Village of Metamora
Regular Council Meeting
October 20, 2014
7: 00 p.m.
1) Call to Order: at 7:00 P.M.
2) Roll Call: Tina Sauve X, Christa Domeier X, John Clark X, Mark Leichliter X, Larry Morris X, Ron Richmond X, John Griswold X, Robert Boice X , Liz Spearing X, Marci Kinkade X
3) Pledge of Allegiance
4) Approval of Agenda: 64-14 Boice moved, Griswold 2nd, to approve the agenda, motion carried.
5) Police Report: Chief Mallett went over the monthly report.
6) County Commissioner: Eady spoke about the pipeline, and stated that they had a resolution to oppose it.
7) Approval of Consent Agenda: 65-14 Spearing moved, Boice 2nd, approve the consent agenda, motion carried.
8) Planning Commission: Crawford explained that they had their public hearing on the zoning ordinance amendment, with no public present. He stated that after some discussion the Planning Commission recommends that the council not approve the amendment.
a) Zoning Ordinance Amendment: Leichliter stated that the final decision is up to the council on how they would like to proceed. The council discussed their options. 66-14 Boice moved, Richmond 2nd, to approve the zoning ordinance amendment, Roll call vote was taken: Clark, aye; Morris, aye; Richmond, aye; Griswold, nay; Boice, aye; Spearing, aye; and Kinkade, aye; motion carried.
9) DDA: Clark stated that the park committee had their first meeting and that they hope that they can have a survey mailed out with the Township taxes. He also had spoken with the DDA and informed them of a road project, which we will talk about under new business.
10) Council Communications: Sauve stated that the old, large tree has been removed, and a nice, small tree has been planted in its place.
11) Public Time: Ryan Doyle from the Committee for Better Roads spoke about the road millage. He also told us about a free workshop that will be offered Oct 30th.
12) Attorneys Report: Nothing
13) Unfinished Business
a) Land Purchase: Sauve stated that the couple has contacted a different surveying company and this should be wrapped up soon.
b) White Horse Inn: Victor gave an update on the White Horse, stating that they are in their final push.
c) Coach House: Sauve stated that Mr. Edwards has issued a ticket.
14) New Business
a) Scrap Tire Grant: Leanne Panduren from Rowe Engineering went over the information and the estimates on the scrap tire grant. She explained that we need to fire a letter of intent by Friday if we would like to go forward with this to redo Oak St. 67-14 Spearing moved, Boice 2nd, to move forward with the scrap tire grant for all of Oak St with a total of $224,500.00, motion carried.
b) Jamestown: This issue of the home owners association was discussed, and the need to find out who owns the road.
c) Stone Soup: Sauve explained that Stone Soup Food Pantry would like to use the 4 corners as a fundraiser again this year. 68-14 Spearing moved, Morris 2nd, to allow Stone Soup to use the 4 corners, motion carried.
d) Drain Issue: Clark stated that he had previously received a verbal bid from R&M for $4000.00 - $4500.00 and has another one from Jeff Evan for $4000.00. Spearing moved, Kinkade 2nd, to approve the bid from Ray Evans & Sons for $4,000.00, motion carried.
15) Public Time: Clark brought up the fact that we need to look into lifting our sewer tap moratorium that we had put on ourselves. There is talk of a senior complex going to be built on the Champagne/Schenkle property and they would need 10 taps from us, with them then purchasing 2 from Roy Holden for a total of 12.
16) Adjournment: Spearing moved, Griswold 2nd, to adjourn the meeting, motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:17 P.M.