Bangladesh International School & College
DOHS, Mohakhali, Dhaka Cantonment
Book List for 2015
Standard –IV (Nat’l)
Text Books:
1| Avgvi eB - PZy_© fvM, RvZxq wk¶vΓg I cvV¨cy¯—K †evW©, XvKv
2| Avgvi evsjv e¨vKiY Ges iPbv †gvt Avãyj Avjx f~Bqv
1. English for today Book -4, NCTB
2. Oxford Reading Circle – Nicholas Horsburgh
1. Success with Buzzword Main Course Book-4, CD Edition (By:V. Sasikumar)
2. Junior English Book-4 Hyden Richards
1. Elementary Mathematics for Class-IV (NCTB)
1. Elementary Science for Class-IV (NCTB)
1. Computer Ahead-IV Information Technology -4th Edition (By: Kumar Ray)
1. Bangladesh & Global Studies for Class-IV (NCTB)
1. Religions studies for Islam / Hindu / Christian religion for class-IV (NCTB)
1. Syllabus to be followed. / STATIONERY
1. Pencil, Eraser, Sharpener, Geometry Box
2. Titi Pastel Colour-Large set
3. Clip file, Child Safe Scissors, Glue, Coloured Poster Paper.
1. All are advised to purchase books of latest edition and original books, not photocopies.
2. Text Books, Diary, Exercise books. Stationery articles are available at the School Canteen, Mokkarum Library and other new market shops.
3. Pullover will be a available at the BISC School Canteen.

1 / 2
Block Syllabus for Standard –IV (Nat’l)
(Half Yearly Examination-2015)
Subject/ Ch/Lesson / Sl. No / Type of Questions / Marks distribution
1| Avgvi eB - PZy_© fvM
2| Avgvi evsjv e¨vKiY Ges iPbv
1| evsjv‡`‡ki cªK„wZ
2| eo ivRv †QvU ivRv
3| exi †kªôi exiMv_v
4| wjwci Mí
5| evsjvi †LvKv
6| evIqvwj‡`i Mí
7| nvZ ay‡q bvI
1| ‡bgZbœ
2| gyw³i Qov
3| cvjwKi Mvb
4| gv
wecixZ kã, cªwZkã, hy³ eY©, weivg wPý, GK K_vq cÖKvk, mvay I PwjZ iƒc, c`, wPwV/Av‡e`b cÎ
iPbv : ‡kªYx‡Z hv Kiv‡bv n‡e
1| el©vKvj
2| mg‡qi g~j¨
3| gvZv-wcZvi cªwZ KZ©e¨
4| Avgvi †`k
5| Avgvi Rxe‡bi j¶¨ / 1 / eû wbe©vPbx cªkœ / 10
2 / Kwei bvgmn KweZv wjLv (2wU †_‡K 1wU) / 1+1+8=10
3 / k~b¨¯’vb c~iY Ki / 5
4 / iPbvg~jK cªkœ (4wU †_‡K 2wU) / 4´2=8
5 / kãv_©mn evK¨ iPbv Ki (7wU †_‡K 5wU) / 1´5=5
6 / cª`Ë Aby‡”Q‡` weivg wPý emvI / 5
7 / wPwV/Av‡e`b cÎ / 5
8 / hy³eY© e¨envi K‡i kã MVb Ki / 5
9 / cª`Ë k‡ãi wecixZ kã / cªwZkã wjL (6wU †_‡K 5wX) / 5
10 / GK K_vq cÖKvk Ki (6wU †_‡K 5wU) / 5
11 / mvay ‡_‡K PwjZ i“c Ki / 5
12 / c` / evbvb ï× KiY / 5
13 / msw¶ß cªkœ (6wU †_‡K 3wU) / 2´3=6
14 / KweZvi g~jfve wjLv (2wU †_‡K 1wU) / 8
15 / iPbv wjL 150k‡ãi g‡a¨ (‡h †Kvb 1wU) / 12
16 / nv‡Zi †jLv I †kªbx‡Z g‡bv‡hvM / 1
‡gvU (Aa© evwl©K cix¶v) / 100
/ ‡kªYx cix¶v -1
1| evsjv‡`‡ki cªK„wZ
2| eo ivRv †QvU ivRv
3| evsjvi †LvKv
1| ‡bgZbœ 2| gyw³i Qov
3| e¨vKiY
c`, GK K_vq
cªKvk Ki, hy³eY© / 1 / eû wbe©vPbx cªkœ / 1í5=5
2 / Kwei bvgmn KweZv †jLv / 5
3 / kãv_© ‡jLv (‡h †Kvb 3wU) / 1´3=3
4 / c` wbY©q Ki ( †h †Kvb 3wU) / 1´3=3
5 / GK K_vq cªKvk Ki (‡h †Kvb 3wU) / 1´3=3
6 / hy³eY© e¨venvi K‡i kã MVb Ki (‡h †Kvb 5wU) / 1´5=5
7 / cwi¯‹vi cwi”QbœZv I nv‡Zi †jLv / 1
‡gvU (†kªYx cix¶v-1) / 25
‡kªYx cix¶v -2
1| exi †kªô exi Mv_v
2| wjwci Mí
3| evIqvwj‡`i Mí
1| cvjwKi Mvb
2| gv
