Name: ______

Chapter 2

____ 1. Which area of science involves the study of living things?

a. chemistry b. biology

c. earth science d. astronomy

_____2. Which of these is NOT a characteristic of science?

a. the use of tools b. the use of personal beliefs

c. experimentation d. the use of SI units

_____3. All scientists use the same

a. system of measurement b. tools

c. computers d. data

_____4. Measurement can be used to

a.  keep track of changes in an experiment

b.  remove personal impressions from scientific data

c.  describe observations

d.  all of the above

_____5. The scientific method is

a.  a procedure that must be strictly followed.

b.  a series of steps that cannot be modified.

c.  a guide that controls the results of an experiment.

d.  a procedure used to answer scientific questions.

Chapter 20

1.  ______is the grouping of objects based on similarities.

2.  ______is the science of naming and grouping organisms.

3.  ______are scientists that study taxonomy.

4.  The first classification system divided all living things into ____ groups: ______and ______.

5.  This system was designed by ______, a Greek philosopher.

6.  Linnaeus invented the ______-______system to identify species, which is called ______.

7.  What makes up an organisms two part name?

8.  List the 7 levels of classification from largest to smallest.

9.  Scientific names are typed in ______or underlined.

10.  The first word in a scientific name is always ______and the second word is lower case.

Chapter 7—Biochemistry:

1.  A substance that cannot be broken down into other substances by ordinary chemical means is a(n) ______

2.  The basic unit of structure of all elements is the ______.

3.  The dense central portion of the atom is the ______. It has the positive charged subatomic particle is the ______, where as the neutral subatomic particle is the ______.

4.  ______are negatively subatomic particles found in regions called ______.

5.  How many electrons can be in the first energy level? In the second? ______

6.  How many electrons can a carbon atom share? ______

7.  What are the building blocks of proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, and carbohydrates? ______


8.  _____ amino acids A. type of reaction by which complex molecules are

synthesized from simple molecules

9.  _____ enzymes B. a substance composed of similar repeating units

10.  _____nucleic acids C. Protein that acts as organic catalyst

11.  _____ unsaturated fat D. Digestion is accomplished by this type of reaction

12.  _____ amino group E. -COOH

13.  _____hydrolysis F. RNA and DNA

14.  _____ carboxyl group G. Alcohol found in lipids

15.  _____ dehydration synthesis H. Units of which proteins are composed

16.  _____ glycerol I. A lipid containing carbon atoms with double bonds

between them

17.  _____polymer J. –NH2

Chapter 8-The Cell & Chapter 9 – Plasma Membrane/Movement:

____1) Not all substances can cross the cell membrane, for this reason, the cell membrane is said to be
a) a barrierb) selectively permeable c) membrane bound d) a cell wall

____2) Provides structure and support in plant cells only:
a) a nuclear envelope b) a cell membrane c) cell wall d) cytoskeleton

____3) The cell organelle that processes and packages substances produced by the cell is
a) mitochondria b) ribosomes c) Golgi apparatus d) ER

____4) The cell organelle that digests molecules, old organelles, and foreign substances is
a) mitochondria b) ER c) Golgi apparatus d) lysosomes

____5) The shape of the cell depends on its ______

a) location b) structure c) function d) size

____6) A prokaryote has
a) a nucleusb) a cell membranec) membrane bound organellesd) All of the above

____7) The first person to observe and describe microscopic organisms and living cells was
a) Robert Hooke b) Rudolf Virchow c) Anton Leeuenhoek d) Theodor Schwann

____8) The net movement of particles from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration
a) osmosis b) diffusion c) isotonic d) kinetic energy

____9) The osmotic effect in plants
a) diffusion b) plasmolysis c) capillary action d) turgor pressure

____10) One difference between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells is that only
a) prokaryotic cells are surrounded by a cell membrane
b) prokaryotic cells have a nucleus
c) eukaryotic cells have genetic information
d) eukaryotic cells have membrane bound organelles

____11) The cell organelle that organizes protein synthesis is
a) mitochondria b) ribosomes c) ER d) lysosomes

____12) The organelle that transports proteins
a) mitochondrion b) ribosomes c) ER d) lysosomes

____13) a solution in which the concentration of dissolved substances is higher than the concentration inside the cell.
a) ionic b) isotonic c) hypotonic d) hypertonic

____14) The cell organelle that transfers energy to ATP is
a) mitochondria b) ER c) nucleus d) Golgi apparatus

____15) Storage (food, water) chambers within a cell
a) ER b) lysosomes c) vacuoles d) ribosomes

____16) Which is not a principle of the cell theory?
a) All matter consists of at least one cell.
b) Cells are the basic units of life.
c) All cells arise from preexisting cells.
d) All organisms are made of one or more cells.

