08/19/08 Version / B.S. Degree in Biochemistry and Biotechnology
Emphasis in Biological Chemistry
The following is a sample schedule to help students plan their coursework. These are suggestions and the schedule is flexible. In addition to fulfilling the courses specifically required for this chemistry degree, it is important that students also fulfill Dragon Core requirements and normal graduation requirements (at least 120 total credits, at least 40 upper/division credits [300/400 level], and a GPA of at least 2.0.)
Dragon Core (1A or 2) or Bioscience Elective4 / 4 / BIOL / 111 / Cell Biology (lab) / 4
CHEM / 150 / Gen Chem I (lab) / 4 / 4L / CHEM / 210 / Gen Chem II (lab) / 4
ENGL / 101 / English Composition1 / 3 / 1B / Dragon Core (1A or 2)1 / 3 / Y
MATH / 142 / Precalculus2 / 4 / 3 / Dragon Core (1A or 2) / 3 / 2
HLTH / 122 / Personal Health/Wellness / 1 / Dragon Core (3, 5, 6, or 7) 3 / 3 / Y
Total Credits / 16 / Total Credits / 17
BIOL / 341 / Genetics (lab) / 4 / BIOL / 385 / Molecular Biology (lab) / 4
CHEM / 350 / Organic Chem I / 3 / CHEM / 360 / Organic Chem II / 3
CHEM / 355 / Organic Chem Lab I / 1 / CHEM / 365 / Organic Chem Lab II / 1
MATH / 261 / Calculus I2 / 4 / 3 / MATH / 262 / Calculus II / 4
PHYS / 200 / Physics I (lab) / 4 / 4L / PHYS / 201 / Physics II (lab) / 4
Total Credits / 16 / Total Credits / 16
CHEM / 300 / Inorganic Chemistry / 3 / CHEM / 380 / Analytical Chemistry / 4
CHEM / 400 / Biochemistry I / 3 / CHEM / 410 / Biochemistry II / 3
CHEM / 405 / Biochemistry I Lab / 1 / CHEM / 415 / Biochemistry II Lab / 1
CHEM / 450 / Physical Chemistry I / 3 / CHEM / 460 / Physical Chem II5 / 3
CHEM / 455 / Physical Chem Lab I / 1 / CHEM / 465 / Phys Chem Lab II5 / 1
Dragon Core (3, 5, 6, or 7) or Bioscience Elective4 / 3 / Y / Dragon Core (3, 5, 6, or 7) or Bioscience Elective4 / 3 / Y
Total Credits / 14 / Total Credits / 15
BCBT / 475 / Biotechniques I / 2 / BCBT / 476 / Biotechniques II / 2
BCBT / Biotechniques Block / 2 / BCBT / Biotechniques Block / 2
BCBT / Biotechniques Block / 2 / Dragon Core (8, 9, or 10) / 3 / Y
Dragon Core (3, 5, 6, or 7) or Bioscience Elective4 / 3 / Y / Dragon Core (3, 5, 6, or 7) or Bioscience Elective4 / 3 / Y
Dragon Core (8, 9, or 10) / 3 / Y / Dragon Core (8, 9, or 10) / 3 / Y
Total Credits / 12 / Total Credits / 13
1 These are standard Dragon Core courses, but others can be taken in their place.
2 ACS math scores or a mathematics placement exam is needed to inform whether a student should begin directly in calculus, precalculus or a different math class. Math 142 can only be taken by students with an ACT Math Sub Score of 24 or above.
3 English Composition II (ENGL 201) is strongly recommended. .
4 At least one of the Bioscience electives must be a Physiology course (BIOL 347, 349, or 360). For the other electives, see
5 Molecular and Biophysical Chemistry (BCBT 450) can be taken (Fall) instead of Physical Chemistry II (Chem 460/465). Physical Chemistry 460/465 is normally offered every other year, in the spring of even-numbered years.
08/19/08 Version / B.S. Degree in Biochemistry and Biotechnology
Emphasis in Biological Chemistry
Curriculum Planning
Dragon Core ChecksheetFoundation Four
Grade / Credits / W?
1A / Oral Communication
1B / Written
Communication (W)
2 / Critical Thinking
3 / Mathematics/Symbolic
Inner Cluster Electives & Middle Cluster –
Competency Areas 3-7, seven courses total
Grade / Credits / W?
