SaddlebackCollege Human Physiology Biology 12
Lab Unit Three (updated Sp2010)
Revised 7/04/07
Table of Contents
Title / PageAn exercise in the use of the clinical spectrophotometer- clinical assay laboratory / 2
DNA, RNA, and protein electrophoresis, and ELISA / 7
PhysioEx: Exercise 10: Acid Base balance- complete all activities and worksheet, but be sure to read the introduction presented in this packet / 13-Intro only
An exercise in the determination of urine specific gravity and Long’s coefficient / 19
An exercise in the methods of urine analysis- chemical analysis / 22
An exercise in the methods of urine analysis- Microscopic sediments / 25
Renal problems / 28
PhysioEx: Exercise 9: Renal system physiology- complete all activities and worksheet / See PhysioEx book
PhysioEx-Exercise 7: Respiratory system mechanics. Perform all activities and worksheet / See Physioex book
Physio Ex 8: Chemical and Physical processes of digestion- Perform all activities and worksheet / See Physioex book
An exercise in the use of the spirometer-Lung capacities and volumes / 33
Measurement of lung function: forced expiratory volume (FEV1.0) / 38
Total points possible (48)
Grading rubric for lab binders: Each lab, within the three lab units, is worth 4 possible points.
- 4 pts: A lab is thoroughly completed and highlighted/underlined and no data are missing. All questions/exercises are complete. Answers to questions were written thoughtfully and with insight. Lab notebook is neat and organized.
- 3.75 pts: A lab question or two were not answered very well, but everything else looked great.
- 3.5 pts: A lab is not highlighted, or maybe a question or two wasn’t answered, but the rest of the lab was completed with thought and insight.
- 3 pts: lab is complete but one or two of the following were found: Answers to some questions display little care and thought, some data may be missing; highlighting may be missing; answers to some questions are missing Lab notebook is overall neat and organized, however.
- 2 pts: Lab notebook is not neat and organized and is somewhat completed but some data are missing; answers to questions are not complete thoughts. Little to no evidence of pre-write highlighting/underlining;
- 1 pt: Significant amounts of the lab are not completed or data missing. Little thought put toward answering lab questions.
- 0 pts: lab notebook turned in late or lab not completed at all