3| e¨vKiY
cªwZkã, wecixZ kã,
weivg wPý / 1 / eû wbe©vPbx cªkœ / 1´5=5
2 / Kwei bvgmn KweZv wjLv 5 jvBb / 5
3 / kãv_© wjL (‡h †Kvb 3wU) / 1´3=3
4 / cªwZkã wjL ( †h †Kvb 4wU) / 1´4=4
5 / wecixZ kã wjL (‡h †Kvb 4wU) / 1´4=4
6 / weivg wPý / 4
‡gvU (†kªYx cix¶v-2) / 25
English -I
Book: Oxford Reading Circle-Bk-4
1. The One That Got
2. When Daddy was a
Little Boy
3. Baba Yaga
4. How the Jaguar lost its
5. High June / Section-A Oxford Reading Circle
1 / True/False / 1x10=10
2 / Word Meaning Matching / 1x10=10
3 / Make sentence / 1x5=5
4 / Question /Answer / 4x5=20
5 / Question /Answer (in brief) / 1x5=5
6 / Poem writing / 10
Section-B English for Today Book-4
7 / Comprehension
a. Multiple choice
b. Fill in the blanks
c. Short question / 1x5=5
3 / 4
6. The Watchmakers shop
Book: English For Today
Book-4 NCTB
7. Lesson- 1 to 18
8. Lesson- 6, 9 / 8 / Rearrange words to make a full sentence / 1x5=5
9 / Rearrange sentences to make a meaningful story / 5
10 / Punctuation / 5
11 / Translate into English / 5
Total (Half Yearly Exam) / 100
Class Test -1
(English -I)
Book. Oxford Reading Circle
1. The One That Got Away
Book: English For Today
Book-4 NCTB
2. Lesson- 1 to 6 / 1 / Word Meaning Matching (ORC) / 1x6=6
2 / Make sentence (ORC) / 1x5=5
3 / Question & Answers ( ORC & EFT) / 3x3=9
4 / Translate into English / 1x5=5
Total (CT-1) / 25
Class Test -2
(English -I)
Book. Oxford Reading Circle
1. When Daddy was a Little Boy
Book: English For Today
Book-4 NCTB
2. Lesson- 7 to 11 / 1 / Word Meaning Matching (ORC) / 1x6=6
2 / Make sentence (ORC) / 1x5=5
3 / Question & Answers ( ORC & EFT) / 3x3=9
4 / Translate into English / 1x5=5
Total (CT-2) / 25
English - II
Book. Junior English Book-4
(P-5,8,9,14,15,28, 29,37,38, 40,46,51,53,59,62,64,65)
1. Kind of Nouns
2. Adjectives
3. The simple present and the
present continuous tense
4. Transitive & Intransitive
5. Capital letter and
punctuation marks
6. Article
7. Preposition / 1 / Name the kind of noun / 1x5=5
2 / Change the tense as directed / 1x5=5
3 / Write whether the verb is transitive or intransitive / 1x5=5
4 / Name the type of adjective / 1x5=5
5 / Punctuate the following / 1x5=5
6 / F/B with correct articles / 1x5=5
7 / F/B with preposition / 1x5=5
8 / Complete the sentences using simple past/past continuous tense / 1x5=5
9 / Items from Junior English book 4 / 25
10. / Comprehension ( unseen) / 15
/ 8. Simple past and the past
continuous tense
9. Similar and opposite
(based on class note)
Book. Junior English Book-4
(P-5,8,9,14,15,28, 29,37,38, 40,46,51,53,59,62,64,65)
Book: Success with Buzzword Main course book- 4, CD Edition
1. Moving the Hill pg-1
2. The floating market pg14
3. The Olympic games pg35
4. The Red Dragon pg-25
5. A class pet pg 45
Paragraph: Based on class practice
Letter Writing
Based on class practice
Dialogue Writing / 11 / Paragraph Writing ( unseen) / 10
12 / Letter Writing ( unseen) / 10
Total (Half Yearly Exam) / 100