3 Mathematical/Symbolic Systems (optional)
3I or 3M
4 Natural Sciences (One Lab Class Required)
4I or 4M
4I or 4M
5 History and the Social Sciences
5I or 5M
5I or 5M
6 Humanities
6I or 6M
6I or 6M
7 Human Diversity
7I or 7M
7I or 7M
Outer Cluster – Competency Areas 8-10, three courses total
Grade / Credits / W?
8 / Global Perspective
9 / Ethical and Civic Responsibility
10 / People and the Environment
Total Dragon Core Credits:
(Minimum 14 courses and 42 credits)
Writing Intensive Requirements
W 1 (1B) / ENGL 102
W 2 (MC or OC) / BIOL 341
W 3 (MC or OC, 300-400 level) / BIOL 405
W 4 (Major, 300-400 level) / BCBT 475
W 5 (any W course, 200-400 level)
/ Requirements / When
Offered / Credits / Grade
BIOL 111 / Cell Biology / S / 4
BIOL 341 / Genetics / F / 4
BIOL 385 / Molecular Biology / S / 3
BIOL 385L / Molecular Lab / S / 1
CHEM 150 / General Chemistry I / F/Sp/Sum / 4
CHEM 210 / General Chemistry II / F/Sum / 4
CHEM 300 / Inorganic Chem / F / 3
CHEM 350 / Organic Chem I / F / 3
CHEM 355 / Organic Chem Lab I / F / 1
CHEM 360 / Organic Chem II / Sp / 3
CHEM 365 / Organic Chem Lab II / Sp / 4
CHEM 380 / Analytical Chem / Sp / 4
CHEM 400 / Biochemistry I / F / 3
CHEM 405 / Biochemistry Lab I / F / 1
CHEM 410 / Biochemistry II / Sp / 3
CHEM 415 / Biochemistry Lab II / Sp / 1
CHEM 450 / Physical Chem I / F / 3
CHEM 455 / Physical Chem Lab I / F / 1
BCBT 475 / Biotechniques: R&C I / Sp / 2
BCBT 476 / Biotechniques: R&C II / F / 2
MATH 261 / Calculus I / F/Sp / 4
MATH 262 / Calculus II / F/Sp / 4
PHYS 200 / General Physics I / F / 4
PHYS 201 / General Physics II / S / 4
Restricted Electives
BIOL / One Physiology Elective (349, 347, or 360) / 4
BCBT / Three Biotechnique Blocks from 477-483 / 3 x 2
BIOL ≥300 / One Bioscience Electives from:
115, 323, 305, 321, 345, 347, 348, 349, 350, 360, 365, 372, 402, 430 / 3-4
Physical Chemistry II (CHEM 460) or Molecular and Biophysical Chemistry (BCBT 450) / 3
08/19/08 Version / B.S. Degree in Biochemistry and Biotechnology
Emphasis in Cellular and Molecular Sciences
The following is a sample schedule to help students plan their coursework. These are suggestions and the schedule is flexible. In addition to fulfilling the courses specifically required for this chemistry degree, it is important that students also fulfill Dragon Core requirements and normal graduation requirements (at least 120 total credits, at least 40 upper/division credits [300/400 level], and a GPA of at least 2.0.)
