NAM 2014/CoB/Doc.4
Original: English17th Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement
Margarita, Venezuela (BR)
Report of the Activities of the Chair of the Movement since the Tehran Summit
August 2012 - September 2016
Reference(by document and paragraph) / Actions and initiatives / Implementation/ Comments
Non-Aligned Movement: Role and Methods of Work
Para. 22.1
/ 1.1 Continue making progress in the process of revitalizing and strengthening the Movement with a view to achieving the purposes outlined in both the Declaration on the Purposes and Principles and the Role of the Non-Aligned Movement in the Present International Juncture and the Document on the Methodology of the Non-Aligned Movement adopted at the 14th NAM Summit in Havana and the Sharm El Sheikh Declaration, as well as the Bali Commemorative Declaration, which will enable the Movement to deal effectively with the challenges looming ahead. Consolidate the pro-active approach in the working dynamic of the Movement, maintaining and increasing our capacity to bring forth on behalf of the NAM concrete proposals in the debates and presentation of resolutions and other initiatives at the various United Nations organs and other international fora where NAM is represented. / - Ongoing Process.- The Chair, in coordination with all NAM Members, continues to work towards revitalizing and strengthening the Movement, including through fully utilizing the Working Groups and Caucuses as means to enhance coordination among NAM Members. It was also reaffirmed that within the implementation of the Sharm El Sheikh Declaration, which reflects the institutional positions of the Movement regarding various international issues, and the implementation of the Commemorative Declaration on the 50th anniversary of the Non-Aligned Movement, highlighting the past achievements of the Movement and its future role, as well as the documents adopted by the previous NAM Summits and Ministerial Conferences, due consideration has been given to maximizing the ability of the Movement to deal with the current rapidly evolving global situations, crises and challenges.
- The Movement continues to actively participate in various United Nations Organs and in other international foras, and continues to play a leading role in all relevant negotiating processes.
Para. 22.2
/ 1.2 Disseminate the outcome documents of the XVI Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement as official documents of the United Nations system, as appropriate. / - The outcome documents of the XVI NAM Summit, held in Tehran, Iran on the 26th to the 31st of August 2012, have been issued as official documents of the 67th session of the General Assembly and the Security Council as follows:1. Final Document (A/67/506 - S/2012/752)
- Furthermore, the outcome documents of the 17th NAM Ministerial Conference held in Algiers, Algeria from 26-29 May 2014, were issued as official documents of the 6th session of the General Assembly and Security Council under the symbols of ______, namely: the Algiers Final Document / Declaration of the Non-Aligned Movement Committee on Palestine Ministerial Meeting / Declaration on Nuclear Disarmament / Declaration on Information and Communication Technologies / Decision on Modalities Related to the Institutional Memory of the Non-Aligned Movement / Algiers Declaration “Enhanced Solidarity for Peace and Prosperity”
- The content of the Outcome Documents was and continues to be the basis for NAM Statements in all organs of the United Nations.
Para. 22.3
/ 1.3 Expand the Movement’s scope wherever its members consider it more appropriate within the UN agencies or at other relevant international organizations or bodies, in accordance to the relevant decisions by the NAM Summits and/or Ministerial Conferences. / - The NAM Coordinating Bureau has expended its activities to cover UN Women, Review of the Peacebuilding Commission and review of the Human Rights Council, and participated actively in Peacekeeping and strengthening the civilian capacity in Peacebuilding.- The NAM Chapters have increased the visibility and the role of the Movement in their activities within the International Organizations where the NAM is represented.
