/ Final Report
Action 5 – Support for European Cooperation in the youth field
Sub-Action 5.1 - Meetings of young people and those responsible in the youth field
Version valid as of 1st of January 2012
Part I. Project identification and summary
Project number
Please insert the reference as indicated in your agreement: / Postmark/Date of receipt
Name of the beneficiary
Please indicate the name and acronym of the beneficiary organisation: / FICE Nederland
Title of the project
Please insert the project title as indicated in your agreement:
Inclusive Growth- een dialoog tussen jongeren en beleidsmakers/bestuurders uit het jeugdveld
Duration of the project
Please indicate the total duration of the project from preparation to evaluation, and also the start and end dates of the actual Activity.
Start date of the project:
(date when the first costs incurred) / 01 / 05 / 2012 / End date of the project:
(date when the last costs incurred) / 01 / 11/ 2013
The Activity started: / 01 / 05/ 2012 / The Activity ended: / 01 /11/ 2013
Total duration of the Activity, including travels days: / …
Venue(s): / Dordrecht, Alphen aan de Rijn, Utrecht, Eindhoven, Tilburg
Signature of the legal representative
I the undersigned hereby certify that all the information and financial data contained in this final report are accurate and have been supplied to the persons in charge at each of the partner promoters involved in the described Activity.
The beneficiary allows the European Commission, the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency and the National Agencies to make available and use all data provided in this report for the purposes of managing and evaluating the Youth in Action Programme. All personal data collected for the purpose of this project shall be processed in accordance with Regulation (EC) N° 45/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Community institutions and bodies.
Data subjects may, on written request, gain access to their personal data. They should address any questions regarding the processing of their personal data to the Agency (National or Executive) in charge of the management of their application. For projects selected at national level, data subjects may lodge a complaint against the processing of their personal data with the authority in charge of data protection in their country at any time. For projects selected at European level, complaints may be lodged with the European Data Protection Supervisor at any time.
The beneficiary declares having informed the promoters and participants in its project on the provisions and practices regarding data protection applied under the Youth in Action programme
Name, stamp (if available): / FICE Nederland
Legal representative
Name in capital letters: / RENE VAN ZUNDERT
Place: / Rotterdam / Signature:
Part I. Project identification and summary (cont.)
Type of Activity
Please tick the box corresponding to the project for which you are submitting this final report.
This project was of the following type:
(tick one box only) / National Youth Meeting
Trans-national Youth Seminar
Please specify the main target (only for National Youth Meeting): / debating relevant topics to the Structured Dialogue or EU policies
preparing the official youth Presidency event
organising activities linked to the European Youth Week
enhancing dialogue and cooperation between formal and non-formal education areas
Relevance to the general objectives of the Youth in Action Programme
Please tick relevant box(es).
The project:
promotes young people’s active citizenship in general and their European citizenship in particular;
develops solidarity and promotes tolerance among young people, in particular in order to foster social
cohesion in the European Union;
fosters mutual understanding between young people in different countries;
contributes to developing the quality of support systems for youth activities and the capabilities of civil
society organisations in the youth field;
promotes European cooperation in the youth field.
Relevance to the priorities of the Youth in Action Programme
Please tick relevant box(es).
Permanent thematic priorities
European Citizenship
Participation of young people
Cultural diversity
Inclusion of young people with
fewer opportunities / Annual priorities
Promoting healthy lifestyles through physical activities including sport
Youth unemployment
Commitment to a more inclusive growth: fight against poverty and marginalisation
Global environmental challenges and climate change
Creativity and entrepreneurship
Priorities of the Structured Dialogue and/or the framework of European cooperation in the youth field
If so, please specify:
National priorities
If so, please specify:
Part I. Project identification and summary (cont.)
Summary of the project
Please, give a brief summary of your project. Please note that this paragraph may be used for publication. Therefore be accurate and include the venue, the type of project, the theme, the objectives, the duration, the countries involved, the number of participants, the implemented activities, the methods applied and the amount of the EU grant. The summary should be written in English, French or German, regardless of which language you use to fill in the rest of this report. Please be concise and clear.
