Dear Parents:

Welcome to Saint Elizabeth Ann’s Sunday School! Thank you for allowing us to share the love of Jesus and our Catholic faith with your children. We are sending postcards to your children, and encourage you to read a summary of our program, found on the parish website. We look forward to working with your children and giving them a meaningful and enjoyable experience. As we begin another year, we want to thank you in advance for your support of your child’s early catechesis.

You and your children are invited to an Open House on the weekend of Sept. 3rd4th after the Saturday 5:30 PM Mass, after the Sunday 9:00 AM Mass and before and after the Sunday 11:00 AMMass in Classrooms 1 & 2 in the Parish Center. We will have program materials as well as take-home resources for kindergarten students. Please stop by after Mass to meet the teachers, experience the classroom, ask questions and enjoy some treats!

All parents in our program are involved as either teachers or parent helpers. Adults aged 18 and over assisting in our classrooms must take Safe Environment Training. Our parish sponsors the training in conjunction with St. James/Seton five-day school. This year it will be held on Monday, Sept. 12th, at 7 PM at the St. James Parish Center.To register, please contact the school office at 572-0339, or check for alternate training opportunities.

Listed below are a few reminders for the beginning of the school year. Also, if you have not paid the registration fee, please mail it to Maria Christensen, 12071 Stonegate Dr., Omaha, NE 68164, or you may bring it to the Open House or the first class (Sep. 10/11). If you have any questions about the placement of your child, we offer this help: we have a three-year program with our youngest students entering Kindergarten in September of 2013. Please call Maria Christensen at 496-2414 or Jeanne Schulte at 496-1790 if you have any questions. Also, please notify us if you move during the year or your child is unable to continue in the program. We will have class lists posted the first few weeks of Sunday school. Please check the information and “OK” it or make corrections so we can update our computer files.

We look forward to seeing you,



  1. Arrive 10 to 15 minutes before Mass time to bring child to class.
  2. Children should wear comfortable clothing.
  3. Children should use the bathroom prior to class.
  4. A table in front of the classrooms is set aside for Sunday School. Nametags for each child and file folders are found on this table. Please check your child’s folder if he or she misses a class.
  5. All sweaters, coats, etc. should go with parents.
  6. BEGINNING OF CLASS: Please drop your child off in classroom 1 (Sunshine Kids-youngest children) or classroom 2 (pre-K & K). Teachers will be there to assist you.
  7. Please remember that classes last one hour, and you may wait outside the classroom if Mass lasts less than that. If your child must leave early, please inform the teachers before class.
  8. END OF CLASS: Dismissal of children is after each Mass outside the classroom doors. Children are dismissed only to parents or other designated persons.
  9. You will receive a reminder card the week before you are to be a parent helper. If you have a conflict with your scheduled week, please make arrangements with another parent to trade. Parent helpers are a very important part of our Sunday School program and we appreciate your cooperation in this matter. Keep your parent helper list in case a conflict comes up so you will have the necessary phone numbers.
  10. If you have any questions, or your child will be absent or sick for more than two weeks, please feel free to call their teacher.