The CrucibleBackground Fill In Study Guide

Slide 2: What does “crucible” mean?

  • a ______or ______in which concentrated forces interact to cause or influence change or development
  • a vessel of a very refractory material (as porcelain) used for melting and calcining a substance that requires a high degree of ______
  • a severe ______

Slide 3: Arthur Miller Background

  • Born in ______
  • 1915 – ______
  • Began writing plays in ______
  • Wrote ______radio plays, 4 screenplays, & 36 ______
  • Regarded as one of the best 20th century ______

Slide 4: Arthur Miller Background cont.

  • His ______, Isidore Miller, was a ladies-wear manufacturer & ______
  • Was ruined in the ______
  • This sudden change in fortune had a strong influence on Miller
  • Studied ______
  • entered the University of ______in 1934
  • won awards for playwriting

Slide 5: Arthur Miller Background cont.

  • 3 marriages
  • Married ______(actress) in 1956
  • They divorced in 1961

Slide 6: Arthur Miller’s successes

  • 1st successes
  • ______(1947)
  • ______(1949)
  • Condemned the American ideal of ______
  • Thought ______can pursue it without making dangerous moral ______
  • Awards
  • Tony award for Best Author (twice)
  • Pulitzer Prize for Drama.

Slide 7: The Cold War in America

  • The US & the USSR emerged as the world’s major ______at the end of ______
  • became involved in the ______[a state of hostility (short of direct military conflict) between the two nations]
  • Many Americans feared ______around the world & even disloyalty at home
  • Suspicion about Communist infiltration of the government
  • A lot of Americans thought the Soviets got the atomic bomb by using ______.
  • People thought that secret agents had stolen our secrets & gave them to the enemy
  • these spies were actually often average ______citizens [not ______spies]

Slide 8: Joseph McCarthy (Senator of Wisconsin)

  • Gained power by accusing others of ______
  • Claimed to have a list of ______Communists who worked in the State Department (in 1950)
  • ______accusations but helped him win a national ______
  • a Senate committee labeled them “a ______and a ______”
  • Branded the Democrats as a party of ______
  • Denounced his political foes as “soft on Communism”
  • Called Truman’s secretary of state, Dean Acheson, ______

Slide 9: McCarthyism

  • September 1950
  • Congress passed the ______goaded (provoked/incited) by ______
  • established a Subversive Activities Control Board to monitor ______in the United States
  • “McCarthyism” came to mean ______

Slide 10: End of McCarthy’s career

  • McCarthy’s influence continued until ______
  • Senate censured him for ______his colleagues.
  • His career ______
  • Fears of subversion continued
  • Communities banned ______
  • teachers, academics, civil servants, and entertainers lost ______
  • ______attacks ruined lives

Slide 11: HUAC = House Un-American Activities Committee

  • Sought to expose ______influence in American life
  • Created in ______
  • Congress wanted to investigate suspicions of ______
  • Called witnesses & investigated the ______industry
  • Result of the HUAC investigations: the entertainment industry ______to hire artists & writers suspected of being Communists
  • Over ______people, including ______

Slide 12: 3 options of the accused

  • Could claim they were ______had been members of the Communist Party
  • this would have meant ______
  • Could ______membership & then be forced to name other members
  • this would have meant ______both because of their former membership and their dubious position as informers
  • could refuse to answer any questions
  • what the______did

Slide 13: HUAC in Hollywood

  • Prominent film directors and screenwriters who refused to cooperate were ______on ______charges
  • Some, including film director ______, testified for the committee to avoid prison sentences
  • The Hollywood Ten, a group of entertainers, refused to ______
  • were convicted of ______
  • sentenced to up to ______year in prison

Slide 14: Miller’s involvement

  • He admitted to the HUAC that he had ______meetings, but denied that he was a Communist
  • Had attended, among others, 4 or 5 writers’ meetings sponsored by ______in 1947
  • Had supported a ______Conference at the Waldorf-Astoria in NY
  • Had signed many ______and ______.
  • He refused to ______who had associated with leftist or suspected Communist groups
  • Was cited for contempt of Congress

Slide 15: Why miller wrote The crucible

  • Response to ______
  • It’s not simply a straight historical play detailing the Salem witch trials
  • A lot of the information in the play ______the literal events of the trial
  • example: at the time of the trial, John Proctor was 60 old & Abigail Williams only 11
  • The play is a ______for the McCarthy era
  • similar ______occurred targeting citizens as communists, rather than disciples of the devil