Every child has the right to grow up and become a healthy and independent adult. International research has shown that children in care and leaving the care system, have a high risk of social exclusion. They have a higher risk of unemployment, greater likelihood of teenage parenthood, over-representation among homeless people and higher levels of offending behavior and mental health problems than their peers. Living in and leaving the care system challenges young people in evey aspect of their lives. To become socially included they have to find ways of meeting their material and psycho-social needs.
Reaching social inclusion is a difficult process. For the youngster as well as the youth care organisation that cares for them. Youth care programs don’t always lead to ‘inclusion’. In this project young people growing up in youth care have been in a dialogue with policymakers in the organisation they stay in about what can be done to help them particpate in society like any other youngster. The youngsters were seen as experts by experience. They have been used as a link in the process of policy makers to find solutions for the problems these youngsters face. Their expertise has contributed to the discussion about ‘inclusion’ in the child- and youth care field.
The project has started with a kick-off meeting, prepared and organised by a working group consisting of youngsters participating in this project. During the kick-off the project was presented and managers/directors of organisations committed themselves to doing something with the outcome of this project.
28 youngsters growing up in the care of four organisations have met a 3-5 times to discuss with the policy makers in the organisations they stay in how organisations can contribute to the social inclusion of the youngsters. The main outcome of these discussions were as followed:
· Give young people a safe and steady place to live. Make this a strong quality requirement. Minimize movements. Let young people participate in decisions about their placement. Make sure placements are well prepared. Bring help to the young people in stead of the other way aroun.
· Use the file of a youngster to help him/her. In the file you should focus on the future and the concerns that have to be taken into account to realize this future. Don’t just write about the negatives, but also (mainly) about the positives. Allow young people to contribute to the content of their file.
· Approach youth with positivenessn, honesty and faithfullness. Give them attention. Focus on their strengths and build on it.
· Tell entrepreneurs how young people growing up in care can enrich their business. Provide adequate information and intensive supervision to enhace the chances for youngsters to find work and build on a succesfull working career.
· Let the questioning of young people be leading in youth care. Be flexible.
The outcomes were presented at a closing ceremony with policy makers. This closing ceremony was prepared, organised and lead by the youngsters participating in the project. In the ceremony the youngsters and policymakers brainstormed together how the outcomes of the project could be inplemented within the youth care organisation and in youth care policy. Managers and directors made promisses on the implementing of the advices given.
The outcome of this project has been filmed by the youngsters. This has lead to seven movies that clearly show what goes wrong in the youth care system and what can be done about it. The various activities in this project have also been put on film. This movie gives the viewer a clear idea about the approach used in this project. The film making process has been supervised by a professional film maker.
The movies as well as the flyers made with the main outcomes of this project are used to spread the results of this project amongst policy makers of organisations and governments. Three youngsters have been given the opportunity to provide a workshop about the outcomes of this project and about youth participation in youth care on an international congress on youth care in Bern. We have heard that, after the project was finished, policy makers are still involving their youth in the policy making process within their organisations as well as in the dialogue they have with policy makers of goverments. A Dutch University has committed to investigate the outcomes of this project in the future.
The results of this project show once again how well young people are able to formulate solutions for the problems they encounter and how important it is for young people and for the quality of the youth care system to listen and talk to young people. The youngsters in this project unanimously say that participating in this project has lead to more self confindence and the realisation that you can influence what happens to you if you speak out.
Please, indicate and explain the reasons for eventual changes between your initial application and the activities finally implemented, e.g. composition of partner promoters and/or participants, duration of the Activity, Activity programme.
In het oorspronkelijke projectplan is aangegeven dat in het project in totaal zes instellingen gaan participeren. Bij de realisatie van het project hebben uiteindelijk vier instellingen geparticipeerd. De belangrijkste redenen voor instellingen om niet te participeren in het project waren:
· De tijd, aandacht en het geld die de huidige transitie van de jeugdzorg van instellingen vraagt, zorgen ervoor dat instellingen hun beleidsmakers niet (kunnen) vrijspelen om aan dit project deel te nemen.