____17) Cell membranes are made of two phospholipid layers called a
a) bilayer b) hydrophilic c) polarity d) semilayer

____18) The cell organelle that synthesizes RNA
a) mitochondria b) rough ER c) ribosomes d) nucleolus

____19) Prokaryotes are organisms whose cells contain No
a) nucleus b) cell membrane c) eukaryotes d) bilayers

____20) The movement of materials across the plasma membrane by the use of transport proteins
a) faster diffusion b) passive diffusionc) facilitated diffusiond) transport diffusion

____21) Unlike animals cells, plant cells have
a) cell membranes b) mitochondria c) cell walls d) chromosomes

____22) The loss of turgor pressure; causes plant to wilt

a) osmosis b) turbulence c) plasmolysis d) dynamic equilibrium

____23) Movement of molecules across the membrane by using their kinetic energy.
a) concentration gradient b) passive transportc) facilitated diffusiond) active transport

Chapter 10 – Energy in Cell – Photosynthesis/Respiration

1. Energy is released when ATP breaks down to ______and ______.

2. What is the general formula for photosynthesis?

3. Is the electron transport chain (ETC) and aerobic or anaerobic process? Explain.

4. The anaerobic process of splitting glucose and forming two molecules of pyruvic acid is called ______

5. Where does Glycolysis occur? ______

6. Does Glycolysis require oxygen? ______

7. How many ATP molecules are made in the three steps of respiration? ______

Chapter 11 – Mitosis


Chapter 12 Mendel and Meiosis

1. Meiosis is a cell division which produces ______containing ______the number of chromosomes as the parent’s body cell.

2. Meiosis has ______divisions. Meoisis I begins with a ______(2n) cell. At the end of Meiosis II, there are four ______(n) cells. They are the sex cells or ______.

3. Male gamete is called a ______. The female gamete is the egg cell. When a sperm fertilizes the egg, the resulting cell is called a ______. It will then grow and develop through the process of ______.

____4. Passing of traits from parents of offspring A. heterozygous F. genotype

____5. Study of heredity B. homozygous

____6. Different forms of a specific gene C. genetics

____7. two different alleles D. alleles

____8. The same allele for one trait E. heredity

9. In rabbits brown fur is dominant over white fur. When two heterozygous brown rabbits mate, what are the phenotypic ratios of the offspring?

Chapter 13 Genes and Chromosomes

1. ______is when DNA makes a copy of itself.

2. Adenine always pairs with ______.

3. Cytosine pairs with ______.

4. DNA replication begins with an ______breaking the hydrogen bonds between the nitrogen bases.

The following is a sequence of bases on one DNA strand


5. What would be the complimentary strand for the above DNA sequence?

6. Transcribe the ORIGNAL DNA strand. (This would be the mRNA strand.)

7. Use the mRNA strand above and the genetic code chart to translate the message to determine the sequence of amino acids.

Chapter 14 &15 – Patterns of Heredity/Human Heredity

1. Most sex linked traits are passed from ____ to _____.

a. mom; son b. father; daughter

c. father; son d. mom; daughter

2. If a person has PKU, what is the proper treatment? ______

3. In snapdragons the combined expression of both alleles for flower color produces a new phenotype-pink (PP’). A red snapdragon is homozygous for the allele, R and is crossed with a homozygous white snapdragon, R’. What is the outcome of this cross? Then cross the F1 generation and what is the outcome of this cross?

4. In four o’clocks, the red flower color is not wholly dominant over white, so that heterozygous flowers are pink (RW). A red (RR) is crossed with a white (WW) and one of these offspring is self-fertilized. What is the appearance of this F1 generation cross?

5. If a person of blood group AB marries one belonging to group O, what will be the blood groups of their children be?

6. Color blindness is sex linked recessive in men. A color blind man marries a woman with normal vision. What type of vision will be found in their children?

Pedigree for Hemophilia

7. For the trait being followed in the pedigree, individuals II-1 and II-4 can be

can be classified as

a. homozygous dominant. b. mutants.

c. homozygous recessive. d. carriers.

8. What is the relationship between individual I-1 and individual III-2?

a. grandfather – granddaughter b. great aunt – nephew

c. grandmother – grandson d. mother – son

9. If individual III-2 marries a person with the same genotype as individual I-1,

what is the chance that one of their children will be afflicted with hemophilia?

a. 0% b. 25%

c. 50% d. 75%

10. This pedigree show ______generations.

a. one b. two

c. three d. four

11. Genetic disorders are usually caused by a ______genes.

Disease / Cause / Symptoms / Treatment
Cystic Fibrosis

Chapter 16 – DNA Technology

Define the following terms.

1. Cloning

2. Genetic engineering

3. Plasmid

4. Gene therapy

5. Transgenic organisms

6. Recombinant DNA

7. What is the Human Genome Project?

8. Put the following steps in order to create a transgenic organism.

____ Join the DNA with a vector to transport it

____ Isolate the foreign DNA to be inserted

____ Actual transfer of the recombinant DNA into new host

Chapters 3-4 – Go over your ecology notes for the Ecology questions.