Calendar Year(s)______

Please return to your department chair or program director

by the end of Block 4 or the date specified by your chair.

Professor (print) ______

Signature ______

This report should assist your chair or program director in preparing salary recommendations. Please provide a clear and concise(no more than 4 pages) appraisal of your achievements and activities in the period under review. Your chair/director will forward your report to the divisional executive committee and the Dean along with his or her recommendation. Submit this cover page (signed) and a copy of your current curriculum vitae along with your report.

Chairs will make one of the following recommendations: standard merit; partial merit; no merit. Chairs may also recommend extraordinary merit awards. In preparing your report please keep in mind that most faculty who do the work they are supposed to do, at the level expected at CC, will receive any approved across-the-board raise and a standard merit increase. Extraordinary merit means just that: it is awarded to recognize special achievements or contributions. Reports are most helpful when they describe how a faculty member has met expectations in teaching, scholarship and service, and highlight any elements of these criteria that are distinctive. Most of us know when we have met expectations and when we have performed in ways that are distinctive relative to other years or to other faculty members. If you think particular aspects of your work have been extraordinary, summarize these achievements and provide specific examples to explain why they are noteworthy. In your printed report you might comment, as appropriate, on some of the areas listed below.


Evidence of sustained success in courses taught (if using summaries of course evaluations, please make sure the evidence and analysis are systematic, not anecdotal)

New courses or course revisions in response to feedback from students or colleagues and/or substantive or pedagogical developments in the field; if available, provide evidence that these efforts enhanced students’ learning. Describe changes in courses or new course design, and indicate whether your efforts were supported by a curricular development grant, college initiative or other source of funding and support.

Courses that had a discernible impact on students’ opportunities, and/or contribute to the department’s or college’s curriculum as service courses or core courses in the major


S:\2017-18\Log - Info\December 2017\Salary Self Report.docx

Courses or course work that, compared to your perception of efforts in your department, involved inordinate time commitment or intensive engagement outside of the classroom mentoring students, evaluating many assignments or providing extensive feedback

Overloads of theses, student research, projects or proposals(beyond supervision that is part of a normal six-block teaching load)

Especially challenging courses due to class size, level of difficulty, level or range of student abilities, sites of learning that entailed hardship or required unusual coordination or problem-solving, or that required the instructor to learn and apply new skills, techniques or pedagogical approaches

Participation in FYE and general education

Other aspects of your teaching that you consider important


Scholarly activities including books, articles, creative projects, conference presentations, and research grant proposals

Please distinguish between scholarship published (full citation), rewarded or performed in the year(s) of review and work that is in progress, or was submitted or accepted. We recognize scholarship in the year in which it is published or performed.


Departmental roles and responsibilities, college committees, special projects or events, contributions to making improvements or achieving departmental or college-wide goals

[Type here][Type here][Type here]

Academic advising

Positions of leadership and the work entailed; activities or projects that required anunusually large investment of time, coordination or skills(please note whether you receivedany type of compensation for your service)

Activities outside the College (professional organizations, consulting, civic activities, etc.)

General Comments you wish to add