistently making money from the farm. This fund will be topped up by the Parent –Teacher Association as well. The fund needed for this project is minimal as the main materials are free of charge.

Section G: Appendix

Please find in this space our completed Resource Assessment template, our Feasibility Study template and 3 photos (when possible) that clearly show our involvement as students in business idea activities.

CONGRATULATIONS on coming up with a Business Idea! Submit NOW!

Remember to submit your completed business idea to the School Enterprise Challenge Awards Programme by logging in to your account at:


SILVER Business Idea Template 2017. ©Teach A Man To Fish