Constitutional Review Meeting

April 9, 2007

Call to order: 7:10

Main Motion A

(Jess) I move to bring main motion A to the floor. (Jordan) second. (Amanda) I feel that this takes away our powers as residents, not only exec, because we would lose our voice.) (Jessi)We usually filter things down for GA, so that GA will understand all that comes to them. (Will) I don’t think that GA would be able interpret the constitution as a whole. (Adam) I move to approve main motion A (Jessi) second. 0:10:2. Motion Fails.

Main Motion B

(Jessi) I move to bring main motion B to the floor. Adam (second) (Jordan) I move to add point 9 to main motion B, it would be stated that the President has the power to veto proposals passed by GA. (Anthony) Second. 5:7:0 Amendment fails. (Jordan) The main purpose of this change would be to eliminate question about the choices that were made. The writers feel that it would be fairer to be chosen. (Jess) I feel that not necessarily the best people that would be in the position. (Heather) You may not get people that are qualified for the position. (Jessi) We try to make the selection committee made up of a wide range of people that have an idea about what RHA is about. (Kelly) I don’t think that putting them together would be good, because the duties are different, they aren’t a pair. (Adam) RHA has tried to prevent a hierarchy with in RHA. By voting you would install that hierarchy again. (Jordan) In the WI state statute it says that if money is being collected, they must get a vote in that. (Adam) I think that the people representing on the selection committee are from all over campus and know that (Jessi) I move to approve main motion B. (Mike) second. 0:11:1 Motion Fails.

Main Motion C:

(Jess) I move to bring main motion C to the floor. (Holly). Second. (Jess) In the constitution now it says that it is used as interpreted as the constitution. (Jessi) We would have to reiterate the rules each week with the turnover that we have from week to week. (Amanda) people may get intimated to speak and then we won’t get the feedback that we are looking for. (Holly) I think that what amada said is true, I know from expereicne it takes longer than a week to figure out. (Jess) keep in mind that if we would pass this motion, Holly) I move to approve main motion C. (Jess) 0:12:0 Motion fails.

Main Motion D:

(Holly) I move to bring main motion D to the floor. (Adam) Second. (Holly) I think that it is only fair because other organizations don’t have voting rights. (Adam) I think that it would defeat their purpose if they don’t get a right to vote on what the staff feels. (Jessi) This is staff’s way to voice their ideas, because they may not get to do that in their hall. (Amanda) CHC is one of the biggest organizations on campus and I think that taking away their right to vote would hinder the relationship. (Jessi) I move to approve main motion d (Adam) 1:10:1 Motion fails.

Main Motion 2D:

(Jess) I move to bring main motion 2D to the floor. (Holly) Second. (Jordan) the writer didn’t like that Exec is able to kill things before it goes to GA. They are wondering why GA can’t just choose things and it gets turned down before GA. (Adam) What about the checks and balances? (Jordan) Yes, as it is now, there is a loop hole. (Amanda) I move to approve main motion 2D. (Jessi) Second. 0:12:0 Main Motion fails.

Main Motion E:

(Jess) I move to bring main motion E to the floor. (Jessi) Second. (Jordan) I move to amend line 181 to include the words, “not failed” after the word “year”. (Jessi) Second. 12:0:0. Amendment passes. (Jessi) I move to approve main motion E. (Holly) Second. 4:8:0. Motion Fails.

Main Motion F:

(Jessi) I move to bring main motion F to the floor. (Jess) Second. (Jessi) I think that it would be a good idea to publize the meeting. (Jess) We need to remember that it changes week to week, the delegate are the one that make an agenda. (Amanda) I agree with Jess, however, I haven’t seen where SGA posted their agenda. (Will) I don’t know about the (Jess) I move to approve main motion F. (Holly) second. 1:11:0 . Motion Fails.

