Department of Motor Vehicles
Compliance Enforcement Division / Governor
555 Wright Way
Carson City, NV 89711
Troy Dillard
Interim Director
State of Nevada
Department of Motor Vehicles
Request for Proposal: 2014-4722-01
Remote Sensing
Release Date:September 23, 2013
Deadline for Submission and Opening Date and Time:November 4, 2013 @ 2:00 P.M.
Refer to Section 8, RFP Timeline for the complete RFP schedule
For additional information, please contact:
Heidi Azevedo, DMV Contract Manager
Administrative Services Division
State of Nevada, Department of Motor Vehicles
555 Wright Way
City, NV 89711
Email address:
(TTY for Deaf and Hard of Hearing:1-800-326-6868
Ask the relay agent to dial:1-775-684-4904
Refer to Section 9 for instructions on submitting proposals
Vendor Must:
A)Provide all requested information in the space provided next to each numbered question. The information provided in Sections V1 through V6 will be used for development of the contract;
B)Type or print responses; and
C)Include this Vendor Information Sheet in Tab III of the Technical Proposal.
V1 / Company NameV2 / Street Address
V3 / City, State, ZIP
V4 / Telephone Number
Area Code: / Number: / Extension:
V5 / Facsimile Number
Area Code: / Number: / Extension:
V6 / Toll Free Number
Area Code: / Number: / Extension:
V7 / Contact Person for Questions / Contract Negotiations,
including address if different than above
Email Address:
V8 / Telephone Number for Contact Person
Area Code: / Number: / Extension:
V9 / Facsimile Number for Contact Person
Area Code: / Number: / Extension:
V10 / Name of Individual Authorized to Bind the Organization
Name: / Title:
V11 / Signature (Individual must be legally authorized to bind the vendor per NRS 333.337)
Signature: / Date:
- OVERVIEW OF PROJECT ……………………………………………………………… 4
- ACRONYMS / DEFINITIONS …………………………………………………………… 5
- SCOPE OF WORK ……………………………………………………………………..... 8
- COST ……………………………………………………………………………………….16
- FINANCIAL .………………………………………………………………………………..16
- RFP TIMELINE ……………………………………………………………………………18
- TERMS AND CONDITIONS ………………………………………………………………29
- SUBMISSION CHECKLIST ……………………………………………………………...34
Attachment A …………………………………………………………………………………..35
Attachment B …………………………………………………………………………………..36
Attachment C ………………………………………………………………………………….37
Attachment D ………………………………………………………………………………….38
Attachment E ………………………………………………………………………………….46
Attachment F ………………………………………………………………………………….49
Attachment G ………………………………………………………………………………….50
Attachment H ………………………………………………………………………………….51
Attachment I ……………………………………………………………………………………52
A Request for Proposal process is different from an Invitation to Bid. The State expects vendors to propose creative, competitive solutions to the agency's stated problem or need, as specified below. Vendors’technical exceptions and/or assumptions should be clearly stated in Attachment B, Technical Proposal Certification of Compliance with Terms and Conditions of RFP. Vendors’ cost exceptions and/or assumptions should be clearly stated in Attachment I, Cost Proposal Certification of Compliance with Terms and Conditions of RFP. Exceptions and/or assumptions will be considered during the evaluation process; however, vendors must be specific. Nonspecific exceptions or assumptions may not be considered. The State reserves the right to limit the Scope of Work prior to award, if deemed in the best interest of the State per NRS 333.350(1).
The State of Nevada, Department of Motor Vehicles, Division of Compliance Enforcement is requesting proposals from qualified vendors for Remote Sensing Devices (RSD) that will operate in Clark County, Nevada enhanced emission program area. Testing will be done annually for approximately a one (1) week period.Subject to the Board of Examiner’s approval, the contract resulting from this RFP will be for four (4) years, with an anticipated start date ofJanuary 15, 2014, with an option to amend for up to an additional four (4) years. Additionally, funding for a portion of this project may be subject to the approval of the Interim Finance Committee (IFC).
1.1The 1995 Nevada Legislature adopted a new section for Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) Chapters 445B.798 and 482.461 authorizing the Department of Motor Vehicles to implement a Remote Sensing Program as part of the Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program. The main goal is to assist the counties within Nevada with non-attainment air quality to reach compliance with the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), Clean Air Act Amendments established in 1990, relative to on-road testing requirements. The secondary goal is to provide a means for the Department of Motor Vehicles to develop on-road vehicle emissions profiles for specific areas that can be used as a tool to gauge the effectiveness of the motor vehicle inspection and maintenance program.
1.2Theawarded vendorshallobtainvalidremotesensing(RSD)readings fromaminimum offifteenthousand(15,000)vehicles or the current fleetrequirement assetby theUSEPA, whichever is greater. The Vendor shallprovide vehicleinformation andemissions readingdata fromtheRSDactivities totheDepartment ofMotorVehicles.TheDepartmentwilluse theRSDdataforbothregulatoryandstatisticalreportingpurposes.
1.3TheconceptofRSDisthemonitoringandidentification of polluting vehicles, to complement thetraditionalemissioncontrol program. RSDwill measure various pollutant levels in a vehicle'sexhaust while the vehicle is traveling down the road, including,butarenotlimited to,hydrocarbons (HC)andcarbonmonoxide (CO).Other remotesensingdeviceswillalso be captured thatmeasurenitrogenoxides(NOX).