Para. 22.4
/ 1.4 Strengthen and manifest the unity and solidarity among the membership of the Movement, particularly with those Non-Aligned Countries whose peoples are living under colonial or alien domination or foreign occupation, and with those experiencing external threats of use of force, acts of aggression or unilateral coercive measures, living in abject poverty or suffering ill-health, and victims of natural disasters, bearing in mind that the Movement cannot afford lack of unity and solidarity under those circumstances; / - To strengthen unity and solidarity, the Coordinating Bureau of the Non-Aligned Movement in New York issued the following Communiqués and Statements:- The Presidential elections held in Venezuela (7 October 2012)
- The Israeli aerial bombardment of the Sudanese military facility (26 October 2012)
- The Israeli military aggression against the Palestinian people (15 November 2012)
- The illegal Israeli settlement and tax seizures following the actions of 29 November 2012 (31 December 2012)
- The act of aggression by Israel against the Syrian Arab Republic (5 February 2013)
- The passing of President Hugo Chavez (6 March 2013)
- The election in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (17 April 2013)
- The act of aggression committed by Israel against the Syrian Arab Republic on 5 May 2013 (7 May 2013)
- The disruption of the Bolivian President’s flight (8 July 2013)
- Condolences for the Super Typhoon Haiyan (13 November 2013)
- The terrorist attacks in Beirut, Lebanon on 19 November 2013 (20 November 2013)
- The passing of President Nelson Mandela (6 December 2013)
- The attack against Iranian Diplomat in Sana'a, the Republic of Yemen (20 January 2014)
- The condemnation of the terrorist attacks on 19 February 2014 in Beirut, Lebanon (21 February 2014)
- The Recent Developments in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (26 February 2014)
- The Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem (26 June 2014)
- The ongoing aggression against the Palestinian Territory (11 July 2014)
- The Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people (11 July 2014)
- The Israeli Attack on the UNRWA school in the Gaza Strip and the Rising Palestinian Civilian Casualties (25 July 2014)
- The Communiqué issued by the Joint Coordinating Committee (JCC), representing the NAM and the G-77 and China, on the Israeli aggression against the Palestinians (28 July 2014)
- The New Plan of the United States Government, which is contrary to the right of self-determination by the people of the Republic of Cuba (21 August 2014)
- The ongoing inter-Malian negotiation process in Algeria (17 September 2014)
- The Decision by the Government of the United States of America to Impose Unilateral Coercive Measures against the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (22 December 2014)
- Rejecting the latest decision by the US Government to expand the unilateral coercive measures against Venezuela on 2 February 2015 (6 February 2015)
- The signing of the Mali agreement for peace and reconciliation (6 March 2015)
- The Latest Decision by the US Government under the Executive Order Signed by President Barack Obama to Expand Unilateral Measures against Venezuela (16 March 2015)
- In Support of the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Rejecting the Decision of the Government of the United States of America to Renew its Unilateral Coercive Measures (16 March 2016)
- Regarding the convening of an Israeli cabinet meeting in the Occupied Syrian Golan on 17 April 2016 (22 April 2016)
- Rejection of Unilateral Actions by the United States in Contravention of International Law, in Particular the Principle of State Immunity (5 May 2016)
-On 28 April 2014, the Chair delivered a statement, on behalf of the Non-Aligned Movement, before the Security Council on “Security Sector Reform”.
