SPANISH II J. Carlos Bravo / Room 204


Learning Spanish is basically working on the four competencies of a language: listening, speaking, reading and writing.

The curriculum followed for Spanish can be checked on the North Carolina Public Schools website:

Table of Contents

0. Spanish I Review

1. Class rules and school activities.

2. Extracurricular activities.

3. Travelling.

4. Experiences and past events.

5. Traffic and driving.

6. Professions and careers.

7. Exchange programs and living abroad.


Percentage Weight Type of Assignment

75 % / 1 / Weekly Classwork: worksheets, writing, homework, etc
1 / Participation (every 3 weeks): oral assignments, pronunciation, and involvement.
1 / Quiz
1 / Portfolio
1 / Test
25 % / 25% / Final Exam

1- Weekly classwork

You have the total control over your daily work (activities from the book, homework, worksheets, responsibilities and the most important: participation).

** Keeping a complete Student Portfolio is a requirement **

You will build your own material, since a book will not be provided.

It must contain ALL the assignments and worksheets done.

It will be reviewed every 6 weeks.


1.  Be on time and ready for instruction.

You must be in your seat when the bell rings!

If a student is tardy, he / she should wait outside till door is opened by the teacher. Your teacher is not your doorman.

2.  Keep quiet and act responsibly.

Talk only when permitted. You are responsible for your actions, your grade and your materials.

3.  Participate.

You come here to learn and be productive through work and participation.

This is an immersion class, so Spanish only is the language we will use. To learn Spanish you should be listening to Spanish and using it!

4.  Follow school and county rules.

Dress code, absolutely no electronic devices, etc. Rules apply to everyone.


When rules are not followed or when inappropriate behavior occurs:

1.  warning,

2.  conference with student,

3.  communication with parents / family,

4.  teacher after school detention,

5.  grade of 0, and

6.  referral to the office.

*Depending on the grade of misbehavior any of the consequences could apply first.

**Disruption will NOT be tolerated **


- If a student knows he / she will be absent, they should make prior arrangements with me.

- If a student is absent the day before the test, he / she is still expected to take the test the same day as everyone else (I never taught anything new the day before a test)

- If a student is absent the day of the test, he / she must make arrangements to make it up before the end of the grading period. Make ups should be done as soon as possible!

- It is the students’ responsibility to show excuse notes, ask for make-up work and make arrangements to make up tests.

**Failing on doing so will result on a grade of 0**




Dear parents,

I attached my e-mail before so you can have a way to contact me. I also would like to have your preferred contact details: phone number and / or e-mail so I can have an updated contact list. Thank you!



I read and understood the guide for Mr. Bravo’s Spanish class:


Parent signature Student signature