Class Test-1
(English - II)
1. Comprehension
2. Adjective
3. Opposite
4. Simple present and present
continuous tense / 1 / Comprehension ( Unseen) / 10
2 / State the type of noun / 5
3 / State the type of adjective / 5
4 / F/B with the correct tense / 5
Total (CT-1) / 25
Class Test-2
(English - II)
1. Comprehension
2. Transitive/Intransitive verb
3. Articles
4. Preposition / 1 / Comprehension ( Unseen) / 10
2 / State whether the verb is transitive or intransitive / 5
3 / F/B with correct article / 5
5 / F/B with correct preposition / 5
Total (CT-2) / 25
5 / 6
Book: Elementary mathematics
for Class-IV (NCTB)
1. Chapter 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
2. Geometry
Chapter 13 / 1 / Answer in short / 1x10=10
2 / Addition / Subtraction / Multiplication / Division /GCD / LCM / 2x5=10
3 / Statement Sums (Answer any7) / 10x7=70
4 / Geometry / 10
Total (Half Yearly Exam) / 100
Class Test -1
1. Chapter – 1,2 ( A, B & C) / 1 / Fill in the blanks ( 1x10) / 10
2 / Addition ( 2.5x2) / 5
3 / Subtraction 2.5x2 / 5
4 / Statement sum / 5
Total (CT-1) / 25
Class Test -2
1. Chapter – 3,4 / 1 / Answer in Short (1x10) / 10
2 / Multiplication / Division ( 2x5) / 10
3 / Statement Sum ( 5 x 1) / 5
Total (CT-2) / 25
1. Living bodies and
2. Plants and animals
3. Soil
4. Food
5. Healthy life style
6. Matters
7. Natural resources
8. Universe / 1 / Broad Question / 6x4=24
2 / Short Question / 4x6=24
3 / Fill in the blanks / 2x6=12
4 / Matching / 2x5=10
5 / True / False ( Correct / Incorrect, if incorrect write the correct answer) / 2x6=12
6 / Choose the best / correct answers from alternatives / 2x6=12
7 / Diagram /chart /figure / 1x4=4
8 / Project work / 2
Total (Half Yearly Exam) / 100
Class Test-I
1. Living bodies and
2. Plants and animals
3. Soil / 1 / Choose the best answer / 1x4=4
2 / Fill in the blanks / 1x5=5
3 / Correct / Incorrect if incorrect write the correct answer / 1x4=4
4 / Short question / 4x3=12
Total (CT-1) / 25
/ Class Test-2
1. Food
2. Healthy life style
3. Matters / 1 / Choose the correct / best answer / 1x4=4
2 / Fill in the blanks / 1x5=5
3 / Matching / 1x4=4
4 / Short question / 4x3=12
Total (CT-2) / 25
Religion – Islam & Moral Education
Book: Religious studies for Islam Class-IV (NCTB)
1. Chapter-I: Iman and Aqaid
2. Chapter-II: Ibadat
3. Chapter-III: Al Aklaq
pg 40-44
4. Chapter-IV: Two Surah’s
with meaning (Nasr & Ikhlas) / 1 / MCQ / 1x15=15
2 / Fill in the blanks (12) / 1x12=12
3 / Matching (10) / 1x10=10
4 / Short question (4) / 5x4=20
5 / Broad question (3) / 8x3=24
6 / Surah with meaning / 10x1=10
7 / Short note / 3x3=9
Total (Half Yearly Exam) / 100
Class Test -1
(Religion- Islam & Moral Education)
1. Chapter-I: Iman and Aqaid / 1 / MCQ (5) / 1x5=5
2 / Fill in the blanks (5) / 1x5=5
3 / Matching (5) / 1x5=5
4 / Short Question (2) / 5x2=10
Total (CT-1) / 25
Class Test -2
(Religion- Islam & Moral Education)
1. Chapter-II: Ibadat / 1 / MCQ (5) / 1x5=5