BIOL / 115 / Organismal Biology (lab) / 4 / BIOL / 111 / Cell Biology (lab) / 4
CHEM / 150 / Gen Chem I (lab) / 4 / 4L / CHEM / 210 / Gen Chem II (lab) / 4
ENGL / 101 / English Composition1 / 3 / 1B / CMST / 100 / Speech Communication1 / 3 / 1A
MATH / 142 / Precalculus2 / 4 / 3 / Dragon Core (2) / 3 / 2
HLTH / 122 / Personal Health/Wellness / 1 / Dragon Core (3, 5, 6, or 7) 4 / 3 / Y
Total Credits / 16 / Total Credits / 17
BIOL / 341 / Genetics (lab) / 4 / BIOL / 385 / Molecular Biology (lab) / 4
CHEM / 350 / Organic Chem I / 3 / CHEM / 360 / Organic Chem II / 3
CHEM / 355 / Organic Chem Lab I / 1 / CHEM / 365 / Organic Chem Lab II / 1
MATH / 261 / Calculus I2 / 4 / 3 / MATH / 244/
262 / Applied Biostatistics
Or Calculus II / 4
PHYS / 200 / Physics I5 (lab) / 4 / 4L / PHYS / 201 / Physics II5 (lab) / 4
Total Credits / 16 / Total Credits / 16
BIOL / Elective in Bioscience6 / 3/4 / BIOL / Elective in Bioscience6 / 3/4
BIOL / Elective in Bioscience6 / 3/4 / CHEM / 410 / Biochemistry II / 3
CHEM / 400 / Biochemistry I / 3 / CHEM / 415 / Biochemistry II Lab / 1
CHEM / 405 / Biochemistry I Lab / 1 / CHEM / 380 / Analytical Chemistry / 4
Dragon Core (3, 5, 6, or 7) / 3 / Y / Dragon Core (3, 5, 6, or 7) / 3 / Y
Dragon Core (3, 5, 6, or 7) / 3 / Y
Total Credits / 16 / Total Credits / 14
BCBT / 475 / Biotechniques I / 2 / BCBT / 476 / Biotechniques II / 2
BCBT / Biotechniques Block / 2 / BCBT / Biotechniques Block / 2
BCBT / Biotechniques Block / 2 / BIOL / Elective in Bioscience6 / 3/4
BCBT / 450 / Mol & Biophys Chemistry / 3 / Dragon Core (8, 9, or 10) / 3 / T
BIOL / Elective in Bioscience6 / 3/4 / Dragon Core (8, 9, or 10) / 3 / Y
Dragon Core (8, 9, or 10) / 3 / Y
Total Credits / 15 / Total Credits / 13
1 These are standard Dragon Core courses, but others can be taken in their place.
2 ACS math scores or a mathematics placement exam is needed to inform whether a student should begin directly in calculus, precalculus or a different math class. Math 142 can only be taken by students with an ACT Math Sub Score of 24 or above.
3 Math 244, Applied Biostatistics, satisfies the statistics requirement for Dragon Core, Calculus II does not. However, only two math courses can be used toward Dragon Core (even if MATH 142, 261, and either 262 or 244 are all taken).
4 English Composition II (ENGL 201) is strongly recommended. .
5 Physics 160/161 can be taken instead of Physics 200/201. Physics 200/201 is calculus-based.
6 At least one of the Bioscience electives must be a Physiology course (BIOL 347, 349, or 360).
08/19/08 Version / B.S. Degree in Biochemistry and Biotechnology
Emphasis in Cellular and Molecular Sciences
Curriculum Planning
Dragon Core ChecksheetFoundation Four
Grade / Credits / W?
1A / Oral Communication
1B / Written
Communication (W)
2 / Critical Thinking
3 / Mathematics/Symbolic
Inner Cluster Electives & Middle Cluster –
Competency Areas 3-7, seven courses total
Grade / Credits / W?
3 Mathematical/Symbolic Systems (optional)
3I or 3M
4 Natural Sciences (One Lab Class Required)
4I or 4M
4I or 4M
5 History and the Social Sciences
5I or 5M
5I or 5M
6 Humanities
6I or 6M
6I or 6M
7 Human Diversity
7I or 7M
7I or 7M
Outer Cluster – Competency Areas 8-10, three courses total
Grade / Credits / W?
