Mahidol University Safety Manual / Procedure No:
Title : Project/Task Risk Assessment / Revision No.:
Issue Date:
1. Complete Section A and any of the other sections (B, C, D and E) based on the check-list in Table A.
Attach separate pages if there is insufficient space provided.
2. PI and Head of Department/Director to sign the declaration (Page 4) and forward to the Secretary of Biosafety Subcommittee, Research Administration Division, Office of the President.
3. Please contact secretary of Biosafety Subcommittee at if you do not hear from us within 7 working days on the status of your risk assessment.
Project Details
Project title or name of task: / …………………………………………………………………………..………………………………………………………………………….
Date of assessment: / …………………………………………………………………………..
Department/Faculty / …………………………………………………………………………..
Name of principal investigator or person in charge: / …………………………………………………………………………..
Contact Details: / ……………………………… ……..………………………….
Email Telephone
Names of Other Team Members:
(leave blank if members have not been recruited yet)
1. / 2.3. / 4.
Source of Funding (if applicable) ……………………………………………………………………
Grant Number (if applicable) / Total Project Cost (if applicable) : ฿………………………………………………… / …………………………………………………....
Experimental Procedures
Brief overview of the experiments and procedures involved
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………..Proposed Commencement Date…………………………………………………………......
Section A: Identification of hazards & hazardous jobs
Table A. Nature of Works/Hazards
Check relevant boxes and complete the associated sections as required.
□ Animal work / 1. Please complete section B (page 5)2. Please complete IACUC form & submit to the secretary of IACUC.
□ GMOs work / 1. Please complete section B (page 5 )
2. Please complete IBC forms for bioethics issues & submit to the secretary of IBC.
□ Infectious agent work / 1. Please complete section B (page 5 )
2. Please provide approval from Institution ethical committee for research in human.
□ arthropod vector work / 1. Please complete section B (page 5 )
2. Please complete IBC forms for bioethics issues & submit to the secretary of IBC, if the project involves in arthropod vector.
3. Please complete IACUC and IBC forms for bioethics issues & submit to the secretary of IBC and IACUC, if the project involves in animal being a vector.
□ Material of human or animal origin / 1. Please complete section B (page 5 )
2. Please provide approval from Institution ethical committee for research in human or IACUC approval certificate.
□ Chemical : / Please complete section C (page 7 )
□ Radiation : / Please complete section D (page 8)
□ Electric : / Please complete section E 1 (page 9 )
□ Mechanics : / Please complete section E 2 (page 9)
□ Noise : / Please complete section E 3 (page 9)
□ Other factors : / Please complete section E 4 (page 10 )
Al. Work Environment
Location of Work Building /Room Number: ………………………………………......
Campus …………………………………………......
A2. Physical Activities
Describe activityWill the activities result in repetitive actions or long task duration, physical exertion , bending , reaching or twisting?
A3. Individuals Involved
Name (if they have not been recruited yet, list experience and training requirements) / □ Current experience & training□ List the additional training required / Characteristics that increase risk (Consider each project team member - where they are known and their capacity to do the work safely and effectively i.e. experience, training, skills, physical capacity, immune status)
A4. Generic University Administrative Controls
Indicate which relevant university-wide standard operating procedures will be adopted.
□ Biological waste disposal
□ Chemical waste disposal
□ Hazardous substance inventory
□ Lab sign posting and labeling
□ Radioactive waste disposal
□ Accident/Incident reporting (For compliance to Workplace Safety & Health
(Accident/Incident Reporting) Regulations)
□ First aid kit (For compliance to Workplace Safety & Health Act (First Aid) Regulations)
□ Safety Equipment Available
A5. Please complete and attach the relevant supplementary risk assessment sheets for the
"hazardous nature" categories marked in Table A.
Risk Summary
Conclude by considering the risk assessment and choice of risk controls (all relevant Sections).
(a) Main hazards of concern: / ……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..
