HCPSLink for Teachers

1. Launch Safari (for Mac) or Internet Explorer (for PC).

2. Type the URL for HCPSLink in the location bar.

3. Enter your User Name and Password. Click Log In.


You will be taken to the WelcomeCenter page which displays School Notices, School and System Information, and District Links. Click on WelcomeCenter to see Notices, View Notices and Manage Notices.

4. Under Notices click View Noticesto see a list of published school notices.

5. Under Notices click Manage Notices to view the Notice Management page which includes a listing of pending, posted, expired and rejected notices.

-Notices listed under Pending are awaiting review by the HCPSLink Administrator. To view the notice, click on the subject name.

-Notices listed under Posted are currently posting.

-Notices listed under Expired have exceeded their expiration date. If necessary, you may request that your HCPSLink Administrator alter the expiration date to re-post pertinent notices.

-Notices listed under Rejected were not approved by the HCPSLink Administrator. If desired, you may choose to resubmit.

6. On the Notice Management page, click Create New Notice to create a new notice to staff or students.

Be sure to choose the appropriate audience group, include a subject line and body for your notice, and an expiration date. Click Submit for Approval.

**Once a notice is submitted for approval, you must follow-up with an e-mail to your HCPSLink Administrator notifying him/her of your pending notice. This will ensure that HCPSLink Administrators are immediately aware of any notices that are awaiting their approval.

7. Click Classroom to see the My Classes page which displays a list of your classes. This page also lists when grades and homework boards for each class were last updated.

8. To assign classes to homework board and link groups, click Classroom Setup. Use the drop-down menus under Board Group and Link Group to setup each class. When finished, you MUST click Save Classroom Setup!

9. To edit links for each class, click Links Edit. Be sure to select the appropriate term and class from the drop-down menus. In the description box, enter a generic description of the link. In the URL box, enter the exact web address. After adding each link, you MUST click Add!

10. To edit homework boards for each class, click Board Edit. Be sure to select the appropriate term and class from the drop-down menus.

Click Edit Board. If you see a security message, click Always. To begin typing, click once inside the board to see the blinking cursor. You may use the editing tools located above the board to enhance your text and add hyperlinks.

When you finish editing each board, you MUST click Save Board!

**Once you begin to edit a board, you must click Save Board or Cancel. All buttons (such as WelcomeCenter and Logout) are non-operational until your board is either saved or cancelled.

11. To view your class rosters, click Roster. Be sure to select the appropriate term and class from the drop-down menus. To turn your HCPSLink screen from a teacher view into a specific student's view, click Emulate which is located under the Action column. As you may emulate all students that you teach, this is an excellent way to stay informed of student progress in other classes. To stop emulation and return to your teacher view, click Stop at the top right of your screen.

12. To copy links from last year to this year, click Last Year Links. In the Select Links drop-down menu, choose the appropriate linkset and click Copy to Current Year. Select which class you wish to copy links for, verify that the correct links are being moved and click Copy. Click OK when asked, “The selected current year links will be replaced with the selected links from last year”. If you wish to copy more links, click Copy more links. If you are finished, click Return to My Classes.

13. Click Logout when done.

Rev. 8/1/07