· Instellingen gaven aan wel te willen participeren, echter bleken zij niet in staat om jongeren te vinden die gedurende de gehele projectperiode aan het project deel konden nemen. De belangrijkste oorzaak hiervan is het feit dat jongeren veel korter van een jaar binnen de instelling verblijven en daarna niet meer begeleid worden door de instelling waar zij verbleven.
Binnen het project is, ondanks het feit dat er minder instellingen hebben deelgenomen, nauwelijks afgeweken van het totaal aantal jongeren dat heeft geparticipeerd. Het totale aantal jongeren was 28. De verhouding tussen jongens en meisjes en de leeftijd van de jongeren wijken iets af van de oorspronkelijke inschatting. Aan het project hebben 7 jongeren tussen 18-25 deelgenomen en 21 jongeren tussen de 15-17 jaar, terwijl in de projectaanvraag is gesproken over 25 jongern tussen de 15-17 en 3 jongeren tussen de 18-25. Ook de verhouding tussen het aantal jongens (10 versus 14) en meisjes (18 versus 14) is anders.
In de projectaanvraag is aangegeven dat de jongeren gezamenlijk 1 film zouden maken waarin het eindresultaat van het project gepresenteerd wordt. In de praktijk bleek dat de jongeren uiteenlopende thema’s bespeekbaar wilden maken en dat de boodschap van de jongeren beter tot hun recht zou komen indien hiervoor verschillende filmpjes gemaakt zouden worden. Daarnaast bleek het praktisch niet haalbaar om jongeren uit verschillende instellingen regelmatig bij elkaar te laten komen om gezamenlijk aan een film te werken omdat veel jongeren begeleiding nodig hebben bij het reizen. Om deze twee redenen is ervoor gekozen om meerdere filmpjes te maken.
In de uitvoering van het project zijn we op enkele momenten afgeweken van de planning van activiteiten. De afwijkingen en oorzaken hiervan waren als volgt:
· De voorbereidende activiteiten hebben plaatsgevonden in de periode juni t/m september 2012 in plaats van de periode februari/maart 2012. Dit kwam ten eerste omdat de toekenning van de subsidieaanvraag later plaatsvond dan gepland vanwege het feit dat YiA aanvullende informatie nodig had van FICE NL om tot een besluit te komen. Een tweede belangrijke reden was het feit dat het voor instellingen lastig bleek om jongeren te selecteren om aan het project deel te nemen. Als gevolg van de vertraging bij de start van het project, hebben ook de activiteiten daarna vertraging opgelopen.
· De kick-off heeft plaatsgevonden in oktober, in plaats van in april 2012.
· De bijeenkomsten op de instellingen hebben plaatsgevonden in de periode november 2012 t/m april 2013, in plaats van de periode mei t/m oktober 2012. Parallel aan deze bijeenkomsten hebben de jongeren samen met de filmmaker Har Tortike gewerkt aan het maken van de film.
· De slotmanifestatie heeft plaatsgevonden in juni 2013 in plaats van december 2012.
· De evaluatie van het project heeft plaatsgevonden in juni 2013 in plaats van jan/februari 2013.
· Het verspreiden van de resultaten van het project heeft plaatsgevonden in periode juni t/m oktober 2013, in plaats van de periode maart t/m september.
Part II. Beneficiary
REPORTING OBLIGATIONS (Please consult your agreement before elaborating this report)
The final report should be submitted within two months following the end date of the project.
The final report includes one narrative section on the carrying out of the project, and one financial part. The beneficiary must fill in both parts. Failure to accomplish the reporting obligations entitles the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency or the relevant National Agency to demand full reimbursement of sums already paid.
All costs must be fully justified with copies of travel tickets and/or invoices or acceptable accounting receipts. Achievements must be described in detail in the narrative report. A signed list of all participants must be enclosed with the report, as well as the final calendar and the daily timetable of the Activity.
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