8 / Global Perspective
9 / Ethical and Civic Responsibility
10 / People and the Environment
Total Dragon Core Credits:
(Minimum 14 courses and 42 credits)
Writing Intensive Requirements
W 1 (1B) / ENGL 102
W 2 (MC or OC) / BIOL 341
W 3 (MC or OC, 300-400 level) / BIOL 405
W 4 (Major, 300-400 level) / BCBT 475
W 5 (any W course, 200-400 level)
/ Requirements / When
Offered / Credits / Grade
BIOL 111 / Cell Biology / S / 4
BIOL 115 / Organismal Biology / F / 4
BIOL 341 / Genetics / F / 4
BIOL 385 / Molecular Biology / S / 3
BIOL 385L / Molecular Lab / S / 1
BIOL 450 / Mol. & Biophysical / F / 4
CHEM 150/150L / General Chemistry I / F/Sp/Sum / 4
CHEM 210/210L / General Chemistry II / F/Sum / 4
CHEM 350 / Organic Chem I / F / 3
CHEM 355 / Organic Chem Lab I / F / 1
CHEM 360 / Organic Chem II / Sp / 3
CHEM 365 / Organic Chem Lab II / Sp / 4
CHEM 380 / Analytical Chem / Sp / 4
CHEM 400 / Biochemistry I / F / 3
CHEM 405 / Biochemistry Lab I / F / 1
CHEM 410 / Biochemistry II / Sp / 3
CHEM 415 / Biochemistry Lab II / Sp / 1
BCBT 475 / Biotechnology I / Sp / 2
BCBT 476 / Biotechnology II / F / 2
MATH 261 / Calculus I / F/Sp / 4
Restricted Electives
BIOL / One Physiology Elective from: 349, 347, or 360 / 4
BCBT / Three Biotechnique Blocks from 477-483 / 3 x 2
BIOL ≥300 / Three Bioscience Electives from:
323, 305, 321, 345, 347, 348, 349, 350, 360, 365, 372, 402, 430, 455 / 9
MATH / Calculus II (262) or Biostatistics (244) / 4
PHYS / General Physics (160/161) or College Physics (200/201) / 8
07/29/08 Version / B.S. Degree in Chemistry Education
The following is a sample schedule to help students plan their coursework. These are suggestions and the schedule is flexible. In addition to fulfilling the courses specifically required for this chemistry degree, it is important that students also fulfill Dragon Core requirements and normal graduation requirements (at least 120 total credits, at least 40 upper/division credits [300/400 level], and a GPA of at least 2.0.)
Chem / 150 / Gen Chem I (+ lab) / 4 / 4IL / Chem / 210 / Gen Chem II (+ lab) / 4
ED / 205/
205E / Intro. Educ./Tech.
Early Field Exper. / 3 / ED / 294 / Educ. Psychology / 3
BIOL / 115 / Organismal Biology / 4 / BIOL / 111 / Cell Biology / 4
ENGL / 101 / English Composition2 / 4 / 1B / CMST / 100 / Speech Communication2 / 3 / 1A
Hlth / 122 / Personal Health/Wellness / 1 / Phil / 110 / Practical Reasoning2 / 3 / 2
Total Credits / 16 / Total Credits / 17
Chem / 350/355 / Organic Chem I + Lab / 4 / MATH / 261 / Calculus I / 4
PHYS / 200 / Physics I3 / 4 / 4I / PHYS / 201 / Physics II / 4
GEOS / 115 / Physical Geology / 4 / 4I / GEOS / 116 / Historical Geology / 4
Elective / 3 / ED / 310 / Soc. Found. of Educ. / 3
Total Credits / 15 / Total Credits / 15
Chem / 400/405 / Biochemistry I + Lab / 3 / Chem / 440 / Sec. Sci. Methods / 4
Chem / 300 / Inorganic Chem I / 3 / Chem / 380 / Analytical Chem (lab) / 4
GEOS / 360 / Planetary Science3 / 3 / ED / 443S / Class Man./Consult. / 3
ED / 398 / Field Exper. Sec. / 3 / SPED / 320 / Educ. Services / 3
AMCS / 233 / Educ./Multicult. Am. / 3 / Elective / 3
Total Credits / 15 / Total Credits / 17
Chem / 450/455 / Physical Chem I + Lab5 / 3 / ED / 461 S / Student Teaching / 10
BIOL / 305 / General Botany / 4
Chem / 497 / Research / 1
EECE / 448 / Reading Skills / 3
MATH / Calc II (262) or Stats (234) / 4
Total Credits / 15 / Total Credits / 10
1 ACS math scores or a mathematics placement exam is needed to inform whether a student should begin directly in calculus or a different math class.
2 These are standard Dragon Core courses, but others can be taken in their place.
3 GEOS 360 is offered in fall of odd-numbered years.
07/29/08 / B.S. Degree in Chemistry Education
Curriculum Planning
Dragon Core ChecksheetFoundation Four
Grade / Credits / W?
