About Vitaminka,

Vitaminka is a food company from Prilep, Macedonia. The company key strategy is to enter world markets as much as possible, with our entire production programme, which increasingly gives high positive results.

Last year, "Vitaminka" realized about 40% of its total revenue through marketing its products into the world markets.

Our logo " World of tastes", our production programme with wide range of tastes ( sweet and salty, sour and hot), our programmes of products used before and after the meals, food additions, desserts, breakfast products, products for all ages, are more and more recognized in the world, with our basic strategy to extend them to a larger and wider group of consumers throughout the world.

From the achieved effects in its working in last years, the following ones have special importance:

·  activation of the new highly computerized factory for chocolate production (moulding line) into regular running,

·  increasing and rounding of capacity of chocolate coated products ( chocolate coated roasted nuts and chocolate coated flips),

·  increaing of production and sale of mayonaise and soups, both into domestic and foreign markets,

·  high breakthrough of large serial of its products to the markets in Serbia, Slovenia and Kosovo,

·  opening of its own firm in Serbia,

·  intensive arranging of text declarations on the packages of a large group of its products, according to the demands of EU discriminating market and markets of the rest of the world,

·  finishing of the activities for changing over from quality system ISO-9001 to ISO 9001:2000,

·  complete preparations and start of implementation of HACCP system, and preliminary preparations for implementing HALAL system,

·  continuous intensive education of the employees, mainly the experts, in the view of their successful working within the existing regulations applied to EU and other markets.

In 2002, "Vitaminka" also bought a factory for producing new serial of extruded snack products, with new machines of German origin, unused for production, located in Kocani.

"Vitaminka" has been permanently developing brands of its products, known to and requested by many markets worldwide. Some of them are:

·  "Stobi Flips",

·  "Choco Stobi Flips",

·  chocolates marketed under the brands "Atlantis", "Sirius", "Sintagma" and "Diona",

·  "Vitanez", extra mayonnaise,

·  "Makedonski supi", especially: chicken, mushrooms and vegetable soup, but cream soups as well,

·  Ajvar (hot and mild) and gherkins, from our group of pasteurized products,

·  seasoning "Dafinka", with 25 years of experience in production and sale, which is a spice for taste improvement of all kinds of meals,

·  "Vitakrem", chocolate spread,

·  instant, with high concentration of vitamins, powdered beverages, under commercial name "Cevitana" and "Milko express",

·  bonbons comprimates,

·  puddings and whipped foam and cream.

Since this year, "Vitaminka" has been present in the markets of Middle East, with part of its products.