Speech Communications Syllabus; Trimester 3 / Spring 2012

Mrs. Fynan, rm. 6

313-278-9870 x306

Welcome to Speech! The purpose of this class is for you to become comfortable with your communication skills, including presenting speeches to groups of people. We will study various aspects of speech communication and you will deliver a variety of speeches.

Can you picture yourself in any of these situations?

1. You are a management trainee in a large corporation. Altogether, there are seven trainees in the program. One of you will get the lower-management job that has just opened. There is to be a large staff meeting at which each of the trainees will discuss the project he or she has been developing. One by one your colleagues make their presentations. They have no experience in public speaking and are intimidated by the higher-ranking managers present. Their speeches are stumbling and awkward. You, however, call upon all the skills you learned in your speech communications course. You deliver an informative talk that is clear, well reasoned, and articulate. You get the job.

2. You are married and have three children. One of your children has a learning disability. You hear that your local school board is considering, for budget reasons, to eliminate the special education teacher who has been helping your child. At an open meeting of the school board, you stand up and deliver a thoughtful, compelling speech on the necessity for keeping the special education teacher. The school board changes its mind.

3. You are the assistant manager in a branch office of a national company. Your immediate supervisor, the branch manager, is about to retire, and there will be a retirement dinner. All the executives from the home office will attend. As his close working associate, you are asked to give a farewell toast at the party. You prepare and deliver a speech that is both witty and touching – a perfect tribute to your boss. After the speech, everyone applauds enthusiastically, and a few people have tears in their eyes.

4. You are the best man or maid of honor at your friend’s wedding … I think you get the point …

Speech is a major part of life!

In this class you will learn what communication is, and that communication and responsibility work hand in hand. Speech communication begins with the belief that the spoken word should build, inspire, teach, or in some way motivate others.


Students in Speech Communication will develop skills in oral communication which are fundamental to all other learning and to all levels of human interaction. Students will understand concepts and processes involved in sending and receiving oral messages, evaluating messages, using nonverbal communication, and listening for a variety of purposes. Students will develop communication competence in interpersonal, group, and public interaction to establish and maintain productive relationships and function effectively in social, academic, and citizenship roles.

Overall, this is an introductory course designed to acquaint you with basic principles of public speaking concentrating on content, organization, audience motivation, language, and delivery. Students are required to research their topics and present well prepared speeches.

Trimester of Study—we will cover most (if not all) of the following key Speech Communication concepts:

Communication ProcessIntroductory/Autobiography speechObject Speech

Hearing versus ListeningDemonstration/How-to SpeechPet Peeve Speech

Nonverbal CommunicationImpromptu SpeakingInformative Speech

Speech OrganizationPowerPoint PresentationsPersuasive Speech

Speech EvaluationFarewell SpeechExemplum Speech

Class Requirements

1. Behavior

You are expected to be on your best behavior. The following behavior is expected at all times, in addition to using common sense.

  • BE RESPECTFUL of all individuals in the classroom. Trust is important.
  • Listen to the speaker (inappropriate behavior during a speech will have SEVERE consequences).
  • Cooperate
  • Participate actively and meaningfully

Discourteous ordisruptive behavior and failure to follow directions will not be

tolerated. Steps will be taken to correct such behavior including SRC referrals.

2. Participation

  • You must complete all assignments and participate actively and meaningfully in

class. Participation is a large component of this class. There will be sporadic participation grades given.

  • NO ONEis exempt from presenting speeches in front of the class. That’s part of the point of the class! You need to learn to SPEAK in public!

3. Daily Assignments

  • Homework – Turn in assignments on time! It is your responsibility to see that you bring your completed homework to class and hand it in when asked. LATE WORK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED!
  • Speeches – Must be completed on the assigned day! If you are not ready there will be a 50% late penalty and will be accepted the next day only. You must have a completed OUTLINE before you can present your speech (unless the speech is impromptu)!

4. Classroom Rules

  • Cheating or plagiarism WILL NOT be tolerated!! Disciplinary action will result from any offenses. ALL work (written or spoken) presented should be original work created by the student. Taking even one sentence from someone else without proper citation is plagiarism.
  • Come to class prepared and on time – This means you are in your seat when the bell rings with all needed materials.
  • The obvious: no swearing, lying, fighting, etc.
  • Ask questions if you do not understand the assignment.
  • Leave only when dismissed, not when the bell rings.

5. Oratory Exam

There will be a final speech worth 20% of the student’s grade—this will be the FINAL EXAM GRADE.

6. Absence

When a student is absent from class it is his or her responsibility to see me before

or after class to find out what was missed. If it is an arranged absence (dentist, field trip, etc.) you

must check with me PRIOR to the absence and get the assignments. You are expected to be up to

date upon return—otherwise go to ARO!

7. Help

Ask questions when you do not understand!!! If you need to speak me with me, I am available before school, after school, and during MP2. Let me know how I can help! Let’s all work together to make this a successful trimester.

“Man does not speak because he thinks; he thinks because he speaks.

Or rather, speaking is not different than thinking; to speak is to think.”

-Octavio Paz