(b) Main controls for these hazards: / ……………………………………………………………..
Check one box only.
□ The risk exposed is insignificant/mild/moderate and unlikely to increase during the course of the
□ The risk is significant, but will be effectively controlled.
□ There is uncertainty about the level of risk.
□ The risk is significant and cannot be effectively controlled.
Comments: ………………………………………………………………………………………
DECLARATION by Principal Investigator
I have provided as accurately as possible all information that are submitted in this assessment. I take full responsibility for all work involved in the project and agree to execute all procedures detailed in this submission. I am aware of all relevant legal and university requirements as stated below. I also note that the Head of Department has the authority to suspend this project if any safety requirements have been violated.
Principal Investigator’s (PI) Signature: …………………………………………………………Name of Principal Investigator: ………………………………………………………….
Date: ……………………………………......
I have reviewed the risk assessment and have accepted that the work described in this proposal can be performed in my department.
Head of Department/Unit Signature: ……………………………………………………………..Name of Head of Department/Unit: ………………………………………………………
Date: ……………………………………......
*For experiments perfomed outside of PI's department, the Head of Department/Unit or Director of that institute where the research activities is undertaken should sign the above.
Evaluation and Review
The project or task will be reviewed periodically, or whenever there is an incident or any significant change to the project/task e.g. new equipment, personnel etc. This is to check that the risk controls are still in place and working effectively. An evaluation must be conducted at least annually.
Review Date / Reviewer / Evaluation results & proposed improvements
Section B – Biological Risk Assessment Supplement
Assessing the biological hazards
Check box of the factors applicable to your research.
□ Material of human origin is involved.
□ Type and source of the human material: …………………………………………………......
□ genetic manipulation is performed, attach a copy of Biosafety Protocol.
□ Names of microorganisms, cell lines, vectors :……………………………………………………….
□ Project involves use of one or more agents/toxins listed in the Schedules of the Biological Agents and Toxins in Mahidol University Biosafety Guidelines.
□ Aerosols may be generated e.g. via shaking, vortexing, sonication.
□ Sharps are used to convey the material e.g. syringes with hypodermic needles, glass pipettes.
□ Volume of cell cultures generated are greater than ten (10) Litres
Biological Risk Controls
Experiment will be performed under the following containment levels: (please select one BSL/ one ABSL/ one ACL level)
□ Biosafety Level 1 (BSL 1) / □ Animal Biosafety Level 1 (ABSL 1) / □ Arthropod Containment Level 1 (ACL 1)□ Biosafety Level 2 (BSL 2) / □ Animal Biosafety Level 2 (ABSL 2) / □ Arthropod Containment Level 2 (ACL 2)
□ Biosafety Level 3 (BSL 3) / □ Animal Biosafety Level 3 (ABSL 3) / □ Arthropod Containment Level 3 (ACL 3)
(ABSL.2 or higher is not required if only carcinogens or cytotoxic materials are introduced into animals. However, it will be required if
biological agents of risk group 2 or higher, or materials from human origin, are to be introduced into animals).
Generic risk controls (minimal) / Details if any /□ The project will adopt these handbooks below for biosafety and biosecurity and a copy of the handbooks can be downloaded from : http://intranet.mahidol/research/index.htm
1. Mahidol University Biosafety Guidelines
2. WHO Biosafety Manual 3rd Edition
3. Health Canada Laboratory Biosafety Guidelines 3rd Edition
4. CDC Biosafety in microbiological and biomedical laboratories
5.Arthropod Containment Guidelines version 3.1 of The American Committee of Medical Entomology of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
□ Biosafety cabinet is used for work involving potential generation of infectious aerosols.
□ Biological waste is decontaminated before disposal.
□ Relevant vaccinations are provided:
□ Hepatitis B (for those working with material of human origin).
□ Tetanus (for those working with animals).
