November Book Report


A Good Character Makes for a Good Book!!

Without character there would be no plot!

Without character the setting is an empty shell

(Example: How much more interesting is the chocolate factory when combined with

the mysterious, mischievousness of Willy Wonka?)

Your November report will focus on the main character in your story. You will be meeting with Matt at the end of the month to discuss your story and tell him all about your main character.

You'll choose a fictional story at your level of reading. Think about the elements of the plot (the plan of the story) such as characters, goals,problem, and solution while you are reading your story. Pay close attention to your maincharacter. We learn about characters by what they say, do, and how they think. By looking at conversations the character has with others you can learn a great deal. The author also gives us many clues when we are able to hear what the character is thinking.

Facts, Actions, Conversations, and Thoughtstell us about the characters.

Tell me about:

1. Traits or characteristics of your character. Use Adjectives to describe your character's personality.

2. Find Examples in the story that support the adjectives that describe your main character.

If you describe your character as brave, then you'll find Two examples in the story of when she/he was brave.

She was brave when. . .

If you say that your character was bossy, then you'll provide 2 examples of when she/he was bossy.

Here's what to do!

3. On the character map list three characteristics for your main character and provide two examples in complete sentences that support each characteristic. You'll have a total of six examples.

This assignment asks you to form opinions about your main character as you read the story and support your opinions with examples.

You are responsible for neat handwriting, complete sentences, and ending punctuation.


1. List 3 adjectives for your main character -- 15 pts.

2. List 6 examples that support your adjectives -- 30pts.

3. Correctly CAPITALIZE the book title of the story and underline it.Capitalize people's names -- 5pts.


Book Title______


November Book Report The Character Map

My character's name is ______

THe first characteristic of my character is:


How do I know this?

Example 1:______


Example 2:______


THe second characteristic of my character is:


How do I know this?

Example 1:______


Example 2:______


THe third characteristic of my character is:


How do I know this?

Example 1:______


Example 2:______

