Build a Summary
Chapter 2 Answers
- Gage
- frontal
- survived
- personality
- brain
- spinal
- smaller
- cells
- receive
- neurons
- glial
- nourish (interchangeable with 13)
- insulate (interchangeable with 12)
- dendrites
- axon
- terminals or terminal buttons
- one
- myelin
- electrical
- efficiently
- afferent
- efferent
- electrochemical
- 1/50th
- chemical
- resting
- chloride
- polarized
- resting
- potential
- -70
- membrane
- permeability
- sodium
- depolarized
- action
- potential
- 110
- +30
- +40
- permeable
- potassium
- pumped
- resting
- fires
- threshold
- same
- all-or-none
- hundreds
- refractory
- synapse
- transmitting
- dendrite
- synaptic
- cleft
- electrical
- chemicals
- terminal
- vesicles
- neurotransmitters
- chemical
- receptor
- site
- reuptake
- excite
- inhibit
- contraction
- deficiencies
- depression
- acetylcholine
- hippocampus
- dopamine
- learning
- Parkinson’s
- norepinephrine
- stem
- hormone
- serotonin
- eating
- depression
- inhibitory
- brain
- spinal
- nerves
- central
- sensory
- motor
- peripheral
- peripheral
- somatic (interchangeable with 92)
- autonomic (interchangeable with 91)
- somatic
- purposeful
- autonomic
- respiration
- sympathetic
- parasympathetic
- replenish
- central
- spinal
- brain
- nerves
- reflexes
- gray
- white
- reflexes
- involuntary
- Gage
- damaging
- stimulate
- electroencephalograph
- computerized axial tomography (CAT or CT scan)
- X-rays
- three
- positron emission tomography (PET scan)
- glucose
- active
- magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
- magnetic
- radio
- functional MRI (fMRI)
- hindbrain
- oldest
- medulla
- pons
- cerebellum
- reticular
- activating
- thalamus
- hypothalamus
- limbic
- amygdala
- hippocampus
- hypothalamus
- cerebrum
- cerebral cortex
- fissures
- hemispheres
- corpus
- callosum
- lobes
- frontal
- parietal
- temporal
- occipital
- occipital
- auditory
- somatosensory
- receives
- cross
- right
- motor
- association
- prefrontal
- working
- together
- hemispheres
- left
- aphasia
- Wernicke’s
- auditory
- Broca’s
- speaking
- comprehension
- production
- angular
- gyrus
- epilepsy
- corpus
- callosum
- ordinary
- verbally
- language
- cannot
- glands
- ducts
- endocrine
- hormones
- receptor
- negative
- feedback
- pituitary
- hypothalamus
- master
- growth
- prolactin
- vasopressin
- oxytocin
- hypothalamus
- releasing
- pineal
- melatonin
- sleep-wake
- puberty
- sedative
- thyroid
- thyroxin
- hypothyroidism
- cretinism
- hyperthyroidism
- adrenal
- cortex
- medulla
- corticosteroids
- stress
- sugar
- medulla
- adrenaline
- noradrenaline
- threats
- testosterone
- muscle
- sex
- estrogen
- progesterone
- ovaries
- estrogen
- progesterone
- uterus
- muscle
- stress
- energy
- anabolic
- growth
- liver
- evolution
- existence
- adapted
- natural
- selection
- mutations
- reproduce
- Evolutionary
- adaptation
- natural
- behavior
- instinctive
- instinct
- specific
- modification
- learning
- nature
- biological
- transmission
- traits
- genetics
- Behavioral
- psychology
- behavior
- species-specific
- differences
- personality
- mental
- psychological
- Molecular
- genes
- genes
- pair
- polygenic
- combinations
- chromosomes
- 23
- double
- helix
- chemicals
- Genome
- genotype
- phenotype
- 23
- sex
- 46
- Down
- extra
- kinship
- traits
- behavior
- genes
- closely
- twin
- identical
- fraternal
- 100%
- nurture
- similarity
- genetic
- reared
- reared
- personality
- disorders
- Adoption
- similar
- genetic