Welcome to the Emergency Services Night Pack Meeting. Please give a special “Thanks” to Todd Felter for coordinating this meeting’s special program. A thanks to Den 11 as well, for carrying out the opening flag ceremony.

Popcorn Sales

The 2005, Pack 673 popcorn fundraiser has benefited our Pack as well as our local Boy Scout Council. With approximately 50 of the Scouts and Tiger Cubs participating, we raised $8,942 for the Pack. Thanks to everyone who sold popcorn this year.

Special recognition goes to Max Bohall - Webelos II Den 7, who was top seller with $774 total sales. In second place was James Castaldo – Webelos I Den 11 with $559 total sales. Following close behind, in third place and fourth place respectively, were Christian Svetics – Webelos II Den 7 with total sales of $531, and Daniel Sanders – Webelos I Den 6, in fourth place, with $526 total sales. Congratulations to our top four sellers. All popcorn sale patches, pins, and prizes will be distribution to the Scouts at the December Pack meeting. Additional prizes for the top four sellers will be distributed at the next Pack meeting, as well.

A special thanks to Brian Bohall for organizing the sale this year. Additionally, we’d like to extend a special “Thank You” to the following volunteers who helped to pickup, sort, and distribute the popcorn on Saturday; Mike D’Antico, Bernadette Tivenan, Andy Zidel, Anthony Vales, Brian Howell, and John Colasanti.

In addition, every effort will be made to assure the correct distribution of the popcorn. Please check your orders carefully. Contact Brian Bohall (789-3253), if there is a problem. If you have not already paid for the popcorn, please collect the funds when you distribute the popcorn and drop the money off to Brian Bohall at 216 Massachusetts St. by November 26.

Scouting for Food

Scouting for Food took place this Saturday, November 12. Our Pack had a large turn out. A total of 32 Scouts participated. Tiger Den 5 and Wolf Den 14 had 100% participation. We even had great weather to take our usual group photo on the steps of the church. For those of you, who were able to take a good photo of the group, please submit a copy to the local Suburban News so we can get some publicity in the local press.

Special Training Recognition

Training is a very important part of the scouting program. Both the scout and the parent gain with scout Leader training. This past month, 5 members of the Pack took Leader Essentials and Scouting Specific training. A special Congratulations to those that attended the training; Jeff Gerris, Kathy Sheil, Bob Model, Sven Migot, and Tom Detrano.

Service Night 2004

Wednesday December 14th is our seventh annual Service Night.

Each Tiger Cub, Wolf, Bear, and Webelos Den is asked to prepare a poster summarizing the den’s fall service project.

Each Scout is asked to contribute the following items to be donated to St. Clair’s Home for Children:

·  A decorated shoe box

·  A book, for a child same age as the scout

·  A small toy, cards, or activity pad (to fit in the box)

·  A pencil

We are asking each family to bring a non-perishable, non-breakable food item, (such as canned fruit, cereal, or canned meats) to be donated to the Westfield Neighborhood Council for local families in need.

We will have separate stations set up for the boys to work in groups, and prepare other items to support needy groups.

If any parents’ place of work can donate items please contact John Colasanti at 654-2794. Any contributions are greatly needed and appreciated!


Wolf – Achievements
Den 14 / Completed Badges/Arrow Points /
Belt Loops/Pins
Sean Garrity /
Baseball L & P
Flag Football L & P
Soccer L & P
Nicholas Mele /
Baseball L & P
Basketball L & P
Flag Football L & P
Soccer L & P
Doug Smith /
Baseball L & P
Map & Compass L & P
Mathematics L
Eric Varakian /
Baseball L & P
Basketball L & P
Flag Football L & P
Den 9 / Completed Badges/Arrow Points /
Belt Loops/Pins
Justin Dudzinski / Bobcat /
Bear – Achievements
Den 3 / Completed Badges/Arrow Points /
Belt Loops/Pins
Jeffrey Felter /
Archery L
BB Shooting L
Fishing L
Physical Fitness L
Soccer L
Swimming L
Webelos I – Achievements
Den 6 / Completed Badges/Arrow Points /
Belt Loops/Pins
James Fischer / Citizen /
Citizenship L
Thomas Gerris / Citizen /
Archery L
BB Shooting L
Citizenship L
Fishing L
Map & Compass L

