SHRM-UTEP Student Chapter

Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

UTEP SHRM now has a Twitter account !!

I.  Congratulations to our Fall 2011 elected Officers!!

President: Patsie Harrison

VP: Arlene Acevedo

Treasurer: Chris Pinney

Secretary: Maria Ortiz

PR/Fund Raising: Cinthia Acuna

Historian: Cynthia Feller

Recruiter: Chris Pinney

a.  For Next meeting: Officers please have transitional material prepared for elected officers

b.  Schedule a Strategic Goal Setting Meeting (we could use next meeting, but we need ALL officers and elected officers present)

c.  Consider participation in SHRM throughout the Summer months


a.  Board meeting Saturday, April 16th

1.  Need more participation from UTEP SHRM

2.  Conferences are great source to network

3.  Consider participation during Summer months

4.  Please fill out and submit EPSHRM application ASAP: it’s FREE!!

5.  Presented TSA Adopt-a-Room

a.  EPSHRM donated $200

b.  Immediate Past President, Sharon Voelz donated $100.00

c.  Will be presenting at EPSHRM Conference May 10th

i.  Need to be prepared with what we need for the TSA shelter room we adopted

ii.  Possible article in El Paso Times!!

6.  Graduating Seniors: Please submit your resume to me ASAP!!

a.  EPSHRM members have several entry-level job opportunities for us!!

III.  SHRM Sashes and Honor Cords

a.  Honor Cords have arrived!!

IV.  SHRM Dinner

a.  When: May 6th

b.  Where: Applebee’s on Mesa @ 7pm to ???

c.  Former SHRMies have been invited J

V.  Salvation Army: “Adopt-a-Room” Project

a.  Total raised: $2053!!!!

b.  Total Estimate on Furniture: $1,971 (including mattresses)

1.  Working with UTEP Bookstore for supply donations to decorate room

c.  Please sign up to help paint room (and try your best to keep your commitment)

1.  Room #2 was assigned for adoption

2.  Room has been cleared of furniture

3.  Room has been thoroughly cleaned and is ready for painting