Akron Town Council Meeting

January 23, 2017

Present: Jim Saner, President; Rich Solano, Vice-President; Brandon Slone, Member; Melinda Kamp, Clerk-Treasurer; Marty Gearhart, Town Superintendent; Jake Gearhart, Marshal; Leah Sander, Press, Andy Perkins, Attorney

Guests: Sign-in sheet: Janet and Duane Hackworth, Terry Swick and Casi Cowles, Plan Director

The meeting opened at 5:45 p.m. with council appointments. Jim made a motion to keep the council as is, Brandon 2nd. 3 ayes. Rich made a motion to rename Marty Gearhart, Town Superintendent and Jake Gearhart as Town Marshal, Brandon 2nd. 3 ayes. Jim made a motion to keep Andy Perkins as the Town Attorney. Brandon 2nd. 3 ayes. Rich made a motion to keep Lake City Bank, Wells Fargo Bank and Trust Indiana as the banking institutions. Brandon 2nd. 3ayes. Jim made a motion to continue with meetings every 3rd Monday at 6 pm. Rich 2nd. 3 ayes.

Regular meeting started at 6pm. Rich made a motion to accept the December 19, 2016 meeting minutes as presented. Brandon 2nd. 3 ayes.

Casi Cowles, Plan Director, presented Resolution 1-23-2017. Council accepted resolution 1-23-2017. Jim asked about the progress on the downtown building. Casi said she though it is almost ready to go out for bids. She did mention that there was an asbestos test ordered that is still outstanding. The outcome of this test could change the time fame. Casi also presented the annual permit report which reflected 636 permits issued in 2016.

Ordinance 1-23-2017, An Ordinance Amending Portions of the Building Ordinance Concerning Workmanship was discussed. Casi’s office has to enforce this ordinance and wanted clarification. Andy suggested the council list single family houses as exempt. Hackworth’s asked how this ordinance would affect their current apartments on Marcus Drive specifically in reference to the metal roof on both units. Casi suggested adding language about a variance request that would be brought before the Town Council for such cases.

The Council had discussion in reference to an ordinance regarding water utility service and accounts. Rich shared his concern about safeguarding the Town for the future. He suggested that we up the water meter deposit to $ 200.00. Jim felt like that would be a burden on the landlords and may stop people from buying in our community. At this time it was decided to leave the water meter deposit $100.

Health Care renewal discussed. United Health Care was the best option. Rich made a motion to accept UHC 2017 rate increase 5.5%. Brandon 2nd. 3 ayes

Jakes Report:

The monthly Incident report presented. The speed sign was picked up in Ohio last week. Marty is looking for batteries from his supplier. Jake reported that there is a spot that he feels needs attention to prevent future rusting. Applications are still being taken for 1st deputy until Jan 25th. Rich asked about the broken windows downtown and was told there is nothing new to report with the investigation.

Marty’s Report:

Work is continuing with IDEM at the lagoons. Dredging is an option. The existing valves may be fixable. An automatic sampler is still at the influent. Natalie Moppin with IDEM inspected the Sonoco plant’s white glue issue. She suggested an update to our ordinance to include contact with Marty for any spills. The fire department installed new flooring, carpeting and a new washing machine two weeks ago. Jim made a motion that Andy Perkins and Jim Saner have permission to sign the Revised Agreed Order Agreement per discussion with Don Larson, Commonwealth Engineers. Rich 2nd. 3 ayes. Marty received the paperwork for the ISO ratings pertaining to the inspection that will take place in March. Lutheran EMS will expand their service to 24 hour ambulance tentatively starting in April.

May 20th was named for the annual town garage sale.

Resolution 1-23-2017A- Transfer of Appropriation was read. Rich made the motion to accept, Brandon 2nd. 3 ayes.

A List of Outstanding warrants were presented to the council for approval for cancellation. Jim made the motion to accept cancelled warrants in the amount of $ 105.25 from Lake City bank and $ 1,156.07 from Wells Fargo Bank. Rich 2nd. 3 ayes.

The Council reviewed and agreed to make a one-time adjustment to the wastewater portion of Rose Hopkins Berger account at 809 E Walnut Street reference a toilet issue.

Jim made a motion to accept dockets in the amount of $161,018.03. Brandon 2nd. 3 ayes.

Meeting adjourned 7:44 pm.


Jim Saner, President Melinda Kamp, Clerk-Treasurer