Minutes of Community Council Meeting

Held in Lochawe Village Hall

Wednesday 14th September 2016 at 7.00pm

Present: - Martin Goodwin, Pam Whitehead, John Kerr, Catriona O’Keeffe, John Ogden, Jim Wilkin, Cllrs Elaine Robertson and Kieron Green, Davie Sloss (Taynuilt CC), PC Darren Miller and 12 members of the public.

Welcome – Martinwelcomed all our guests, particularly Cllr Kieron Green, following his successful election.

Apologies – Cllr Julie McKenzie, Janet Buchanan, Sir Jamie McGrigor, Peter Wilcox.

Declaration of Interest – No declaration of interest made. Although it was noted that any helpful explanations of micro grant applications may be given by CC members.

The minutes of meeting held 11th May 2016 – Accepted as a true record, proposed by Jeni Rankin and seconded byPam Whitehead.

Police Scotland announcement – At a recent CPP meeting PS announced that the Taynuilt WPC will redeploy and not be replaced. Davie Sloss gave his views on this; general satisfaction with emergency “blue light” responses, however there is great local lack of confidence about “non-urgent” responses to local issues in the area reported to PS. These reports are handled by daily reports and briefings in Oban with inconsistent outcomes; there is a genuine need for improved face to face communications and reporting. As Scottish Government continues to state that there are more officers available, where are they? This CC will fully support all neighbouring communities on Policing matters. PS intends to “consult” with us, but decisions appear to have been taken without this process.

Police Report–PC Darren Miller gave a full report on local incidents in our CC area over the last 4 months and a copy of the report has been filed with the CC. The meeting had a frank discussion on matters relating to “Wild Camping” at Kilchurn and on Loch Aweside. This issue needs to beaddressed as a number of “irresponsible campers” still visit the area. The Police should be encouraged to take action as both civil and criminal law are being flouted, although by a minority of visitors. This CC would like to explore this issue further. Our Chair expressed the thanks of the CC to PC Darren Miller.

Outcomes and Updates

G&I CC by-election has been called.

Many Loch Aweside issues have been resolved. Input from CC needed. JW to look at A85 drainage.

Dalmally Graveyard Gate, resolved. Thanks to be sent to Derek Crookes.

Extra bin at Dalmally Glass Recycling; follow up required.

Some other issues await response or “no report”. Noted that Dalmally Community Company have posted information about their community benefit fund on their website without the promised public meeting.


7 planning applications were noted without comment. Particular thanks to Jeni Rankin for collating this.


FCS Glen Orchy & Glen Lochy Land Management Plan. CC will respond on use of B8074.

Other correspondence noted and filed.

Any Other Business

Approval given to Carraig Gheal Micro grants to St Conan’s (£220) and Glenorchy Curling Club (£250). Noted that considerable funds are still available; however we will report to Greenpower that we think the application process for these small grants, which are very important “seed” grants are too complicated and are putting off prospective applicants.

Approval given to An Suidhe micro grants to Glenorchy Curling Club (£250), Portsonachan Bowling Club (£150) and LAIA (£190).

Approval given to G&I CC grants to GICO (£150), Knit & Natter (£250) and Portsonachan Village Hall “library” (£220).

EE plan to erect communication masts on Loch Aweside to cover emergency services “black spots”. Why can the local community broadband projects not be given space on these masts for Wifi connections? Could this be a condition of planning permission? To be investigated.

There being no further business the Chair closed the meeting at 8.30pm, with thanks to all.

Date of next meeting Wednesday 16th November, Dalmally Community Centre.

Any views published in this document do not necessarily represent the views of anyone present or identified in this document.