Mrs. Pyles’ Classroom Handbook
Arrival and Dismissal:
7:15 --- Students may be dropped off at school/breakfast line opens.
7:30 ---School bell rings and students may enter the classroom.
7:45 ---Tardy bell rings and students must have a parent sign them in at the office.
2:50 ---Dismissal bell rings.
Absences:Please try to have your child attend school each day. Most of our learning activities are hands on and group oriented involving interaction with classmates. Therefore, it is hard to recreate these activities at home. Please view school as a priority and see to it that your child attends every day except in cases of illness or emergency. If your child is absent, please don’t forget to send a written excuse within 3 days of the absence.
**Please check the RES handbook requirements for excused and unexcused absences.
Morning Drop Off:
Students who are car riders can be dropped off starting at 7:15. If your child arrives before 7:30, they will be directed to the lunchroom until the 7:30 bell rings. When this bell rings, students are allowed to go into the classrooms. There are teachers in the hallway to help Kindergarten students get to class the first few weeks.
Birthdays:We love to celebrate birthdays in Mrs. Pyles’ classroom. If you would like to send a birthday treat on or near your child’s birthday, please let me know. We normally have our “celebrations” during our snack time.
Bus Riders:
Students who ride the bus will be taken to their bus each day for the first month of school until they are able to do so without assistance. Please make sure you send their “bus tag” back each day. I will distribute these on the first day of school.
Car Pool Line (afternoon):
Afternoon pickup is one of the craziest times of our day! In order to help the pickup line move quickly, please make sure you have a large sign in the front window each day with your child’s name, grade, and teacher on it. Children can only be put in cars on the right side. Please make sure your child can get in on this side of the car. They are not allowed to walk to the left side of the car. Make sure you buckle your child up after you are out of the car line. There are lots of cars behind you! Don’t forget the earlier that you get in line, the earlier your child will be picked up. Children should be picked up no later than 3:05.
Changes in Transportation:
A permanent transportation list will be made based on the information that you give me about how your child will get home from school daily. Any changes to this information must be given to me in writing. Please do not rely on your child to tell me this information. It has to be in a written note. If a note is not received, your child will be sent home by his or her usual method of transportation. Phone calls and emails are not accepted by the office. You may fax it though.
Please send your child to school in comfortable wash and wear clothing, keeping in mind that we do paint and play outside. Please make sure to send an extra change of clothes in a large Ziploc bag labeled with your child’s name. These are to be kept at school in case of an accident or spill. This could save you a trip to school! Make sure your child wears comfortable shoes that they can play at PE in. Also, it is helpful for your child to wear shoes that they know how to tie.
Email and Emergencies:
Our class uses Class Messenger App to stay in contact. This is an app that allows me to send reminders and other important information to all parents at one time. You can also message me through this app. I ask each parent to please sign up for this so that we can stay in touch. I have attached signup information!
The best way to contact me is through Class Messenger App or by email. I try to check my email every day and will get back to you as soon as possible. My email address at school is: . I check my email throughout the day, but please do not use this to send me urgent messages such as transportation changes. Please contact the office if you need to get an urgent message to me. The school office number is 334-567-1248. They will relay the message to me. *** Some messages will go to spam. If you do not hear from me in 24 hours, please send me a note or call. I try to check the spam folder, but sometimes forget! Classroom Messenger comes straight to me!
Emergencies: Please make sure that we have the most up to date emergency information on file for your child. If phone numbers change, you can email me or send me a note so that your child’s information can be updated.
Our class will be going on field trips during the school year. Information will be provided as the trips are scheduled. Some fieldtrips have limited space for parents, so it will be a first come first serve basis. No siblings are allowed to attend our fieldtrips. Parents who attend the fieldtrips are considered chaperones and will be expected to help out. Parents must have a chaperone form on file with the office.
Each child will have a red plastic folder that will serve several purposes. First, this folder will have a behavior chart in it. It will be marked daily based on your child’s behavior for the day. I will also send home weekly newsletters and other correspondences in the folder. Likewise, you will need to send any notes or money that need to be given to me in this folder. Please check & return this folder everyday! I will provide the folder. If the folder is lost or damaged, it must be replaced for $1.00.
Teachers are not allowed to give students medicine. This includes Neosporin, sunscreen, lotions, etc. If you child requires medicine while at school the nurse has to give it. She has a form that should be filled out by the child’s pediatrician. Please see her for this form.
Breakfast and lunch menus will be sent home at the beginning of each month. Menus are also posted on the ElmoreCounty website.
Meal Prices: Breakfast-StudentLunch-Student
Full Pay $1.50 Full Pay $2.50
2. Reduced $0.30Reduced $0.40
Milk Only$0.50
Breakfast is served at 7:15. Our lunch time is 10:55-11:20. We only have 25 minutes for lunch. If your child brings their lunch, please send foods from home that they will eat cold. We have a very short lunch time making it difficult to heat lunches for everyone. We would love for you to join us for lunch anytime. Please give about 2 weeks before joining us. This will allow us to get used to eating in the “big lunchroom”.
In order to receive free/reduced lunch, parents must fill out a lunch form. This can be done online or by paper. Until the form is approved, you have to pay full price for lunch or bring it from home.
Our school has separate accounts for all activities and events (lunch, books, field trips, PTO, etc.). We ask that a separate check be written for lunch. We are not able to split checks or give change. We ask that all money sent to school is put in an envelope and labeled. This will help us to apply it to the correct account. Example: lunch money and field trip money must be paid separately with cash or check.
Newsletters are sent home each week. This letter includes important information that will help you to stay informed of what is going on in the classroom.
Parent Volunteers:
We love volunteers in Mrs. Pyles’ classroom! If you would like to help, please let me know. If you are unavailable to come to school and help, we have lots of things that can be completed at home and returned.
Promotion Criteria:
In order to be promoted to first grade, each child must pass the Kindergarten Promotion Criteria. The information on the promotion criteria will be covered in the Parent Teacher Conference that is held in September. A copy will come home each nine weeks for you to sign and return.
Snack:Snack time is 1:15 after PE. The school does not sell snack. Please send juice and snack from home.
Staggered Start:
To help your child adjust to kindergarten and make a smooth transition, we will have small groups of children come to school for the first 3 days. Your child will only come to school on the day that he/she is assigned and then everyone will come to school on Thursday, 11th.
My contact information:
Paige Pyles
567-1248- RES