Leeds and Grenville Community Justice Partners
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Meeting Notes
Present: Sue Poldervaart, Bryonie Baxter, Sadie Bowen, Joan Boyd, Sara Hammel, Rhonda Grant, Brenda Towns, Rachel Burns, Kim Dixon, Trina Caird, Kim Knox, David North,Michelle Jackson-Brown, Andreas VonCramon, Elizabeth Mensen, Sheri McMullen, Linda Johnson
1. Introductions
Everyone introduced themselves and the agency they represent.
2. Guest Speaker: Elizabeth Mensen –Connect Youth Housing Initiative
Elizabeth discussed the results they found from their survey of 56 youth. 19 out of 56 indicated issues with drugs or alcohol. 15 out 56 knew someone who was homeless, and other information was collected. From this survey of youth, they came up with some recommendations of services needed in the South Grenville area. They found that raising awareness about youth homelessness in their community has been helpful. For more information contact Elizabeth at
By discovering what the needs are in our communities we will be able to offer more support by agencies working together to offer the programs and provide the supports needs. Most youth that are in need of shelter also will require food, clothing, basic needs, programs to educate. They are looking at the gains from opening beds for specific agencies and charging a per diem (through ODSP/OW monies), but will this take away from all youth having access. David North wondered if it’s better to serve a small area with the most they can offer or will spreading too far cause lack of support needed to cover a larger area. Andreas VonCramon asked the question “Would it be over stepping by some agencies onto other agencies or would it be duplicating services”? Would sharing costs between agencies to cut costs, allow availability to offer more services? Then there leaves the problem that some youth who live in rural areas will not have as much resources and no transportation to get them to the sources.
Guest Speaker:Michelle Jackson Brown-Elizabeth Fry Society, Housing Support Worker
Michelle explained what they do at Elizabeth Fry and what her job is. Her role is to assist women, female youth and women with children who are homeless or are at risk of being homeless, or transitioning from care to being on their own. They can assist young women with temporary funding to gain shelter and help get back on their feet. They meet each client in need and discuss how they can assist. They can provide food vouchers as well as some main supplies like bed sheets, mattress, or assist them to purchase them from Salvation Army and help with the transportation costs to bring home the supplies. They offer many programs to help women to gain knowledge to being able to survive on their own and to support themselves and or their families.Elizabeth Fry is willing to come and help support women and female youth in Leeds and Grenville with making the appropriate connections and finding the resources they may need. For more info on what they can offer or how they can assist, you can contact Michelle at
3.Review of October meeting note
We don’t have formal acceptance of notes, but if you find there is an error please send it to me and I will forward the correction to the group.
4. Review Gaps and Goals
Elizabeth Fry was wondering about the resources available for pets. They find that if a person owns a pet they are less likely to access the shelters available. They often see people feed their pets before feeding themselves. Kim Knox has information on fostering animals in the area. You can email her d she can help you find the resources available for your clients.
Sue P. mentioned that one suggestion that was brought forward was to invite Steve Clark (MPP) to our next meeting. The purpose of this would be to make him aware of our group, our goals and our concerns around gaps in service, including youth homelessness. Everyone was in agreement but felt that we need to have a plan on what we are going to be sharing or questions we may be asking him. This will increase his awareness and see if he can provide support back for the justice partners and our supportive agencies with the goals we have set in place. There was a discussion about a 2 part meeting. Inviting him the first time to discuss our first 3 important gaps and the list and then back again with the next important gaps on the list. Can everyone bring a few questions or ideas that you would like to ask him? The goal is to have him attend in February. This way we will be able to have a very structured and organized meeting with him. Having some examples from the youth we work with on what they feel is needed for them in our communities would also be an asset to this discussion. There was some discussion as well about having some discussions with future candidates regarding their position on a number of important topics to the justice partners. We can discuss this further when Monica is present.
It was recommended that a representative from Ontario Works be invited to join our group and share with us what they can offer to youth and assist us in supporting youth in our communities.
5. Agencies /Program Updates
Tri County Addiction Services - SaraHammel: They are applying to the Drug Community Fund for funding to be able to offer training to community partners so they will be able to do assessments, make appropriate referrals based upon assessments and provide skills to be able to assist where Tri County is unable to go. The first phase is building the frame work and what the training program will look like. The second phase will be delivering the training to the service partners. The goal is that it will help with the transition stage and build relationships with other community agencies who may become involved with these clients.
EEC-Linda Raby:They are starting a Roots to Wings mentoring project. Their goal is to have 80 youth/adult mentoring. The role of the mentor will be to support the youth in sharing about how to succeed in the community and the work force.
The Career Path program has been put on hold until January as there were not enough people registered in November.
Foundations/TR Leger - Sheri McMullen: The United Way was in to collect information from the students at school. They were looking for what the youth felt the gaps and needs are in their communities.
Elizabeth Fry - Bryonie Baxter: They have hired a Youth Diversion worker to offer presentations and be able to provide information on Sexting. This is becoming a large issue for youth.
CMHLG - Trina Caird: They are re-staffing the Kemptville office. Waiting lists are low. They have found that their new system is working better for families.
Gananoque Police - Rhonda Grant:Chief Kai Liu has left Gananoque for another position elsewhere and Rhonda Sherboneau is now the Acting Chief. They are waiting to hear if they are going OPP or not. Update: They are not going OPP, Gananoque Police will remain!!
Duty Counsel - Andreas VonCramon: They are continuing to see less youth as many are being diverted to EJM/EJS. This is one of the goals of Justice On Target. It seems to be assisting youth to keep them out of the system. It’s goal is to offer more help and be less intrusive. He is beginning to notice the recent changes in the YCJA coming into place. They are now holding youth if they are repeat offenders with breaches.
Next meeting:Thursday, January 17, 2012 @ 9:30
RNJ Youth Services
If errors or omissions, please advise.
Prepared by Kim Dixon