1A / Oral Communication
1B / Written
Communication (W)
2 / Critical Thinking
3 / Mathematics/Symbolic
Inner Cluster Electives & Middle Cluster –
Competency Areas 3-7, seven courses total
Grade / Credits / W?
3 Mathematical/Symbolic Systems (optional)
3I or 3M
4 Natural Sciences (One Lab Class Required)
4I or 4M
4I or 4M
5 History and the Social Sciences
5I or 5M
5I or 5M
6 Humanities
6I or 6M
6I or 6M
7 Human Diversity
7I or 7M
7I or 7M
Outer Cluster – Competency Areas 8-10, three courses total
Grade / Credits / W?
8 / Global Perspective
9 / Ethical and Civic Responsibility
10 / People and the Environment
Total Dragon Core Credits:
(Minimum 14 courses and 42 credits)
Writing Intensive Requirements
W 1 (1B)
W 2 (MC or OC)
W 3 (MC or OC, 300-400 level)
W 4 (Major, 300-400 level) / Chem 405
W 5 (any W course, 200-400 level) / ENGL 387
/ Requirements / 30 credits
22 ≥300 / When
Offered / Credits / Grade
CHEM 150/150L / General Chemistry I / F/Sp/Sum / 4
CHEM 210/210L / General Chemistry II / F/Sum / 4
CHEM300 / Inorganic Chem I / F / 3
CHEM 350 / Organic Chem I / F / 3
CHEM 355 / Organic Chem Lab I / F / 1
CHEM 380/380L / Analytical Chem I / Sp / 4
CHEM 400 / Biochemistry I / F / 3
CHEM 440 / Sec. Sci. Methods / Sp / 3
CHEM 450 / Physical Chem I / F / 3
CHEM 455 / Physical Chem Lab I / F / 1
CHEM 497 / Research / F/Sp / 1
Restricted Electives / 8 credits
PHYS 200/200L or 160+160L / Physics I / F / 4
PHYS 201/201L or 161+161L / Physics II / Sp / 4
Requirements / 30 credits
7 ≥300
BIOL 111 / Cell Biology / Sp / 4
BIOL 115 / Organismal Biology / F / 4
BIOL 305 / General Botany / F / 4
GEOS 115 / Physical Geology / F / 4
GEOS 116 / Historical Geology / Sp / 3
GEOS 360 / Planetary Science / F (odd yr) / 3
MATH 261 / Calculus I / F/Sp / 4
MATH 262
or MATH 234 / Calculus II or Probability/Statistics / F/Sp / 4
Secondary Education Teaching Lic. / 36 credits
24 ≥300
AMCS 233 / Educ./Multicult. Am. / F / 3
CMST 100 / Speech Comm. / F/Sp / 3
ED 205 / Intro. Educ./Tech. / F/Sp / 2
ED 205E / Early Field Exper. / F/Sp / 1
ED 294 / Educ. Psychology / F/Sp / 3
ED 310 / Soc. Found. of Educ. / F/Sp / 3
ED 398 / Field Exper. Sec. / F/Sp / 2
ED 443S / Class Man./Consult. / F/Sp / 3
EECE 448 / Reading Skills / F / 3
SPED 320 / Educ. Services / F/Sp / 3
ED 461 S / Student Teaching / F/Sp / 10
07/19/08 Version / B.A. Degree in Chemistry
Emphasis in Biological Chemistry
The following is a sample schedule to help students plan their coursework. These are suggestions and the schedule is flexible. In addition to fulfilling the courses specifically required for this chemistry degree, it is important that students also fulfill Dragon Core requirements and normal graduation requirements (at least 120 total credits, at least 40 upper/division credits [300/400 level], and a GPA of at least 2.0.)