Soccer L

Swimming L

Austin Howell / Citizen /

Citizenship L

Leo Rosenthal / Citizen /

Citizenship L

Daniel Sanders / Citizen /

Archery L

BB Shooting L

Citizenship L

Fishing L

Map & Compass L

Soccer L

Swimming L

Zack Sheil / Citizen /

Archery L

BB Shooting L

Citizenship L

Fishing L

Map & Compass L

Soccer L

Swimming L

Den 11 / Completed Badges/Arrow Points /

Belt Loops/Pins

Dylan Bonina /

Archery L

BB Shooting L

Fishing L

Map & Compass L

Soccer L

Swimming L

Den 12 / Completed Badges/Arrow Points /

Belt Loops/Pins

Gideon Lee / Sportsman / Baseball L
Webelos II – Achievements
Den 2 / Completed Badges/Arrow Points /

Belt Loops/Pins

Joseph Mele /

Baseball L

Basketball L
Computers L
Flag Football L
Soccer L
Den 7 / Completed Badges/Arrow Points /

Belt Loops/Pins

Max Bohall

/ Outdoorsman
Traveler /

Jonathan Macik

/ Outdoorsman

Christian Svetics

/ Outdoorsman

Justin Williams

/ Outdoorsman

Pack Committee

The Pack committee met on November 13th at the Castaldo’s. We had a large turn out of attendees; Rich Mele, Todd Felter, Vince and Lynne Castaldo, Kathy Sheil, Andy Zidel, Sven Migot, Bob Model, Jim Conlon, Brian Bohall, Steve Bonina, and Bill Capuano. It It was great to see such a turn out and we’re hoping to see a continuation of it throughout the year. We discussed the December and January pack meetings, and reviewed the popcorn sales authorizing additional recognitions. The next meeting is scheduled for Sunday December 11th at 7:00 p.m., at the Castaldo’s. We have been identifying new positions to be filled and there are at least 6 currently. We still need your help. See the list of “OPEN” positions that need to be filled for 2006/07 on next page.

Volunteers Needed!!

Volunteers are needed to help plan and run the Pack meetings every month. Without your help it is difficult to put on the quality programs that all the Scouts look forward to. Sign-up sheets are available after each Pack meeting. We could also use some ideas for our Pack trip in February. Please sign up or see Vince Castaldo.

Committee Positions

Advancement – Bernadette Tivenan

Charter (roster)– Bernadette Tivenan

Recruiting – Fall and Spring — OPEN

Training Coordinator - OPEN

Beginning of year Tiger and Wolf planning meeting — OPEN

Tiger coordinator (Current Wolf) — Rich Mele

Scout coordinator (Wolf & Bear) – Rick Cantor

Webelos coordinator – OPEN

Treasurer – Jim Conlon (need replacement for 2006/07)

Cubmaster – OPEN (May replacement)

Assitant Cubmaster – target 4 to 5 — Steven Lee, Steve Bonina, Todd Felter, Jeff

Gerris, Ed Maguire

Committee coordinator (committee chair) – Anna Macik

Popcorn chairman – Brian Bohall (will need to be replaced for year 2006/07)

Scouting for Food — Rich Mele

Quartermaster — Steven Lee

Newsletter — Anna Macik

Service Night Coordinator – John Colasanti (will need replacement for 2006/07)

Training Available

Over the next few months Youth Protection and Risk Zone training will be scheduled. Vince Castaldo will be running these courses at Jefferson. Please watch your emails and the Newsletter for the dates.

Mark Your Calendars

·  December 11th 7:00 p.m. Committee Meeting @ Castaldo’s

·  December 14th Service Night Pack Mtg.

·  January 18th Science Night Pack Mtg.

Next Pack Meeting: December 14th

Flag ceremony - Webelos I Den 12

Craft - Webelos 2 Den 2 and Tiger Den 5 will

Performance - Tiger Den 10 and Wolf Den 14

*Reminder: Each Den should prepare a brief demonstration (i.e. Poster) summarizing service projects they have carried out.