Coventry Meadows Property Owners Association, Inc.

2007 Annual Meeting Minutes

May 10, 2007

Location: Crossroads Baptist Church

The Board of Directors members present at meeting:

Steve Clark (President)

Bonnie Smith

Bill Hutto

Meeting called to order at 7:10 pm by Steve Clark (President) and 2nd by Shirley Green.

Quorum was verified by counting the members names that appear on the annual meeting sign-in sheet. Shirley Green, lot 57, certified that the annual meeting notice had been sent.

Motion to dispense Previous Meeting Minutes by Carl Campbell 9829 Foxton Place, Lot #1, 2nd by Marguerite Whitfield Lot 59.

Motion to dispense the reading of HOA items of interest by Bill Hutto, Jean Durham Lot 68 2nd the motion. Motion carried.

HOA items of interest:

Common Area Restrictions: The Trees in common areas. Bill discussed the issue of the trees that have been cut in the common area. Tiffany Brown ECM reported that a report has been filed to police department.

Homeowners were advised that it is a violation to cut trees in any of the common areas and they will be fined.

Homeowner, Angela Legette Lot 33, 4114 Derbyshire Lane, reported that a tree, from the common area behind her home, has fallen onto her fence. She wants to know what rights she has and what to do about the situation. She also reported that currently there are other trees leaning and she fear will eventually fall into her yard or fence. She was advised that she could cut the tree that has fallen onto her fence. She was also advised that VDOT is responsible for maintaining the common area behind her house. That she should contact VDOT about the other trees.

Leasing Restrictions: Leasing of homes. Anyone who leases their home will need to provide tenants names to HOA. And will need to provide a copy of the current Homeowners regulations to the tenants leasing their home.

Violations: Violations will be given to anyone who has violated any of the HOA regulations. People need to pay their HOA dues. Any violation that has not been resolved within 60 days will go to collections. If you have a question or disagree about a violation that has been issued to you, homeowners were asked to contact HOA to discuss the violation and try to get it resolved.

Lawns need to be kept cut and maintained. Flowerbeds areas need to be mulched.

After mowing of lawns, grass trimmings need to be cleaned off of sidewalks and streets.

Loud music & noise. Bill Hutto asked people to try to be considerate of others and keep music turned down.

Burned Home Update: Burned home has been sold to a new owner. New owner is going to restore home. All permits have been issued and work to restore home is scheduled to start next week. Lot has been fenced.

Street Lights – Homeowner wanted to know who is responsible for replacing streetlights. Tiffany Brown ECM said that Rappahannock Electric Cooperative was responsible. But if homeowners wanted to report it to her that she would report it to the Electric Company.

Jean Durham brought up having hearings more often. To look at things monthly. Tiffany Brown ECM asked homeowners to volunteer to help with community.

Bill Hutto asked all homeowners to read the ARC standards and try to follow them.

Nominations for (4) New Board of Directors.

Nominations from the floor. James Frederick and Todd Dermott and Rick Putiyon and Carl Campbell.

Tiffany Brown ECM asked people nominated if they would accept the nomination, Mr. Frederick replied no, Mr. Dermott, replied yes, Mr. Putiyon, replied yes and Mr. Campbell replied yes.

Mr. Todd Dermott, Mr. Rick Putiyon and Mr. Carl Campbell were added to the ballot along with names already on the ballot, Ms. Bonnie Smith and Mr. Bill Hutto.

Tiffany asked homeowners to vote for (4) new board members and also to vote on question that homeowners leasing their home will be required to provide tenants name to HOA.

Tiffany Brown ECM collected ballots from homeowners at 7:45 pm. Tiffany Brown and Shirley Green counted ballots.

While ballots were being counted, Steve Clark (President) opened floor for Resident Forum.

Jean Durham, Lot 68, asked that some kind of sign be posted to remind residents of meetings, hearings. Tiffany said she could purchase a real estate sign, posting information about meetings, hearings but they would cost about $90.00. The committee would have to vote to approve the purchasing of signs. Signs would be placed at both entrances the day before the meetings.

Carl Campbell volunteer to post sign the night before any meetings, hearings.

Upcoming Community Yard Sale and Neighborhood Watch Meeting was discussed.

Bulb reported out on Coventry Meadow entrance sign. Bill Hutto volunteer to replace bulb.

Home Owner asked about Renters Property – Multiple ownership of homes. If any of the homes were owned by the same owner. Tiffany responded that there are three homes owned by the same owner in our community.

Fines were discussed, $10.00 a day up to a maximum of $900.00. Grass can be $50.00 per occurrence. Bonnie Smith suggested a fine sheet be drawn up and sent to all homeowners to help discourage homeowners from getting fines.

Steve Clark (President), motion to close resident forum, Shirley Green 2nd motion.

Motion carried.

Vote Results of (4) New Board of Directors:

Bill Hutto – (Vice President) for term of 3 years.

Bonnie Smith – (Secretary) for term of 3 years.

Rick Putiyon – (Treasurer) for term of 2 years.

Carl Campbell – (Director) for term of 2 years

“YES” to Homeowners to provide leases and names of tenants to HOA.

Motion to adjourn meeting by Steve Clark (President), Shirley Green.2nd the motion.

Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm.