BIOL / 115 / Organismal Biology (lab) / 4 / 4IL / BIOL / 111 / Cell Biology (lab) / 4
Chem / 150 / Gen Chem I (lab) / 4 / 4IL / Chem / 210 / Gen Chem II (lab) / 4
ENGL / 101 / English Composition1 / 4 / 1B / Math / 261 / Calculus I2 / 4 / 3
CMST / 100 / Speech Communication1 / 3 / 1A / Phil / 110 / Practical Reasoning1 / 3 / 2
Hlth / 122 / Personal Health/Wellness / 1
Total Credits / 16 / Total Credits / 15
Chem / 350 / Organic Chem I / 3 / Chem / 360 / Organic Chem II / 3
Chem / 355 / Organic Chem Lab I / 1 / Chem / 365 / Organic Chem Lab II / 1
BIOL / 341 / Genetics (lab) / 4 / Chem / 380 / Analytical Chem (lab) / 4
PHYS / 200 / Physics I5 / 4 / 4I / PHYS / 201 / Physics II5 / 4
Elective4 / 3 / Elective4 / 3
Total Credits / 15 / Total Credits / 15
BIOL / Elective in Biology / 4 / BIOL / Elective in Biology / 4
Chem / 400 / Biochemistry I / 3 / Chem / 410 / Biochemistry II / 3
Chem / 405 / Biochemistry I Lab / 1 / Chem / 415 / Biochemistry II Lab / 1
Chem / 300 / Inorganic Chem I / 3 / Math / Calc II or Statistics3 / 4
Elective / 3 / Electives / 3
Total Credits / 14 / Total Credits / 15
Chem / 450 / Physical Chem I / 3 / Chem / 498 / Chemistry Seminar / 1
Chem / 455 / Physical Chem Lab I / 1 / ENGL / 387 / Tech Report Writing / 4
Electives / 11 / Electives / 10
Total Credits / 15 / Total Credits / 15
1 These are standard Dragon Core courses, but others can be taken in their place.
2 ACS math scores or a mathematics placement exam is needed to inform whether a student should begin directly in calculus or a different math class.
3 Math 234 can be taken in addition to or instead of Calculus II.
4 In considering electives, keep in mind that eventually at least 8 credits of Biology in the 300/400 level must be taken, and all of the Dragon Core requirements must be fulfilled.
5 If a student has not taken Calculus, Physics 160/161 can be taken instead of Physics 200/201.
06/12/08 Version / B.A. Degree in Chemistry
Emphasis in Biological Chemistry
Curriculum Planning
Dragon Core ChecksheetFoundation Four
Grade / Credits / W?
1A / Oral Communication
1B / Written
Communication (W)
2 / Critical Thinking
3 / Mathematics/Symbolic
Inner Cluster Electives & Middle Cluster –
Competency Areas 3-7, seven courses total
Grade / Credits / W?
3 Mathematical/Symbolic Systems (optional)
3I or 3M
4 Natural Sciences (One Lab Class Required)
4I or 4M
4I or 4M
5 History and the Social Sciences
5I or 5M
5I or 5M
6 Humanities
6I or 6M
6I or 6M
7 Human Diversity
7I or 7M
7I or 7M
Outer Cluster – Competency Areas 8-10, three courses total
Grade / Credits / W?
8 / Global Perspective
9 / Ethical and Civic Responsibility
10 / People and the Environment
Total Dragon Core Credits:
(Minimum 14 courses and 42 credits)
Writing Intensive Requirements
W 1 (1B)
W 2 (MC or OC)
W 3 (MC or OC, 300-400 level)
W 4 (Major, 300-400 level) / CHEM 405
W 5 (any W course, 200-400 level) / ENGL 387
/ Core
Requirements / 23 credits
15 ≥300 / When
Offered / Credits / Grade
CHEM 150/150L / General Chemistry I / F/Sp/Sum / 4
CHEM 210/210L / General Chemistry II / F/Sum / 4
CHEM300 / Inorganic Chem I / F / 3
CHEM 350 / Organic Chem I / F / 3
CHEM 355 / Organic Chem Lab I / F / 1
CHEM 360 / Organic Chem II / Sp / 3
CHEM 380/380L / Analytical Chem I / Sp / 4
CHEM 498 / Seminar / Sp / 1
Requirements / 21 credits
17 ≥300
CHEM 365 / Organic Chem Lab II / Sp / 1
CHEM 400 / Biochemistry I / F / 3
CHEM 405 / Biochemistry Lab I / F / 1
CHEM 410 / Biochemistry II / Sp / 3
CHEM 415 / Biochemistry Lab II / Sp / 1
CHEM 450 / Physical Chem I / F / 3
CHEM 455 / Physical Chem Lab I / F / 1
BIOL 111/111L / Cell Biology / Sp / 4
BIOL 341/341L / Genetics / F / 4
Restricted Electives / 12 credits
BIOL / Biology Elective / 4
BIOL ≥300 / Biology Elective / 4
BIOL ≥300 / Biology Elective / 4
Requirements / 20 credits
4 ≥300
ENGL 387 / Tech Report Writing / F/Sp / 4
MATH 261 / Calculus I / F/Sp / 4
MATH 262
or MATH 234 / Calculus II or Probability/Statistics / F/Sp / 4
PHYS 200/200L or 160+160L / Physics I / F / 4
PHYS 201/201L or 161+161L / Physics II / Sp / 4
06/12/08 Version / B.A. Degree in Chemistry
Emphasis in Computational Chemistry
The following is a sample schedule to help students plan their coursework. These are suggestions and the schedule is flexible. In addition to fulfilling the courses specifically required for this chemistry degree, it is important that students also fulfill Dragon Core requirements and normal graduation requirements (at least 120 total credits, at least 40 upper/division credits [300/400 level], and a GPA of at least 2.0.)