2 / Fill in the blanks (5) / 1x5=5
3 / Matching (5) / 1x5=5
4 / Short Question (2) / 5x2=10
Total (CT-2) / 25
Bangladesh & Global Studies
Book: Bangladesh and Global Studies
1. Chapter 1-9 / Bangladesh and Global Studies
1 / Broad question / 8x3=24
2 / Short question / 4x6=24
3 / Multiple Choice Question / 1x12=12
4 / Fill in the blanks / 1x14=14
5 / True / False / 1x12=12
6 / Matching / 2x6=12
7 / Hand writing & class performance / 2
Total (Half Yearly Exam) / 100
7 / 8
Class Test-1
(Bangladesh & Global Studies)
Book: Bangladesh and Global Studies
Chapter : one - four / 1 / Question in short / 3x4=12
2 / MCQ / 1x4=4
3 / Fill in the blanks / 1x5=5
4 / True / False / 1x4=4
Total (CT-1) / 25
Class Test-2
(Bangladesh & Global Studies)
Book: Bangladesh and Global Studies
Chapter : five - seven / 1 / Question in short / 3x4=12
2 / MCQ / 1x4=4
3 / Fill in the blanks / 1x5=5
4 / True/False / 1x4=4
Total (CT-2) / 25
Computer Science
Book: Computer Ahead-IV, Information Technology-4th Edition
1. Unit- 1: About a Computer.
2. Unit- 2: What Computer can
3. Unit-3: Windows
4. LAB Test (Keys, Windows)
(Unit-3) / 1 / Fill in the Blanks (10 ) / 1×10=10
2 / True or False (10) / 1×10=10
3 / Answer in one/two words (10) / 1×10=10
4 / Correct the statement / 1x9=9
5 / a) How many are the keys / 7
b) Short questions with drawing key / 10
c) Short question / 3×3=9
6 / Broad questions / 5x2=10
7 / Lab Test / 25
Total (Term Test) / 75
Class Test -1
(Computer Science)
1. About a Computer / 1 / Fill in the blanks (5) / 1×5=5
2 / True or False (5) / 1×5=5
3 / Correct the statement / 1×6=6
4 / Short questions / 3x3=9
Total (CT) / 25
Class Test -2
(Computer Science)
1. Unit-1: About a Computer
2. Unit-3: Windows / 1 / Fill in the blanks (5) / 1×5=5
2 / True or False (5) / 1×5=5
3 / Correct the statement / 1×6=6
4 / Short questions / 3x3=9
Total (CT-2) / 25
/ Art
1. Colour Shade
2. The Owl
3. Rainy Season
4. Figure study (Boy & Girl)
5. Creative work (Engraving) / 1 / Drawing / 20
2 / Colour / 20
3 / Neatness / 10
Total (Half Yearly Exam) / 50
Class Test-1
1. Colour Shades
2. The Owl / 1 / Drawing / 10
2 / Colour / 10
3 / Neatness / 5
Total (CT-1) / 25
Class Test-2
1. Rainy Season
2. Figure Study (Boy & Girl) / 1 / Drawing / 10
2 / Colour / 10
3 / Neatness / 5
Total (CT-2) / 25
Physical Education
1. / Foot drill (Movements) / : / a) Attention, Stand at ease, turning from stationery position
b) Sizing and forming up a squad, Dressing (by judging the time)
2. / PT Movements / : / a) Feet together, rest and Turing from stationery position
b) Sizing and forming up for PT
3. / Exercise / : / Basic PT table as 2 (Lal Ac Dal)
4. / Games / : / Handball, Basketball game
9 / 10
Block Syllabus for Standard –IV(Nat’l)
(Final Term Examination-2015)
Subject/ Ch/Lesson
/ No. of Classes / Sl. No / Type of Questions / Marks distribution
1| Avgvi eB - PZy_© fvM
2| Avgvi evsjv e¨vKiY Ges iPbv
1| cvwLi RMr
2| ‡gvevBj †dvb
3| Ny‡i Avwm †mvbvi MuvI