Main Motion G:

(Jessi) I move to bring main motion G to the floor. (Holly) Second. (Mike) Who would be accountable to make sure that they do their duty? (Jess) The ABC would trust that the delegates are doing this. (Jessi) I feel like we are already pulling teeth to get them to do office hours, and I think that if we take away this, they wouldn’t do the hour. (Amanda) I think that if this is the problem the hall director needs to be found. (Adam) GA members feel that they aren’t given enough responsibility, in them. (Jess) I had tried a couple of different things, as ABC last year and I couldn’t find something that works, the Hall Director didn’t want the responsibility. (Alyssa) Are we specifically talking about feedback hours? (Jess) yes. (Heather) I think that delegates won’t do it, with out the slip getting signed. (Holly) I think that forcing them to did this, will give a negative attitude and then residents didn’t want to do them. (Amanda) We are trying to hold them accountable and not force them to do it, we just want them to be visible, it could be easier to go to a hall program and talk with residents. (Jessi) I know as a freshman last year, I won’t have done it. I think that we need to make it positive and change the way that people look at it. (Jess) Some people this year, work better on their own time and not be forced to do it. I know that there are hall directors that will just sign the slips and turn them in. (Alyssa) I think that is sometimes difficult to find the hall director and I think that it would be better to have someone sign it who sees it done. (Mike) we need to remember to focus on what the amendment is proposing and not other things. (Amanda) We need to remember to not base our decisions not from this year. (Adam) Has there been issues since the beginning. (Jess) I think that it has. (Jessi) I move to approve main Motion G. (Jordan) second. 5:7:0 Motion fails.

(Jessi) I move to recess for 5 minutes. (Jordan) second. 8:20

Main Motion H:

(Adam) I move to bring main motion H to the floor. (Jessi) Second. (Jordan) Is it a set time each year? (Holly) it is usually on Sunday nights. (Adam) I move to approve main motion H. (Jessi) second. 11:0:1 Motion passes.

Main Motion I:

(Jessi) I move to bring main motion I to the table. (Holly) Second. (Jess) I have also thought that of Vice President for Philanthropy. (Heather) Is it possible to have 2 vice-presidents? (yes) (Adam) I friendly amend it to say Marketing and Philanthropy chairperson. (Jess) I accept.(Amanda) I think that it has been the people in the position in the past, not the name. People need to make what they want of it. It is a mind-set, it is what you bring of the position, not the name itself. (Anthony) What did new exec feel about the name itself? (Alyssa) I think that it is an important job. (Mike) from an outside perspective, when I first saw this I liked it, the on position that the outside world knows is fundraising. People want to know what fundraising is and what they do. This past year the position was able to raise 50% of what was given by the students. Everyone is raising funds, it doesn’t matter what field you get into. (Jess) The name isn’t just a title, if you think about the ABC, it seems to have a higher prestige then secretary/treasurer. (Jessi) I think that it is mostly a mindset thing and not the name. (Jessi) I move to approve main motion I. (Anthony) Second. 4:7:1 Motion Fails.

Main Motion K:

(Jess) I move to bring main motion K to the floor. (Jordan) second. (Amanda) I think that taking the chair away, would hinder the relationship. I don’t think that we should take it out, just because the public relations person doesn’t like coming. (Adam) I think that them not coming show their “uninterest” in the organization. (Jess) Why was this position added? (Mike) it had been added 3-4 years ago, it was added so that they could get their promotion all over campus, including the halls. (Jessi) They would still be able to drop off posters right. Is it written in their position description? It would be their supervisors job to inforce that and the person who is fufulling the job, should know that they have to do it. (Adam) I think that it makes them part of RHA, with out them having to do anything. (Jessi) Shouldn’t we talk to CHC and let them know that this is being discussed. (Jessi) I move to approve main motion K. (Adam) second. 7:5:0 Motion passes.

Main Motion L:

(Jessi) I move to bring main motion L to the floor. (Jess) second. (Jessi) I think the paying of someone to do the website has caused numerous problems this year. I think that then we can use the residents funds towards other things and not the website. (Will) it would be solely the VP’s website and we would not hire anyone. (Amanda) I think that adding this, we could still hire someone. (Adam) This maintains a process, that something would be voted on. (Jess) it does not day in here, that we couldn’t hire out, if that is decided upon by future exec. (Jess) I understand that it is very easy to learn and that it could be done. (Holly) I move to approve main motion L. (Jessi) second. 12:0:0. Motion passes.

Adjournment: 9:02