CHEM / 150 / Gen CHEM I (lab) / 4 / 4IL / Chem / 210 / Gen CHEM II (lab) / 4
CSIS / 152 / Comp. Programming I / 4 / CSIS / 252 / Comp. Programming II / 4
ENGL / 101 / English Composition1 / 4 / 1B / Phil / 110 / Practical Reasoning1 / 3 / 2
CMST / 100 / Speech Communication1 / 3 / 1A / Electives3 / 3
Hlth / 122 / Personal Health/Wellness / 1
Total Credits / 16 / Total Credits / 14
CHEM / 350 / Organic Chem I / 3 / CHEM / 360 / Organic Chem II / 3
CHEM / 355 / Organic Chem Lab I / 1 / CHEM / 365 / Organic Chem Lab II / 1
MATH / 261 / Calculus I2 / 4 / MATH / 262 / Calculus II / 4
Electives3 / 7 / CSIS / 352 / Advanced Programming / 4
Electives3 / 3
Total Credits / 15 / Total Credits / 15
CHEM / 300 / Inorganic Chem I5 / 3 / CHEM / 380 / Analytical Chem (lab) / 4
PHYS / 200 / Physics I4 / 4 / 4I / PHYS / 201 / Physics II / 4
CHEM / 400 / Biochemistry I / 3 / Electives3 / 7
CHEM / 4055 / Biochemistry Lab I / 1
Electives3 / 4
Total Credits / 15 / Total Credits / 15
CHEM / 450 / Physical Chem I5 / 3 / CHEM / 498 / Chemistry Seminar / 1
CHEM / 455 / Physical Chem Lab I5 / 1 / ENGL / 387 / Tech Report Writing / 4
Electives3 / 11 / Electives3 / 10
Total Credits / 30 / Total Credits / 30
1 These are standard Dragon Core courses, but others can be taken in their place.
2 ACS math scores or a mathematics placement exam is needed to inform whether a student can begin directly in calculus or a different math class.
3 In considering electives, keep in mind that elective courses must cover Dragon Core requirements, as well as restricted electives in the areas of CSIS and chemistry.
4 Calculus I (Math 261) is a prerequisite for Physics 200/201.
5 Inorganic Chemistry I and Physical Chemistry I are both offered every fall, but Inorganic Chemistry II and Physical Chemistry II are only offered during alternating springs. (Inorganic Chem II in odd-numbered years, Physical Chemistry II in even-numbered years).
6/12/08 Version / B.A. Degree in Chemistry
Emphasis in Computational Chemistry
Curriculum Planning
Dragon Core ChecksheetFoundation Four
Grade / Credits / W?
1A / Oral Communication
1B / Written
Communication (W)
2 / Critical Thinking
3 / Mathematics/Symbolic
Inner Cluster Electives & Middle Cluster –
Competency Areas 3-7, seven courses total
Grade / Credits / W?
3 Mathematical/Symbolic Systems (optional)
3I or 3M
4 Natural Sciences (One Lab Class Required)
4I or 4M
4I or 4M
5 History and the Social Sciences
5I or 5M
5I or 5M
6 Humanities
6I or 6M
6I or 6M
7 Human Diversity
7I or 7M
7I or 7M
Outer Cluster – Competency Areas 8-10, three courses total
Grade / Credits / W?
