GUIDE # 100-20 / SUBJECT: / Emergency Condition Status
DATE ISSUED: March 28, 2007 / REVIEW DATE:


Establish the procedures for a standardized system to categorize emergency conditions for all hazards. These categories are designed to initiate predetermined actions in order to prepare and/or respond to emergencies.


These guidelines apply to Volusia County Fire Departments and Area Command activities.


It is the responsibility of the VCFCA Operations Committee to review and update this guideline.


A.  Four Emergency Condition Status (EMCON) situations are to be utilized:

1.  EMCON Alpha:

This is normal day to day activity and no change in procedures are identified.

2.  EMCON Bravo:

Volusia County Fire Services Field Operations Center and/or any Area Command operations is established. This condition status is implemented when conditions within Volusia County are such that centralized command and control of responses is necessary and/or the maintaining of constant situation status is required. Emergency Condition Status Bravo will be established by the President, VCFCA, upon consultation with all the Fire Chiefs or the Fire Chiefs of affected jurisdictions as deemed appropriate and/or the County Emergency Manager. An example of when this condition status is appropriate to implement is when Volusia County resources and/or some out of county mutual aid resources are in use but resources are becoming taxed to levels of concern. This change in status is designed to alert all Fire Chiefs and Emergency Managers that conditions are becoming critical but at the present time manageable. Any additional significant impact could warrant assistance through the State Emergency Response Plan. Also implemented at Hurcon 3. Also implemented when 70% of East County and/or West County fire stations (as defined in the VCFCA Volusia County Area Command and Unified Area Command M.O.G.) have been activated and/or engaged in emergency activities or when two (2) of the county-wide Brush Task Forces are engaged in emergency activities. Also implemented upon activation and engagement of the entire HazMat Team, Technical Rescue Teams, and or the Fire Walker Wildfire Team.

3.  EMCON Charlie:

Volusia County (county-wide) Area Command and/or Unified Area Command is established. This condition status is implemented when conditions are such that multiple jurisdictions are impacted and/or threatened. County resources are at critical levels, normal mutual aid resources are becoming exhausted and requests for resources through the State Emergency Response Plan is imminent or has been initiated. Area Command maintains countywide situation status and coordinates all out of county mutual aid and requests for resources through the State Emergency Response Plan. Ensures Emergency Managers are involved and alerts all jurisdictions of the extreme situation that exists. Also implemented at Hurcon 4. Also implemented upon activation of a full Volusia County Overhead Team.

4.  EMCON Delta:

Volusia County Area Command and/or Unified Area Command is established. This condition status is implemented when multiple jurisdictions but most likely the entire county has been impacted. Area Command maintains countywide situation status, coordinates all in-county and out-of-county mutual aid. Requests for State Emergency Response Plan have been initiated and and/or resources through that plan are in use. Federal assistance is possible and/or in use. Conditions and/or the situation within Volusia County and/or neighboring jurisdictions is/are critical. All resources including but not limited to HazMat, Search and Rescue Teams, Wild-land Fire Teams are coordinated by Area Command. Area Command unifies with State/Federal Teams if and when a Volusia Complex is created or is deemed appropriate. Also implemented at Hurcon 5. Also implemented upon activation of the full Volusia County Overhead Team augmented with personnel obtained through the Regional Domestic Security Task Force (RDSTF).

B. During EMCON Charlie and EMCON Delta all mutual aid resources sent out of county, as approved by Area Command, will be assembled and sent as an intact group with a task force/strike team leader. The leader will coordinate on-scene operations with the requesting jurisdiction’s command. The leader will ensure an adequate I.C.S. structure is in place for units to operate safely and effectively. If needed, the leader will offer and, if accepted, request overhead personnel from Volusia County Area Command. The leader and/or Area Command will refuse to deploy Volusia County resources if an acceptable I.C.S. structure is not in place.

C. Employees of Volusia County Fire Services shall be impacted by the Emergency Condition Status as follows:

1.  EMCON Alpha:

No change in day to day operations.

2.  EMCON Bravo:

Conditions warrant a heightened level of readiness. All off duty Career Firefighters shall provide all pager, cell, or landline numbers, if applicable, at which they can be contacted. If these numbers are to remain constant, they are excused from the daily call-in. The call-in consists of landlining Station 15 between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and not later than 10:00 a.m., and again in the afternoon starting at 1:30 p.m. and no later than 3:00 p.m. each day. Personnel on leave and/or out of town, shall provide a telephone number where they can be reached, if necessary. All pre-approved out of county training is to be re-approved by the Operations Chief.

3.  EMCON Charlie:

Conditions warrant a heightened level of readiness. All off duty Career Firefighters shall provide all pager, cell or land line numbers, if applicable, at which they can be contacted. If these numbers are to remain constant, they are excused from the daily call-in. The call-in consists of landlining Station 15 between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and no later than 10:00 a.m., and again in the afternoon starting at 1:30 p.m. and not later than 3:00 p.m. each day. Personnel on leave and/or out of town, shall provide a telephone number where that can be reached, if necessary. All pre-approved out of county training is to be re-approved by the Operations Chief.

Some leave may be cancelled due to the condition of the Emergency Status. Call back to duty may be implemented. Shift status may be changed to meet the needs of the emergency.

4.  EMCON Delta:

All leaves are cancelled due to the condition of the Emergency Status. Call back to duty may be implemented. Shift status may be changed to meet the needs of the emergency.

D. Volunteer Personnel of Volusia County Fire Services shall be impacted by the Emergency Condition Status as follows:

1.  EMCON Alpha:

No change in day to day operations.

2.  EMCON Bravo:

Pages will be initiated advising personnel of Emergency Condition Status and all volunteer personnel are requested to contact their duty station, or station 42 or 36 as alternative. Members will be requested to report to station, maintain contact, or provide a contact number as appropriate.

3.  EMCON Charlie:

Pages will be initiated advising personnel of Emergency Condition Status and all available volunteer personnel are to report to their duty station. Unavailable personnel are requested to contact their duty station to advise of their future availability. Duty schedules for station may be developed.

4.  EMCON Delta:

Pages will be initiated advising personnel of Emergency Condition Status and all available personnel are to report to their duty station. Unavailable personnel are requested to contact their duty station to advise of their future availability. Duty schedules for all stations will be developed and implemented.

E.  Civilian/Staff Personnel:

1.  EMCON Alpha:


No change in day to day operations.

3.  EMCON Bravo:

May be reassigned, as needed, to support operations.

4.  EMCON Charlie:

May be reassigned, as needed, to support operations. Leave may be cancelled. Work schedules may be modified.

5.  EMCON Delta:

May be reassigned, as needed, to support operations. Leave may be cancelled. Work schedules may be modified.

V.  Emergency Management/Emergency Operations CenterS:

A.  The Volusia County Emergency Management Director and/or Municipal Emergency Management Directors may activate some emergency support functions and/or Emergency Operations Center(s) for a variety of reasons. As a result, Volusia County Fire Services and/or municipal fire departments may have personnel assigned to Emergency Operations Center(s) during any EMCON status levels – Alpha through Delta.

B.  The EMCON levels established apply to Volusia County Fire Departments and are designed to guide actions by Volusia County Fire Departments. They do not initiate any actions on the part of Emergency Management.

C.  Changes in Volusia County EMCON Status, the reason for change in status, and the related actions taken by Volusia County Fire departments are to be reported to the Director of Emergency Management directly or, if activated, via ESF 4/9.