Introduction Module IV – Action Research Analysis of the Habits of Mind Lessons and Student Performance is designed specifically for Investment Schools to provide teachers and other school site staff with special training that builds on the learning in Module III with the Habits of Mind as well as Module II, building the Habits of Mind throughout the curriculum to mitigate trauma for Investment school students.

Module IV utilizes Action Research to guide faculty and staff to take the next step toward developing a systematic, collaborative inquiry process that will help them tune their lessons in to ensure that they are successfully developing the Habits of Mind within their students.

Faculty and staff will present one lesson they implemented emphasizing the use of Habits of Mind. Using specific protocols, they will share their experience and evidence in a safe, collaborative, productive environment. This will lead them into a tuning process designed to help them revise and refine their lessons. Finally, faculty and staff will learn the value of working together to identify common challenges and learn to brainstorm as a group ways to address these challenges.

Module 4 is comprised of one four hour session.

The “Big Idea” Essential Questions:

Why do some children thrive while others lose their way?

What can any of us do to steer an individual child—or a whole generation of children—away from failure and toward success?

What may we do as a community of educators together to strengthen our delivery of instruction?

Objectives: Investigate the implementation of the Habits of Mind lessons from Module 3.

Analyze student performance to identify areas of success and growth within the delivery of instruction

Examine protocols to collaboratively examine lesson implementation

•  Which habits of mind do you want students to develop and employ?

•  What will we do to assist their development?

•  How might we work collaboratively to determine if students are developing increased skillfulness in such dispositions over time?

•  What will we see or hear in student behaviors as evidence of their growth?

Activities: During this training, the presenter will engage participants in:

•  Visual Thinking

•  Close Reading Strategies

•  Accountable Talk

•  Anticipation/Reaction Guides

•  Citing evidence to support claims

•  Constructing Viable Arguments and Critiquing the Reasoning of Others

•  Table Talk

•  Thinking Notes

•  Think-Pair-Share

•  Data Analysis

Tools and Materials:

Computer and speakers

Ensure movies are copied onto laptop playing the ppt

LCD projector

Chart paper

Pencil boxes

•  Post it notes

•  Poster markers

•  Pens

•  Highlighters

Thin color markers

•  At least 6 colors (not yellow)

•  Index Cards

Module 4 Preparation Steps:
·  You will choose one of the options for reviewing the lessons taught on Habits of Mind and delete the slides for the other options.
·  This module is only one session
·  What is Career Ready Activity
o  Copy the article, “What is Career Ready” for each participant
o  Copy Tree map for “What is Career Ready”
o  Copy the Habits of Mind Descriptions one page chart
·  Action Research video
o  Ensure video is loaded and plays
·  Option 1 Materials
o  Copy Lesson Self Reflection questions
§  One per participant
o  Index cards
§  At least 5 per participant
·  Option 2 Materials
o  Copy Lesson Self Reflection questions
§  One per participant
o  Copy Handout 1
§  One per participant
o  Copy Handout 2 sample
§  One per participant
o  Chart paper
o  Poster markers
o  Pens
o  Post-it notes
Topic / Presentation Points / Supporting Materials /
Goals / Facilitator says:
Our goals by the end of this session are to:
·  Investigate the implementation of the Habits of Mind lessons from Module 3
·  Analyze student performance to identify areas of success and growth
·  Examine protocols to collaboratively examine lesson implementation / Slides 2

Norms / Facilitator says:
·  In order to keep our conversation moving, we will observe the norms you see on the slide. / Slide 3

The Resilient Child / After participants read slide:
Facilitator says:
·  As you can see, this slide takes us right back to Module 2 – Kids that succeed despite all have developed Habits of Mind.
·  The “protective factors” in bullet 2 and “pro-social behavior” in bullet 3 both reference Habits of Mind
/ Slide 4

Habits of Mind = 21st Century Life Skills / Have participants read slide / Slide 5

What is “Career Ready?” / Facilitator:
·  Hand out the article, “What is Career Ready?”
·  You may have participants jjgsaw out the reading of the article or you may have each participant read the entire article
·  Have participants take out their Habits of Mind reference sheet and use it as reference as they complete the tree map / Slide 6

(3 minutes) / Press Play / Slide 7

Quote / The quote on this slide provides a definition of “action research.”
Read and discuss
NOTE: This module will now move into protocols for teacher sharing and review of colleagues’ lessons in regard to the lesson’s ability to develop Habits of Mind, produce a desired outcome, the strategies used in the lesson, and the overall success of the lesson – i.e. Action Research / Slide 8

Why should we examine student work collaboratively? / Briefly discuss necessity of time with colleagues / Slide 9

Benefits of Using Protocols / Facilitator says:
·  Using protocols provides a safer environment for sharing individual work – to accomplish Action Research
·  The protocols are goal oriented- they request that the teacher define a goal and feedback is aligned to that goal
·  They focus the discussion- Focuses it around a specific goal related to the individual educator’s work
·  They help the educator gain insight that may not be seen individually / Slide 10

This is a good point to remind you and thus for you to remind your participants that at the end of Module 3 they were told to:
•  Which Habits of Mind you focused on
•  Overview of the lesson
•  Description of what occurred
•  Identify what worked
•  Identify what didn’t work
•  Identify what you would change in the lesson in the future
•  Types of Evidence
§  Student work samples
§  Observations
§  Anecdotal records
§  Photographs
§  Interviews
§  Surveys
§  Student evaluations
It is at this point in the module that they will need to access/utilize that info.
Reviewing the Lesson / Facilitator:
You are now going to take the group through a lesson review. You have 2 choices of ways to accomplish this review:
1)  Comment and Question Review
2)  Tuning protocol
It is your choice as to which review you wish to have the participants complete - however – you should know that choice #1 is easier - choice #2 is more intense and requires a group that is already secure with each other and currently working as a team.
Either way, you need to go over each process, but complete only one
NOTE: this slide introduces choice #1 – “Comment and Question Review.” / Slide 11