8 / Global Perspective
9 / Ethical and Civic Responsibility
10 / People and the Environment
Total Dragon Core Credits:
(Minimum 14 courses and 42 credits)
Writing Intensive Requirements
W 1 (1B)
W 2 (MC or OC)
W 3 (MC or OC, 300-400 level)
W 4 (Major, 300-400 level) / Chem 405
W 5 (any W course, 200-400 level) / ENGL 387
/ Core
Requirements / 23 credits
15 ≥300 / When
Offered / Credits / Grade
CHEM 150/150L / General Chemistry I / F/Sp/Sum / 4
CHEM 210/210L / General Chemistry II / F/Sum / 4
CHEM300 / Inorganic Chem I / F / 3
CHEM 350 / Organic Chem I / F / 3
CHEM 355 / Organic Chem Lab I / F / 1
CHEM 360 / Organic Chem II / Sp / 3
CHEM 380/380L / Analytical Chem I / Sp / 4
CHEM 498 / Seminar / Sp / 1
Requirements / 20 credits
12 ≥300
CHEM 365 / Organic Chem Lab II / Sp / 1
CHEM 400 / Biochemistry I / F / 3
CHEM 405 / Biochemistry Lab I / F / 1
CHEM 450 / Physical Chem I / F / 3
CHEM 455 / Physical Chem Lab I / F / 1
CSIS 152 / Comp/Program I / F/Sp / 4
CSIS 252 / Comp/Program II / F/Sp / 4
CSIS 352 / Adv. Programming / Sp / 3
Restricted Electives / 10 credits
CHEM / CHEM Elective / 4
CSIS / CSIS Elective / 3
CSIS / CSIS Elective / 3
Requirements / 20 credits
4 ≥300
ENGL 387 / Tech Report Writing / F/Sp / 4
Math 261 / Calculus I / F/Sp / 4
Math 262 / Calculus II / F/Sp / 4
PHYS 200/200L
or 160/160L / Physics I / F / 4
PHYS 201/201L
or 161/161L / Physics II / Sp / 4
06/12/08 Version / B.A. Degree in Chemistry
Emphasis in Mathematical Chemistry
The following is a sample schedule to help students plan their coursework. These are suggestions and the schedule is flexible. In addition to fulfilling the courses specifically required for this chemistry degree, it is important that students also fulfill Dragon Core requirements and normal graduation requirements (at least 120 total credits, at least 40 upper/division credits [300/400 level], and a GPA of at least 2.0.)
Chem / 150 / Gen Chem I (lab) / 4 / 4IL / Chem / 210 / Gen Chem II (lab) / 4
Math / 261 / Calculus I1 / 4 / Math / 262 / Calculus II / 4
Math / 260 / Computer Calculus / 1 / Phil / 110 / Practical Reasoning2 / 3 / 2
ENGL / 101 / English Composition2 / 4 / 1B / Hlth / 122 / Personal Health/Wellness / 1
CMST / 100 / Speech Communication2 / 3 / 1A / Electives3 / 3
Total Credits / 16 / Total Credits / 15
Chem / 350 / Organic Chem I / 3 / Chem / 360 / Organic Chem II / 3
Chem / 355 / Organic Chem Lab I / 1 / Chem / 365 / Organic Chem Lab II / 1
Math / 323 / Multivariable Vector Calc. / 4 / Chem / 380 / Analytical Chem (lab) / 4
Electives3 / 7 / Electives3 / 7
Total Credits / 15 / Total Credits / 15
Chem / 300 / Inorganic Chem I5 / 3 / Math / 234 / Probability and Statistics / 4
PHYS / 200 / Physics I4 / 4 / 4I / PHYS / 201 / Physics II / 4
Electives3 / 8 / Electives3 / 7
Total Credits / 15 / Total Credits / 15
Chem / 450 / Physical Chem I5 / 3 / Chem / 498 / Chemistry Seminar / 1
Chem / 455 / Physical Chem Lab I5 / 1 / ENGL / 387 / Tech Report Writing / 4
Electives3 / 11 / Electives3 / 10
Total Credits / 30 / Total Credits / 30
1 ACT math scores or a mathematics placement exam is needed to inform whether a student can begin directly in calculus or a different math class.