Para. 22.5
/ 1.5 Sustain the process of reviewing, analyzing and strengthening the positions of the Movement on international issues, with a view to further ensure the adherence to and promotion of its Founding Principles and the principles adopted at the 14th NAM Summit and the Sharm El Sheikh Declaration, as well as the Bali Commemorative Declaration, as well as further consolidate the common denominators among its membership; / - The process of reviewing and analyzing the positions of the Movement on international issues in order to consolidate the common denominators among its membership is done through the monthly meetings of the NAM Coordinating Bureau in New York, as well as the role of the NAM Working Group and Caucuses, who report to the NAM Coordinating Bureau, in addition to the meetings of the NAM Chapters, where the NAM is represented.Para. 22.6
/ 1.6 Continue to review the role of the Movement in the context of current realities and improve, as appropriate, its structure and methods of work, including through strengthening existing mechanisms and arrangements[1] and, creating new ones, as appropriate, and utilizing them to the fullest, convening of regular meetings of such mechanisms and arrangements, generating a more focused and concise documentation, strengthening the role of the Chair as spokesperson of the Movement, working towards establishing a Back-up mechanism to assist the Chair, through taking full advantage of and maximum benefit from the Movement’s existing mechanisms and arrangements, with the aim to continue promoting a more coordinated, effective and efficient Movement capable of responding in a timely manner to international developments affecting it and its Member Countries; / - Ongoing process, through strengthening the existing mechanism of the Movement, including the NAM Troika, at the Ministerial and Ambassadorial levels, and the role of the Chair as the spokesperson of the Movement in different multilateral foras where the Movement is represented or participating. The mechanisms and arrangements are under constant review and the provisions of this paragraph are going to be fully utilized in the implementation of the Bali Final Document and other documents to be adopted by the next Summit in Venezuela.Para. 22.9
/ 1.7 Improve the coordination of the work of the existing mechanisms of the Movement in New York, Geneva, Nairobi, Vienna, Paris and The Hague in the work of the relevant UN organs and agencies, upon identifying their respective priority areas of concern and competence, bearing in mind the position of the Coordinating Bureau in New York as the focal point for coordination of the Movement and should continue to act as such; / - Ongoing process, through the continuous coordination between the NAM Coordinating Bureau and the NAM Chapters in areas of their respective priority and competence, in order to ensure that the Movement speaks with one voice.- The NAM Coordinating Bureau in New York coordinated the activities pertaining to the review of the Human Rights Council with the NAM Chapter in Geneva, in order to ensure that the NAM position regarding this issue is appropriately reflected.
- On 26 September 2013, the high-level meeting of the UN General Assembly on nuclear disarmament was held. This important eventwas initiated by the NAM and aimed to contribute to achieving the goal of nuclear disarmament. It is in line with the efforts undertaken by the Movement since its inception and constitutes an important measure towards the elimination of nuclear weapons.
- On 12 to 14 February 2014, the NAM delivered a Statement on the occasionof the SecondConference on the Humanitarian Impact ofNuclear Weapons.
- On 14 July 2015, the NAM Working Group onDisarmament held ameetingto discuss the Commemoration of the International Day for Total Elimination ofNuclear Weapons, theCoordination for the 70th session of the First Committee, and the Upcoming EU-Sponsored Multilateral Negotiations on an International Code of Conduct for Outer Space Activities.
- On 9 and 11 September 2015, the NAM Working Group on Disarmament held a meeting focused on the consideration of the draft NAM Statement for the First Committee’s general debate, the draft NAM resolutions and any other related issues. The drafts will be sent to the email of the disarmament experts shortly.
Para. 22.10
/ 1.8 Expand and reinforce the ability and capacity of the Movement for initiative, representation and negotiation, as well as its ethical, political and moral strength and influence; / - Ongoing process with the support of all NAM Member States, and through strengthening coordination and consolidating common denominators among its membership, in order to ensure that the NAM speaks with one voice.- On 27 September 2013, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran addressed the Sixty-seventh Session of the General Assembly, in Iran’s National capacity and in its capacity as Chair of the Non-Aligned Movement reiterating the Movements’ principles and positions.
- On 1 October 2015, H.E. Dr. Javad Zarif, Foreign Minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran, delivered the Statement to the UN General Assembly under the theme “Maintenance of International Peace and Security” on the Occasion of the Commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of the United Nations.
- On 15 February 2016, a Statement was delivered by the Chair before the Security Council Ministerial Open Debate on “The Respect to the Principles and Purposes of the Charter of the United Nations as Key Element for the Maintenance of International Peace and Security”.
-On14 April 2016, a Statement was delivered on behalf of the NAM in the UN Security Council Open Debate on “Threats to International Peace and Security Caused by Terrorist Acts”.
-On24 May 2016, was delivered by the Chair before the Security Council Open Debate on behalf of the Non-Aligned Movement on “UN-AU peace and security cooperation: Chapter VIII application and the future of African Peace and Security Architecture”.