Build a Summary

Chapter 2 Answers

  1. Gage
  2. frontal
  3. survived
  4. personality
  5. brain
  6. spinal
  7. smaller
  8. cells
  9. receive
  10. neurons
  11. glial
  12. nourish (interchangeable with 13)
  13. insulate (interchangeable with 12)
  14. dendrites
  15. axon
  16. terminals or terminal buttons
  17. one
  18. myelin
  19. electrical
  20. efficiently
  21. afferent
  22. efferent
  23. electrochemical
  24. 1/50th
  25. chemical
  26. resting
  27. chloride
  28. polarized
  29. resting
  30. potential
  31. -70
  32. membrane
  33. permeability
  34. sodium
  35. depolarized
  36. action
  37. potential
  38. 110
  39. +30
  40. +40
  41. permeable
  42. potassium
  43. pumped
  44. resting
  45. fires
  46. threshold
  47. same
  48. all-or-none
  49. hundreds
  50. refractory
  51. synapse
  52. transmitting
  53. dendrite
  54. synaptic
  55. cleft
  56. electrical
  57. chemicals
  58. terminal
  59. vesicles
  60. neurotransmitters
  61. chemical
  62. receptor
  63. site
  64. reuptake
  65. excite
  66. inhibit
  67. contraction
  68. deficiencies
  69. depression
  70. acetylcholine
  71. hippocampus
  72. dopamine
  73. learning
  74. Parkinson’s
  75. norepinephrine
  76. stem
  77. hormone
  78. serotonin
  79. eating
  80. depression
  81. GABA
  82. inhibitory
  83. brain
  84. spinal
  85. nerves
  86. central
  87. sensory
  88. motor
  89. peripheral
  90. peripheral
  91. somatic (interchangeable with 92)
  92. autonomic (interchangeable with 91)
  93. somatic
  94. purposeful
  95. autonomic
  96. respiration
  97. sympathetic
  98. parasympathetic
  99. replenish
  100. central
  101. spinal
  102. brain
  103. nerves
  104. reflexes
  105. gray
  106. white
  107. reflexes
  108. involuntary
  109. Gage
  110. damaging
  111. stimulate
  112. electroencephalograph
  113. computerized axial tomography (CAT or CT scan)
  114. X-rays
  115. three
  116. positron emission tomography (PET scan)
  117. glucose
  118. active
  119. magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
  120. magnetic
  121. radio
  122. functional MRI (fMRI)
  123. hindbrain
  124. oldest
  125. medulla
  126. pons
  127. cerebellum
  128. reticular
  129. activating
  130. thalamus
  131. hypothalamus
  132. limbic
  133. amygdala
  134. hippocampus
  135. hypothalamus
  136. cerebrum
  137. cerebral cortex
  138. fissures
  139. hemispheres
  140. corpus
  141. callosum
  142. lobes
  143. frontal
  144. parietal
  145. temporal
  146. occipital
  147. occipital
  148. auditory
  149. somatosensory
  150. receives
  151. cross
  152. right
  153. motor
  154. association
  155. prefrontal
  156. working
  157. together
  158. hemispheres
  159. left
  160. aphasia
  161. Wernicke’s
  162. auditory
  163. Broca’s
  164. speaking
  165. comprehension
  166. production
  167. angular
  168. gyrus
  169. epilepsy
  170. corpus
  171. callosum
  172. ordinary
  173. verbally
  174. language
  175. cannot
  176. glands
  177. ducts
  178. endocrine
  179. hormones
  180. receptor
  181. negative
  182. feedback
  183. pituitary
  184. hypothalamus
  185. master
  186. growth
  187. prolactin
  188. vasopressin
  189. oxytocin
  190. hypothalamus
  191. releasing
  192. pineal
  193. melatonin
  194. sleep-wake
  195. puberty
  196. sedative
  197. thyroid
  198. thyroxin
  199. hypothyroidism
  200. cretinism
  201. hyperthyroidism
  202. adrenal
  203. cortex
  204. medulla
  205. corticosteroids
  206. stress
  207. sugar
  208. medulla
  209. adrenaline
  210. noradrenaline
  211. threats
  212. testosterone
  213. muscle
  214. sex
  215. estrogen
  216. progesterone
  217. ovaries
  218. estrogen
  219. progesterone
  220. uterus
  221. muscle
  222. stress
  223. energy
  224. anabolic
  225. growth
  226. liver
  227. evolution
  228. existence
  229. adapted
  230. natural
  231. selection
  232. mutations
  233. reproduce
  234. Evolutionary
  235. adaptation
  236. natural
  237. behavior
  238. instinctive
  239. instinct
  240. specific
  241. modification
  242. learning
  243. nature
  244. biological
  245. transmission
  246. traits
  247. genetics
  248. Behavioral
  249. psychology
  250. behavior
  251. species-specific
  252. differences
  253. personality
  254. mental
  255. psychological
  256. Molecular
  257. genes
  258. genes
  259. pair
  260. polygenic
  261. combinations
  262. chromosomes
  263. 23
  264. DNA
  265. double
  266. helix
  267. chemicals
  268. Genome
  269. genotype
  270. phenotype
  271. 23
  272. sex
  273. 46
  274. Down
  275. extra
  276. kinship
  277. traits
  278. behavior
  279. genes
  280. closely
  281. twin
  282. identical
  283. fraternal
  284. 100%
  285. nurture
  286. similarity
  287. genetic
  288. reared
  289. reared
  290. personality
  291. disorders
  292. Adoption
  293. similar
  294. genetic