Tuesday / 10:00 am / Prayer Time
Wednesday / 10:30 am
5:00 pm
6:00 pm
7:30 pm / UMW Meeting
Adult, Youth, Children’s Bible Study
Voices In Song (Choir) Practice
Sunday-14th / 8:30 am
9:30 am
9:45 am
10:55 am
11:15 am / Contemporary Worship
Sunday School
Time of Song & Praise
Traditional Worship
Announcements, Parish Concerns, Guest Ritual of Friendship

*Invocation- As the light of Christ enters our worship; we ask that you pray for

the spirit of God to descend upon us and fill our worship with His presence.

*Call to Worship:“The Spirit Of Jesus Is In This Place” Worship Screen

Presentation of Tithes and Offerings

*The Doxology MH 95

Special Moments With The Children-Pastor Tom

*Hymn of Praise: “Marching To Zion” MH 733

Sharing our Praises and Concerns-The Pastoral Prayer

*Hymn of Preparation: “Pass Me Not O Gentle Savior” MH 351

Scripture: Psalm 121 (Page ), Mark 10:46-52(Page ) & John 4:28(Page )

Message: “Come and See”

*Hymn of Invitation: “I Am Coming To The Cross” CK144

Holy Communion

*The Light of Christ goes forth into the World

INVITATION TO CHRISTIAN DISCIPLESHIP: The alter is a place to come to the Lord to bring our cares and concerns, or to make a dedication of our lives. During the hymn of Invitation, we invite you to come forward for dedication and prayer needs. If you would like to have the pastor pray with you, please come to the pulpit side of the alter. If you would like to have a private time with the Lord please come to the lectern and piano side.

*Indicates people standing, as they may be able.

MH=United Methodist (Blue); BL=Best Loved (Red); CK=Cokesbury (Brown)

Nancy Davis
Owen (Hall) Morello
Cecelia Newman
Sara Leitnaker
Breann Pruitt
London De Bord
Steven Murray
Caleb Tomberlin
Bruce Pelphrey
Keith Hensley
Buddy Jones
Hillary Prim
Lisa Rogers
Bob Adkinson
Jay Everett
Rosie Harmon
Amanda presley
Kyle Rider
Dot Hanna
Dexter Rogers
Kirk Johnston
Mike O’Loughlin
Mr/Mrs Mark Griffith-Eggers
Mr/Mrs Kenneth Inmon
Mr/Mrs Gary Prim
Mr/Mrs Paul Tucker
Mr/Mrs Jim Carman
Mr/Mrs Dean Hensley


If you need a Tax Statement of your church givings for 2009, please see or call Anita Inmon at 789-2468.

The United Methodist Women will meet on Wed. Feb. 10th at 10:30 am in the church fellowship hall. They will have visitation on Wed. Feb. 17th at 1:30 pm. All women are invited to come and join us for our meetings. We’re always looking for new members.

Pictorial Church Directory: As we announced last week we will be doing a new church directory. The photo dates are March 1, 2 and 9, 11. Please begin planning and encouraging one another to come and be a part of our new directory. It would be wonderful to have 100% participation. The sign up sheets

will be available next week.

There will be a Mission Team going to Louisiana leaving Bradbury on Feb. 20th and returning on Feb. 27th. We will be working on homes damaged by hurricanes (no working on roofs). We have to do our on cooking so the cost will be about $100 per person. The Mission Team will also be going to Nikiski, Alaska leaving on July 25th and returning on Aug. 7th. If your interested in going on either one of these trips, See Roy Wallen for more details.

Our Church Information Line is now up and running. You can call 865-376-2933and listen to the options to receive the Prayer List, Prayer Request, Bulletin Announcements or Activities. Prayer request should only be left Sun. through Thurs. If there is a power outage, the phone system will shut down since it runs through our computer system. If you have any questions about this line, call the church office.

Church Plays: You may not think of them as such, but these are outreach opportunities for us as a church. I would like to do 2 plays this year. One in late April or early May and one at Chraistmas. I have found 2 new Cricket County plays that need larger cast and will also be using some children. If you are interested in being part of a play, or if you would like to help with meals and prepartation, I would like to meet on Tues., Feb 2nd at 7:00 pm for a planning meeting. The spring play is a true dinner theater and we will need a lot of help to put it on. If you can not come to the meeting let me know if you would be willing to help with preparation, serving and set up of the dinner. As soon as we have a date we want to begin to get the word out and begin inviting folks to come.

The Men’s “Walk to Emmaus” is March 11-14, applications are due by February 7th, see or call Dale at 661-2988 for an application or more info.(See Insert)

The Women’s “Walk to Emmaus” is April 22-25, applications are due soon.

Our Military Kenneth Kitchings Debbie Mathes Dolly Farmer Edna Gibson Ruth Wallen

Vangie Montgomery Annette Jones Bonnie Tucker Estel Robinette Stanley Cox Joyce Tucker

JoAnn & Howard Silvis Ken Underwood Freida Bandy Conner Crabtree Atha Cox Evelyn Ellington

Elizabeth & Jack Willis Amanda Edwards Margie Eblen Georgia Speers Vee Coleman Alice Vest

Bob & Lorene Long Jill Smelser Reta Jones Flo Charles David Neumer Ava Deakin

Worship Time Greeter(s)Usher(s) Liturgist Nursery

8:30 Today Paul Moscariello/Dot HannaWalter StrunkDale Hensley

8:30 Next Wk. Jeff & Patty BaildonDavid GibsonLaura Charles

11:15 Today Jim & Margie BrashearsJim Brashears/Steve BandyMike RottersAnita Inmon

11:15 Next Wk. Debbie & Rick FarmerDebbie & Rick FarmerRoy WallenPatty Baildon

Message Next Sunday:


Stewardship for last Sunday Jan. 31st:

Early Service: 51 Total Offering: $1,473.00 Worship Center Fund Balance: $1,402.00

Morning Worship: 60 Haiti Fund Offering: $341.00 Homeless Food Bags Offering: $50.00

Mission Dinner: $105.00 Fair Share: $50.00 Calendars: $16.00

To Our Guests: We welcome you to Bradbury UMC. We are excited by your presence in this worship service. It is our hope that you will come again and also participate in our programs as we grow in faith and discipleship. Our nursery and toddler rooms are staffed for both worship services. Please see a Greeter for directions. Make sure you pick up one of our Guest Packets located in the narthex.

The church office hours are Mon-Fri, 9:00 am-1:00 pm. If you are emailing a message to the pastor, please send it to . If you have an announcement or information for the bulletin it should go to: or fax to 376-2933 or leave on the churchoffice door. Bulletin information should be in no later than Thursdays at 1:00 pm. Please submit all announcements in writing.

Tom Markwood, Pastor- Parsonage (865) 717-6226

Music Director and Pianist: Jennifer Norris

Organist: Ruby Rotters

Bradbury United MethodistChurch

3506 Buttermilk Rd. W

Kingston, TN 37763


“A Christ centered church, gathering to

worship, grow, seek, and serve.”.

February 7, 2010