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JHSCs are key components of OHS programs—and they’re usually required by OHS law. Among other things, JHSCs help identify safety issues, conduct regular workplace inspections and participate in investigations of safety incidents.So it’s important that your JHSC complies with all OHS requirements and functions effectively.
Adapt this checklistfor your company’s OHS programand the JHSC requirements under the OHS laws in your jurisdiction. Use the checklist to ensure that your JHSC is in compliance with all requirements, such as those on when the committee must meet, how many members it must have, etc., and that the committee is operating effectively. Note any gaps or deficiencies that you identify and the action required to address these issues. Set deadlines for the completion of such action and note when it’s been done.
Yes / No / Action Required / Target Date / Completion DateTERMS OF REFERENCE: The JHSC has written Terms of Reference that establish its rules of procedure and that cover:
Name of JHSC
Statement of JHSC’s purpose
Duties and functions
Meetings, including how often JHSC will meet, agendas and meeting reports
Co-chairs (one employer and one worker representative)
Terms of Office (how long the employee will hold the position)
Assistance in resolving disagreements, such as what are the steps to reach consensus
Amendments (how will the JHSC change the Terms of Reference)
There are a minimum of [insert appropriate number] members
There’s an equal number of worker and employer representatives
Worker representatives have selected the worker co-chair
Employer representatives have selected the employer co-chair
Names and work locations of committee members and alternates are posted
Identify unhealthy or unsafe workplace situations and advise on effective systems for responding to those situations
Consider and quickly deal with complaints relating to the health and safety of workers
Consult with workers and employer on issues related to OHS and workplace environment
Advise employer on workplace programs and policies required under OHS law and monitor their effectiveness
Make recommendations to the employer on educational programs promoting worker health and safety and compliance with the OHS regulations, and monitor program effectiveness
Ensure incident investigations and regular inspections are carried out as required
Assign representatives to participate in inspections as required
Assign representatives to participate in incident investigations as required
Assign representatives to participate in inquiries as required
Meet regularly at least once every three months
Use OHS laws and standards as guidance to discuss issues
Consider employee OHS suggestions
Review and comment on inspection reports
Review and comment on incident and industrial disease reports
Assign an individual for each action item in reports
Set a deadline for task completion
Ensure follow-up is done to make sure action items were completed
Prepare a report for each meeting
Provide a copy to the employer
Post reports
Write recommendations that are:
> Directly related to health and safety
> Doable (reasonably capable of being done)
> Complete (clearly described so the employer doesn’t need more information to make a decision)
Send recommendation(s) to the employer requesting a written response within 21 calendar days
Attend OHS training appropriate to participating on a JHSC
Co-chairs are aware they may report to [insert appropriate agency] if the JHSC is unable to reach agreement on a matter relating to worker health or safety
Co-chairs are aware they may report to [insert appropriate agency] if the employer doesn’t accept the JHSC’s recommendations or if the JHSC isn’t satisfied with the employer’s response
Posted three most recent meeting reports/minutes
JHSC members, workers and [insert appropriate agency] can readily access meeting reports, which are kept for at least two years from the date of the meeting
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