Esophageal Obstruction

Symptoms / Tongue / Pulse / Tx Principle / Syndrome / Formula
Tight sensation of esophagus w/ difficult swallowing that is worse w/emotional stress, fullness, stuffiness and constriction of chest/diaphragm, cough or vomit of sticky phlegm, phlegm in digestive system, dry mouth/throat, belching, hiccups, achy pain/blockage sensation of throat to epigastrum, dry BM / Red w/ sticky, greasy coat (white or yellow) / Wiry, slippery / Open the esophagus & chest, move/ descend qi, resolve phlegm, moisten dryness / Phlegm Qi Obstruction / Qi Ge San
Difficulty swallowing, burning discomfort, feels swollen/painful, swallowing not smooth, may be after febrile disease/lots of time in summer heat, drinking water helps, may vomit after eating, burning sensation in chest/back, weight loss, dry skin, five palm heat, hot at night, thirst for cold, constipation, scanty dark urine / Red, thin, possible cracks, scanty/ thin yellow coat / Thready, rapid, slightly wiry / Nourish yin, generate fluids, clear residual or xu heat / Damage of Body Fluids w/Heat Acc. / Sha Shen Mai Dong Tang
Fluid Deficiency (injury of fluids > yin xu) / Zeng Ye Tang
Difficulty swallowing not alleviated w/ drinking water, central focal chest pain when eating, vomit minutes later (coffee colored), dark face, dry rough skin, thin body, significant weight loss, dry hard dark (black) stools / Dark or purplish red w/ purple spots, vein congested, dry, scanty coat / Wiry, thready and uneven, choppy / Remove stasis, nourish xue and yin, alleviate pain / Blood Stasis / Tong You Tang
Chronic difficulty swallowing for long time w/ possible periodic clear vomit, cold limbs/body, fatigue/weakness, pale complexion, lower edema, loose stools, abdominal fullness / Pale w/ thin, moist coat / Deep, weak / Tonify qi, warm & tonify SP/KI yang, ease swallowing / SP Qi & KI Yang Xu / Bu Qi Yun Pi Tang
Tiredness, poor appetite, pale complexion, dizzy, poor memory, blurry vision, loose stools / Pale / Thin, weak / Qi & Xue Xu / Shi Quan Da Bu Tang
More coldness of limbs/body, loose stools, lassitude / KI Yang Xu / You Gui Wan
Dry mouth/throat, thirst for cool, warm at night, low back/knee weakness, elderly/cancer / Thin, cracked, red w/ scanty / thready / KI Yin Xu / Zuo Gui Wan
Moisten & Generate Fluids / Tian hua fen / Clear heat from ST/LU, generate fluids / Resolve Turbid Phlegm / Ban xia / Dry damp, transform phlegm, descend ST qi
Lu gen / Clear ST/LU heat, generate fluids / Zhe bei mu
Chuan bei mu / Both: clear heat, transform phlegm, dissipate fire nodules
-- moistens LU dry
Shi hu / Nourish ST yin, generate fluids, clear heat
Mai men dong / Nourish ST/LU/HT yin, generate fluids, clear heat / Sha ren / Transform damp, warm/promote MJ qi
Yu zhu / Nourish yin, generate fluids / He ye / Clear summer heat/damp
Relax Muscles & Stop Spasms / Bai shao / Tonify xue, stop spasms / Remove Stasis / San leng
E zhu / Very strong blood movers: break up xue stasis, move qi, dissolve accumulations, alleviate pain. For Cancer
Bie jia / Invigorate xue, dissipate nodules, nourish yin, anchor yang
Tao ren / Break up xue stasis, moisten intestines
+ gan cao / Tonify qi, stop spasms
Together: stop spasms, pain / Hong hua / Breaks up xue stasis, alleviates pain
Ru xiang / Invigorates xue, move qi, relax sinews, reduce swelling, alleviate pain
Mo yao / Invigorate xue, dispel stasis, reduce swelling, alleviate pain