PZRCSFY p. 2 of 4 rev. 6/12/2013


Title / Career Service Fiscal Year Notifications
Version / 1.3
Date / 20130612
Created by / Janice Minder
Edited by / Kayla Bastian
Copyright / South Dakota Board of Regents
Process Owner / Human Resources
Dept/Division / Human Resources
Get help with this process / Janice Minder, Doug Corwin, Nancy Grassel
Processes / PZRCSFY


During 2008 and 2009, a small team of human resource staff from USD and BHSU helped BOR to create an automated notification to employees for their FY increases. The process name is PZRCSFY.

Reference Information:

The parameters of this report include:

Fiscal Year
Percent of Increase (only place in the number, the program will insert %)
Email People (E to send, N for Audit Report only)
Email From Address

Sample Email To

Send copy to Supervisor (Y to send, N for no supervisor emails)

NOTE: The way to run this in audit is to place an N in the Email People Parameter.

This process sends out annual email notifications to employees [Career Service] for the annual notification. It is recommended you run this process in Audit mode first and validate your data. The program currently pulls all 6/22 effective dates from NBAJOBS. This will be appropriate for those CSA employees on Steps. For FY10, we did not receive an increase and so we allowed this program to pull from all on NBAJOBS.

For FY11 and moving forward, we have decided to pull from NBAJOBS. However, this program should not be run until the scheduled date that has been identified by Budget and HR. This calendar updates every year and can be located on the Training Website: http://mytraining.sdbor.edu/resources/Banner/Budget/FY11SalaryPolicyTimeline.pdf.

Items to audit when using this program:

1.  Review all on the list to ensure no employee is missing.

2.  Review any current classification change that may have occurred since the roll to Salary Planner (Salary Planner may not have the most updated record).

3.  Review those employees that should be NFE that are showing up on the report. These employees will have the wrong classification group on PEAEMPL. The program pulls all CSA 1 (ECLS 03 and 04) into the process.

4.  Review all new hires (during probationary period and step 1 to step 2 movements) to be sure that they have the correct step as appropriate for PACE rules.

5.  The audit report documents the employees who will be on the email with their rate, title and position number as of 6/22/20XX.

6.  The rate will be based on an hourly rate for overtime exempt and annualized salary for exempt employees.

7.  The email also includes the class code, pay grade and month that they will receive longevity (if they are eligible).

8.  There is an FTE on the email so the employees know their salary is based on their FTE.

9.  If you would like to not send an email to the employee, you will need to make the email address inactive on PPAIDEN. However, remember to turn it back on to ensure they receive their last email notification for paystub.

Typical Body of Email (May change each year given circumstances):

Dear Employee Name,

This memorandum is to inform you of your position, pay grade and rate of pay as a Civil Service Act employee of the Board of Regents for Fiscal Year 2014 which begins June 22, 2013 and ends June 21, 2014. As a CSA employee, your appointment is subject to the laws and rules of the State of South Dakota and the policies of the South Dakota Board of Regents and the Board of Regents pertaining to Civil Service employees.
For 2014 all pay ranges were adjusted by 3%. CSA employees received a 3% increase in base salary/rate of pay, unless your rate of pay/annualized salary is less than 3% below, or already above, the 2014 maximum of your range. Employees who have completed the probationary period and are below job worth of their range also received up to a 3.5% movement to job worth increase. Probationary employees receive no increase for movement to job w orth.

Your dedication to the Board of Regents is truly appreciated. Your commitment to students and their success is recognized by the Board of Regents faculty and staff and we would like to thank you for your continued commitment and support.
Your FY14 rate of pay/annualized salary and scheduled longevity pay information are listed in the informational summary shown below. If you have any questions about the information provided, please contact the Board of Regents Human Resources Office.

Position / RE9948-00
Title / Technology Integration Spec
Class Code / 10727 / Overtime Eligibility / OT Exempt
Months / 12 / FY14 Annualized Pay / $62,435.85
FTE / 1.00 / Pay Grade / T 18S

Longevity $130.00
(Paid in September)

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