Minutes of the Annual General Meeting 2016


/ Thursday 17th March 2016


/ 8.00 pm – 22.12pm


/ Rugby Bar LDSA Club Building Lux Park

Chaired by:

/ Mark Andrews


/ Meeta Nicholls, Tess Mason, Louise Littlewood, Ian Littlewood, Chris Ullman, Jan Scroczynski, Deb Lord, Amanda Erith, Mary Mallarky, Jane Lockyer, Jim Lockyer, Amy Williams, Rob Pick, Ben Harding, Lou Harding, Helen Morse, Clive Shute, Lee Crocker, Kaye Patterson, Darren Harvey, Richard Daulton, RevisCrowle, Ian Crowle, AntonLuiton, Hilary Clatworthy, Karen Mahoney, Ray Goodright, Marc Smerdon, Paul Arrowsmith, Glenn Wood, Lucy Oldham, Jon Quelch, Dave Lean, Steve Beazeley, Joe Kearns, Marcus Wills, Jamie Husband, Jon Quelch, Dave Lean, Alex Coley, Ann Wendik-Byfield, Marc Doyle, Dave Philp


/ Cheryl Hanns, Emily Young, Terry Leach, Jeanette Turpin




Quorum: 41 attendees out of 121 senior members represents 33%, so 20% requirement met.



Welcome from the Chair:

Our Chairman, Mark Andrews, welcomed members and outlined the agenda for the evening.
Mark gave a special mention and huge congratulations to Dan Nash, running in Italy for the GB Cross Country Team, he came 2nd in Team GB, 30th overall.



A Word from our president, Hilary Clatworthy:

Hilary welcomed all to the meeting, thanked the committee for its hard work and congratulated the club on another successful year.



AGM Minutes on the meeting held Thurs 26th March 2015:

The minutes were held to be a correct record.



Change to Club vests:

Our Kit Officer Clive Shute proposed a new club vest design, including a new club emblem. A lengthy discussion took place and many points of view were raised. Whilst some Club members considered it would modernise the appearance of the club vest other Club members were concerned, by changing the design our identity as a club that has been established over many years would be lost. It was therefore agreed to change the fabric of the vest, to something more comfortable. The pattern and club colours and emblem would remain the same.
Change of material – 22 votes in favourtherefore decision carried by majority vote.
Change to design and colour as stated in the constitution – 20 votes 2/3 majority of paid members was not reached.
Members thanked Clive for his work in putting together and researching proposals.



Proposed changes to Management Committee positions:

The Management Committee recommended to the AGM that the composition of the Management Committee be revised to recognise the importance of the Wednesday Group runners and the importance of the Club’s website becoming the primary means of communication between the club and its members.
It was agreed and carried by 2/3 majority 37 votes, that the Management Committee positions stated in the constitution will be changed.
The new Management Committee will consist of President, Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Secretary, Head Coach, Men’s Captain, Ladies Captain, Child Protection Officer, Wednesday Running Group Liaison, Web Master.
Non Committee Officers will consist of:
Marathon Race Director, 5 Tors Race Director, Awards Officer, Schools Liaison Officer, Social Secretary, Press & Publicity Officer, Kit Officer.



Proposed change to memberships fee for part year membership:

Section (d) in the constitution states: New members joining the club between 1st October and 31st December shall pay one half the full subscription.
It was proposed by the Management Committee that any new member should pay the full joining fee when starting between these dates.
Decision carried, 34 votes over 2/3 majority



Members questions and answers:

  • Are new runners that come and try the club insured – No they are running at their own risk
  • It was suggested that coaches could approach new runners and make them aware that they will be running at their own risk.
  • Social media –the press and publicity office would like to encourage members to hit the Like button on Facebook. This gives us a greater standing on Facebook and more comments please.
  • Age graded Trophy – chosen race for 2016 age graded trophy will be the Looe 10 miler, this won with 24 votes.
  • ECH will be celebrating their 30th birthday, how would we as members like to commemorate this? It was agreed that the Management Committee should be tasked to arrange a suitable club celebration to take place during the summer.



Accounts and Treasurers Report:

The club continues to have strong finances, this year being the most successful year in the last 4.



Setting of Membership Fees:

Membership fees will remain the same again this year.The Treasurer outlined the on-going trend for late payment fees and the time taken by officers trying to chase them. It was thereforeproposed, late paying members should pay a penalty if membership not paid in full by 1st June. It was agreed and will be a constitutional change. A penalty of £5 will be charged to adult membership, and a £2 penalty for Junior membership, if membership fees are not paid within 2 months of the annual membership renewal date of 1st April.
Decision carried 37 votes 2/3 majority.



Election of Officers: Proposed Seconded

President: Hilary Clatworthy Mark Andrews RevisCrowle
Chair: Mark Andrews RevisCrowle Louise Littlewood
Secretary: Meeta Nicholls Tessa Mason Amy Williams
Treasurer: Tessa Mason Ann Wendik-Byfield Chris Ullman
Membership Secretary: Marc Doyle Ian Littlewood Dave Philp
Head Coach: RevisCrowle Hilary Clatworthy Richard Daulton
Men’s Captain: Ian Littlewood Louise Littlewood Ian Crowle
Ladies’s Captain: Louise Littlewood Louise Harding RevisCrowle
Child Protection Office: Debbie Lord Tessa Mason Ian Littlewood
Weds Running Group Liaison: Karen Mahoney Steve Beazeley Jim Lockyer
Web Master: Chris Ullman Marc Smerdon Steve Beazley
Non-Committee Officers:
Kit Officer: Marc Smerdon Dave Philp Chris Ullman
Press & Publicity: Jan Scroczynski Amy Williams Rob Pick
Marathon Race Director: Rob Pick RevisCrowle Tessa Mason
5 Tors Race Director: Louise Harding Louise Littlewood Amy Williams
Star Awards Officer: Glen Wood Clive Shute Chris Ullman
Schools Liaison: Ray Goodwright Clive Shute Tessa Mason
Social Secretary: Louise Littlewood Debbie Lord Tessa Mason
The above were elected(all unopposed)
Louise Harding offered to take on the role of Cornish Marathon Race Director in 2017 and will shadow Rob Pick when organising this year’s Cornish Marathon, as this will be his final year.



Annual Club Awards:

Star award – Diane Roy
Most improved Harrier – Glen Wood
Harrier of the year – Louise Harding
Penguin award – Jim Lockyer

Meeting closed at 22:12