Learning and Teaching at Flax Bourton Church of England Primary School

At Flax Bourton Primary School, we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage in Reception, and the National Curriculum for Key Stage 1 and 2.

Our curriculum is organised into exciting topics and, wherever possible, subjects are linked together to make learning more meaningful for the children.

Our aim is to make learning fun and enjoyable; by encouraging learning from first-hand or practical experiences, or within a real-life context e.g. inviting visitors to school to lead workshops, visiting a place of interest relating to the learning topic or having special occasions and activities led by school staff.

Ofsted Report April 2015
Flax Bourton provides a unique range of outstanding educational experiences for all pupils and is highly successful in preparing them for the next stage of their education. During the inspection, a parent said,
‘This really is the most wonderful school!’
Pupils have excellent attitudes to learning and thoroughly enjoy coming to school. They are provided with a range of exciting opportunities to take on leadership responsibilities.
There is a very strong sense of community at Flax Bourton. The school works closely with the village and local church. Parents are highly supportive of the school and raise a considerable amount of money for the school.
SIAMS (Church School) report 2015
Christianvalues underpin, and have an evident impact on, the school’s approach to relationships, the wellbeing of pupils and attitudes towards learning.
Collective worship provides important times for pupils to be still and reflect and sets the tone for the school day
The school offers an environment where children are valued as individuals and as a result, their talents are given every opportunity to flourish

Home-School Agreement

Vision and Aims

‘We aim to create excellent educational opportunities within the context of a happy family atmosphere rooted in Christian values’

We will all be:

Aiming High, Respecting Others, Having Fun

To achieve its aims, Flax Bourton will:

  • Provide a safe, stimulating, caring environment for learning and play
  • Provide pupils with a broad and balanced education using the National Curriculum as its base through a Learning Without Limits philosophy
  • Motivate pupils, staff and governors to achieve high standards in everything they do
  • Involve the parents in decisions on their child’s education

Our pupils are encouraged:

  • To be resilient and to persevere when things get difficult
  • To challenge and question their ideas and thinking and to make mistakes
  • To accept social and environmental responsibility and to have respect for themselves and others
  • To involve themselves fully in the life of the school
  • To have a zest for life

As the School, we aim to:

  • Provide a happy, safe and stimulating environment.
  • Encourage your child to do their best, recognising and praising individual progress and achievement. Celebrate achievements in and out of school.
  • Encourage high standards of behaviour at all times, foster good relationships, a sense of responsibility, respect for others and the property of others.
  • Listen and respond quickly and effectively to any concerns. Treat each other with respect at all times and value the efforts of each individual.
  • Tell families what is needed through policies, newsletters, meetings and the school website.
  • Expect and encourage good attendance and punctuality.
  • We will provide regular homework activities. Expectations for homework will be shared at the welcome meetings each year. Further updates will be provided in the termly curriculum maps.
  • Give you and your child accurate information about their progress and achievement. Inform you of any worries or concerns we may have.
  • Care for your child’s safety and happiness through rigorous Safeguarding and E-Safety procedures.


Mrs Bennett

As the Family, we aim to:

  • Make sure our child arrives in time for the start of the day at 9am.
  • Take an interest in the work of our child, encourage them to do their best and provide them with appropriate time and a suitable place for homework.
  • Encourage our child to have high standards of behaviour at all times and support the school in dealing effectively with any inappropriate behaviour.
  • Let the school know quickly if there are any problems or concerns likely to affect our child’s learning.
  • Make every effort to attend Parent- Teacher meetings to discuss our child’s progress.
  • Make sure our child attends school regularly and will inform school with an explanation on the first day of any absence.
  • Ensure that our child wears appropriate clothing to school, in line with the school’s dress code.
  • Read letters sent home from school and reply promptly when required.
  • Support the school's E-safety Policy and talk with our child about the Acceptable User Policy.



As the Pupil, I will do my best to:

  • Attend school every day on time.
  • Always try my best and do all of my work as well as I can.
  • Listen carefully to the teachers and adults helping me, work hard, do homework and hand it in on time.
  • Make good choices to behave well. We do the right thing as it is the right thing to do.
  • Let teachers know if I have any worries or difficulties. They will always listen, and may be able to help.
  • Take all letters home and give them to my parents. Make sure that my family know about what I am doing at school.
  • Wear my school uniform and be smart and tidy in appearance.
  • Be kind and caring to other children, and offer my support when somebody needs it.
  • Follow the class rules that encourage everybody to learn and play well together.
  • Follow the school’s E-safety Policy and Acceptable User Policy.
  • Be proud of my school environment, keep it clean and tidy and look after school resources.

