Example 1

DRI may use or publish, at its own expense, information, data, documents or reports developed by DRI in the performance of this contract.

Example 2

It is understood that the major purpose of the work performed by DRI is to obtain information that may be made available to the public and industry through publications, conferences or other means of public disclosure. DRI shall give SPONSOR thirty (30) days to review and comment on any proposed announcement or publication of work under this agreement and DRI shall consider SPONSOR’s comments prior to public release. DRI shall recognize the support of SPONSOR and give credit in the text and/or on the title pages of any such announcement or publication of work.

Example 3

Nothing in this agreement shall be construed to limit the right of DRI faculty, students or staff to publish data generated by DRI under this agreement in the form of scholarly articles in academic journals or to use such data in pursuit of other scholarly activities. DRI shall notify the XXXX of any intents to publish the data and XXX will have a review period of XX days to provide comment.

Example 4

In furtherance of DRI’s role as a public institution of higher education, it is necessary that significant results of research activities be reasonably available for publication., and XXX acknowledges that DRI may publish the results of research conducted in connection with this Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, DRI agrees that it shall not publish the results of research conducted in connection with this Agreement, without the prior written consent of XXX, until the expiration of six (6) months following the first to occur of either the termination of this Agreement or submission of the final written report required under Section 4 hereof. In the event DRI wishes to publish research results prior to the expiration of the above described six (6) month period, DRI shall first provide to XXX written notice of DRI's intent to publish and a draft of such publication. XXX shall have thirty (30) days after receipt of the draft publication to request in writing the removal of portions deemed by XXX to contain confidential or patentable material owned by XXX, or to request a delay in submission of the draft for publication pending XXX’s application for patent protection. In either event, DRI shall have no obligation to delay publication of the draft for longer than six (6) months following delivery of DRI's notice to XXX of intent to publish. If DRI does not receive XXX’s written response to the notice of intent to publish within the thirty (30) day period, then XXX shall be deemed to have consented to such publication. Information supplied to DRI by XXX and identified by XXX as proprietary information shall not be included in any material published by DRI without prior written consent of XXX.

Example 5-Data Rights

Unless otherwise provided by law any reports, histories, studies, tests, manuals, instructions, photographs, negatives, blue prints, plans, maps, data, system designs, computer code (which is intended to be consideration under this Contract), or any other documents or drawings, prepared or in the course of preparation by either party in performance of its obligations under this Contract shall be the joint property of both parties.

Example 6 Intellectual Property Rights

Intellectual Property Rights. Consultant shall acquire no right to or in the Intellectual Property (“IP”) of Company as a result of this project or any performance under it or subsequent to it, unless such right is expressly conferred in writing, which Company shall reasonably agree to prior to any IP related work being defined and performed. Any and all new IP developed by Company during the project shall be owned by Company. Any and all new IP developed solely by Consultant during the project shall be owned by Consultant. Any and all new IP developed jointly by Consultant and Company during the project shall be jointly owned and shall abide by terms in this Agreement. Each Party is solely responsible for coordinating and paying costs for the filing, prosecution and maintenance of statutory protection of intellectual property rights covering its IP. .