□ Staff and students have been briefed on proper use of equipment (use of autoclaves, centrifuges)
Experimental Specific Risk Controls
Submission to IBC (To be done if project involves Risk Group 3/4 agents or vectors)
Check box of the factors applicable to your research.
Submitted to IBC
□ Yes / Date of submitted …………………………… □ No
Approved by IBC
□ Yes / Date of submitted …………………………… □ No
Section C - Chemical Risk Assessment Supplement
(hazardous reactions)
1Specific quantities need not be listed, just the scale of use - mg, g, kg or ml, litre, etc
2Potential health and safety effects can be found from the MSDS of the chemical
Generic risk controls (minimal) / Details if any /□ Relevant information from Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) is considered in experimental procedures.
□ Scheduled poisons are kept under controlled access.
□ Fume Cupboards (chemical cabinets) shall be used for work involving generation of toxic chemical fumes/vapors.
Chemical storage
□ Segregation of incompatible chemicals.
□ Flammables stored in flammable cabinet.
□ The quantity of flammable chemicals and gases does not exceed the maximum allowable quantity.
□ Corrosives stored in corrosive cabinet.
□ Chemical waste is suitable for collection by authorized waste collection agents.
□ Staff and students have been briefed on the proper use of chemicals.
Experimental Specific Risk Controls
Please provide specific risk controls pertaining to your experiment (if any):
Section D - Radiation Risk Assessment Supplement
Assessing the radiation hazards
Radiation sourceDescription
(laser-class, intensity etc.) / Appropriate volume stored in Laboratory (Liters, grams) / Health effects / License applied
(Y/N) / Remarks
□ Ionizing / Type of radiation
□ Non ionizing/ Type of radiation
Generic risk controls (minimal) / Details if any /
□ Information from Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) is considered in experimental procedures.
□ Radioisotopes are kept under lock and key.
□ Personal dosimeters are worn whenever radiation work is done.
□ Suitable fume cupboards (chemical cabinets) are used for work involving generation of volatile radioactive isotopes.
□ Effective shielding of operator and facility perimeter are available.
□ Surface wipe tests are done regularly.
□ Staff and students have been briefed on proper use of equipment.
□ Radioactive waste control.
Experimental Specific Risk Controls
Please provide specific risk controls pertaining to your experiment (if any):
Section E: Other Risk Factors
Fill in the sub-section of each hazard ticked in Section A, Table A.
E1. Electrical Hazards
(Work with any electrical system, appliance or equipment with exposed live conductors at voltages above 50 Vac or 100 Vdc)
Describe the electrical hazard i.e., the appliances and processes involved:
Source / Voltage/Current Used / Risk ControlsEquipment will be grounded to earth.
□ Equipment is tested and tagged.
□ Residual current/ earth leakage devices are used.
E2. Mechanical Hazards
Describe the mechanical hazard i.e., the machines and processes involved:
Source / Type of Hazard / Risk Controls□ Crushing hazard
□ Cutting hazard
□ Striking hazard
□ Hoist or lifting device hazard / □ Machine guarding.
□ Safety interlocks.
□ Safety stop buttons.
□ Lock-out, tag-out procedures during service
E3. Noise Hazard (work where the noise level may exceed 85db(A) over 8 hours);
Describe the noise hazard ie, the sources of noise and processes involved:
Source / Noise Levels / Risk ControlsTypical noise level: ………….dBA.
□ Noise is sufficiently loud to cause hearing damage.
□ Noise is loud enough to impact on safety e.g. prevent alarms from being heard. / □ Regular maintenance of noise producing equipment.
□ Baffles or noise suppression.
□ Enclosing the source of noise.
□ Relocating the source of noise.
□ Wearing of properly fitted ear muffs or plugs.
E4. Other hazards or comments
Please provide details of other hazards or additional controls for the above hazards
IACUC = Animal care and use committee IBC = Institutional biosafety subcommittee
IRC = Institutional radiation subcommittee ICC = Institutional chemical safety subcommittee
IOC = Institutional occupational safety, health and environment