GOLDSTARBoolean Tool (Excel)
The Goldstar Boolean spreadsheet is a new simpler version of the GOLDSTAR Formulae spreadsheet.
Please save it to your desktop. Always CLOSE it - DO NOT save (this keeps it ‘clean’).
Please note that if you have more than 300 students the formula splits every 300 rows. The spreadsheet will clearly show the split highlighted in yellow.
To use this tool, you need to:
- Select and Retrieve your group of students or other criteria, eg, programmes, etc(from any SITS screen, including STU)
- Click in the Student number field or whatever field you want to use, and then from the menu, select Misc
- From the list select Quick AnalysisOKContinue
This will generate a list of the student numbers or other criteria you need
- Click Export >OK>. A prompt will appear
- Click Overwriteas any previous exported list will be invalid.
This will open the list in a .csv file.
- Open the Goldstar_Booleanspreadsheet
- Copy and paste the detailsfrom the .csv file into the Goldstar_Boolean spreadsheet.
a)You can change the ‘Boolean’ by clicking in the box with the Goldstar characters, clicking on the arrow which opens up the options. Click to select one and you will see text which explains what the Boolean is. It is set to the most common – Gold or.
b)You can change the ‘Trim to chars’ by clicking in the ‘No’ box, clicking on the arrow which opens up the options (9, 11, No) and selecting one. You can switch between 9 and 11 depending on whether you need the /* or not.
Depending on the number of records in your list see a) or b) below:
a)For groups of less than 300 students: copy and paste the box in column C, opposite the last number in your group (see line 10), into the SITS screen of your choice and run your report.
b)For groups of more than 300 students: copy and paste the box in column C,highlighted in yellow, into the SITS screen of your choice. Run your report and save as an excel spreadsheet as normal. You will then need to copy and paste the next batch from the box in column C, opposite the last number in your group (see line 309), and run the report again. You will then need to save the file as an excel spreadsheet before copying and pasting to your original saved file containing the first 300 records. Repeat for each group of 300 until you have a full spreadsheet of data.
IMPORTANT NOTE: DO NOT SAVE the GOLDSTAR_Boolean – CLOSE IT. This ensures the spreadsheet is clean each time you use it.
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N:\PGADD\AS Website\PGA-SITS reports and processes\GOLDSTAR Process.docx