Self-Reflection Task
(15-20 minutes) / Choice #! -
Facilitator says:
·  At the end of each of the 3 sessions found in Module 3, you completed a sheet entitles, “Applications to the Classroom,” based on an upcoming lesson.
·  You are now to choose one of those 3 lessons and complete the sheet entitled, “Lesson Self-Reflection,” for that lesson. / Slide 12

Comment and Question Review Process
(10 minutes per presentation – if 5 participants are at each table, these presentations should take 50 minutes total) / Facilitaor:
Review the protocols for the review process found on the slide
When completing their index cards, have participants provide ‘warm’ feedback – i.e. “I like how the task required flexible thinking and had students finding multiple solutions.” And ‘cool’ feedback – i.e. “How do you know that students are talking about the task and not having conversations on other topics.”
Make sure you collect the index cards after each presentation – do not allow anyone at the tables to collect/hold the cards, otherwise that person or persons will stop listening to the presentations and will instead focus on the cards’ content. / Slide 13

Review Card Reflection
(10 minutes) / Facilitator ;
After all presentations are complete, redistribute the index cards to the appropriate individual
Allow the participants 10 minutes to reflect on the feedback given / Slide 14

Reviewing the Lesson / This slide introduces protocol choice #2 – “Tuning Protocol” / Slide 15

(15-20 minutes) / Facilitator:
If you choose to do choice #2 instead of choice #1, then like in the instructions in choice #1, your participants will now complete the Self-Reflection sheet.
Even if you do not choose #2, you need to walk through the “Tuning Protocol” process by reviewing the following slides / Slide 16

Create a Focus Question / Facilitator:
Read through directions on slide. If you are completing choice #2 have participants write their focus question
As indicated by the title of this protocol, all members of the team are helping the presenter of the lesson ‘tune’ his/her lesson / Slide 17

Tuning Protocol / Facilitator:
This slides is a visual of what needs to take place.
Part 1 : divides into groups of five
Part 2: roles are decided
Part 3: the protocol is enacted three times. Each time group members rotate roles(Facilitator, Presenter, Time Keeper)
Again complete only is doing choice#2 / Slide 18

Clarifying the Steps of the Tuning Protocol
(10 minutes per participant) / Steps are clear on the slide
This process takes longer than choice#1 / Slide 19

Tuning Protocol Worksheet / Worksheet accompanies directions found on previous slide
NOTE: If participants wish to use this Tuning Protocol in the future,
All steps involved are found on attached sheets - “Tuning Protocol,”
Directions, steps 1-9. / Slide 20

Clarifying the Steps of the Tuning Protocol
(5 minutes per participant) / Again, steps clear on slide / Slide 21

Tuning Protocol Sample Notes / This slide depicts the types of notes a participant may take
This handout complements handout 1 and they can be used side by side.
This handout is intended to be used by both presenter and facilitator to records the actions that take place during the tuning protocol depending on the participants role (Facilitator, Presenter, time keeper) / Slide 22

Clarifying the Steps of the Tuning Protocol / At this point n the tuning process, participants pause to reflect and write notes ;
- warm
- cool / Slide 23

Cool Feedback / See info on slide / Slide 24

Tuning Protocol Sample Notes / NOTE:
This handout complements handout 1 and they can be used side by side.
This handout is intended to be used by both presenter and facilitator to records the actions that take place during the tuning protocol depending on the participants role (Facilitator, Presenter, time keeper) / Slide 25

7. Warm and Cool Feedback
(5 minutes) / Follow directions on slide / Slide 26

8. Presenter Reflection
(5 minutes) / Complete steps 8
Then group repeats steps 2-8 until every teacher has presented and received feedback on their evidence / Slide 27

Tuning Protocol / Slide info is clear
Facilitator says:
·  This slides is a visual of what needs to take place.
·  Part 1 : divides into groups of five
·  Part 2: roles are decided
·  Part 3: the protocol is enacted at least 5 times. Each time group members rotate roles(Facilitator, Presenter, Time Keeper) / Slide 28

Tuning Protocol / This handout complements handout 1 and they can be used side by side.
This handout is intended to be used by both presenter and facilitator to records the actions that take place during the tuning protocol depending on the participants role (Facilitator, Presenter, time keeper) / Slide 29

9. Debriefing
(5 minutes) / Final step in Tuning Protocol / Slide 30

Tuning Protocol Sample / This handout complements handout 1 and they can be used side by side.
This handout is intended to be used by both presenter and facilitator to records the actions that take place during the tuning protocol depending on the participants role (Facilitator, Presenter, time keeper) / Slide 31
At this point, choice #2 – Tuning Protocol instructions end
Table Talk / Facilitator:
·  Done in table groups
·  Table to come to consensus
·  In bullet 3, they brainstorm the ‘highest priority” challenge
·  Have participants follow directions on slide / Slide 32

Chalk Talk / Facilitator:
Have participants follow directions on slide / Slide 33

Chalk Talk / Facilitator:
Groups will rotate around the room
For bullets 3 & 4 – have groups write right on the posters rather than using post-its / Slide 34

Quote / Read and Discuss / Slide 35

Action Research Process is cyclical / Facilitator ;
Lead final discussion on Action Research Process
Remind participants that working collaboratively helps a teacher ‘tune’ his lessons
Remind them that this ‘tuning’ needs to be done in a collaborative way using such techniques as the Question and Review process or the Tuning Protocol.
Either way, protocols are necessary to ensure a safe, collaborative, productive working environment / Slide 36