1.4Oncethetestshavebeencompletedletterswillbesenttoownersofvehiclesthatexceed specific standards during a remotesensing test. Letter will be sent directlyby the Department of Motor Vehicles. Vehicle ownersthat are not in compliance with the standards identified intheletter maybe subjectto cancellationof theirvehicle registrationsifcomplianceisnotobtainedwithinacertainlengthoftime.
1.5The awarded vendor must be able to provide emission test results properly linked to an identified motor vehicle that are admissible in evidence in a court of law and/or administrative hearing. The vendor must be able to provide sufficient documentation, and, if necessary, expert witness testimony to lay a proper foundation for the admissibility of the emission test results, including, but not limited to, documentation and testimony regarding the testing, calibration and accuracy of all testing device(s). All emission testing equipment must be properly tested, maintained, and calibrated to assure a level of accuracy and reliability of test results to be admissible in evidence in a court of law and/or administrative hearing. The awarded vendor will be required to provide all necessary documentation and testimony to support the admissibility of emission test results at their sole costs, including, but not limited to, any cost associated with expert witness fees, report preparation, travel, per diem and any other associated cost.
For the purposes of this RFP, the following acronyms/definitions will be used:
Acronym / DescriptionAssumption / An idea or belief that something will happen or occur without proof. An idea or belief taken for granted without proof of occurrence.
Awarded Vendor / The organization/individual that is awarded and has an approved contract with the State of Nevada for the services identified in this RFP.
BOE / State of Nevada Board of Examiners
CO / Carbon Monoxide
Confidential Information / Any information relating to the amount or source of any income, profits, losses or expenditures of a person, including data relating to cost or price submitted in support of a bid or proposal. The term does not include the amount of a bid or proposal. Refer NRS §333.020(5)(b).
Contract Approval Date / The date the State of Nevada Board of Examiners officially approves and accepts all contract language, terms and conditions as negotiated between the State and the successful vendor.
Contract Award Date / The date when vendors are notified that a contract has been successfully negotiated, executed and is awaiting approval of the Board of Examiners.
Contractor / The company or organization that has an approved contract with the State of Nevada for services identified in this RFP. The contractor has full responsibility for coordinating and controlling all aspects of the contract, including support to be provided by any subcontractor(s). The contractor will be the sole point of contact with the State relative to contract performance.
Cross Reference / A reference from one document/section to another document/section containing related material.
Division / Department of Motor Vehicles, Compliance Enforcement Division.
DTS / Date/Time Stamp
Evaluation Committee / An independent committee comprised of a majority of State officers or employees established to evaluate and score proposals submitted in response to the RFP pursuant to NRS §333.335.
Exception / A formal objection taken to any statement/requirement identified within the RFP.
HC / Hydrocarbon
I/M / Inspection and Maintenance
Key Personnel / Vendor staff responsible for oversight of work during the life of the project and for deliverables, as applicable.
LOI / Letter of Intent - notification of the State’s intent to award a contract to a vendor, pending successful negotiations; all information remains confidential until the issuance of the formal notice of award.
May / Indicates something that is not mandatory but permissible.
Must / Indicates a mandatory requirement. Failure to meet a mandatory requirement may result in the rejection of a proposal as non-responsive.
NAC / Nevada Administrative Code –All applicable NAC documentation may be reviewed via the internet at: .
NOA / Notice of Award – formal notification of the State’s decision to award a contract, pending Board of Examiners’ approval of said contract, any non-confidential information becomes available upon written request.
NOx / Nitrogen Oxide
NRS / Nevada Revised Statutes – All applicable NRS documentation may be reviewed via the internet at: .
Pacific Time (PT) / Unless otherwise stated, all references to time in this RFP and any subsequent contract are understood to be Pacific Time.
Proprietary Information / Any trade secret or confidential business information that is contained in a bid or proposal submitted on a particular contract. (Refer to NRS 333.020 (5) (a)).
Public Records / All books and public records of a governmental entity, the contents of which are not otherwise declared by law to be confidential must be open to inspection by any person and may be fully copied or an abstract or memorandum may be prepared from those public books and public records. (Refer to NRS 333.333, NRS 239, and NRS 600A.030 [5]).
Redacted / The process of removing confidential or proprietary information from a document prior to release of information to others.
RFP / Request for Proposal; a written statement which sets forth the requirements and specifications of a contract to be awarded by competitive selection NRS §333.020(7).
RSD / Remote Sensing Device. A computer-controlled optical system which measures the exhaust emissions of passing vehicles by shining a laser/infrared light across a roadway at tailpipe level and measuring the amount of radiation of specific wavelengths absorbed by the exhaust plumes.
Shall / Indicates a mandatory requirement. Failure to meet a mandatory requirement may result in the rejection of a proposal as non-responsive.
Should / Indicates something that is recommended but not mandatory. If the vendor fails to provide recommended information, the State may, at its sole option, ask the vendor to provide the information or evaluate the proposal without the information.
State / The State of Nevada and any agency identified herein.
Subcontractor / Third party, not directly employed by the vendor, who will provide services identified in this RFP. This does not include third parties who provide support or incidental services to the vendor.
Test Station / One of over four hundred (400) facilities licensed to conduct a State emission inspection.
Trade Secret / Information, including, without limitation, a formula, pattern, compilation, program, device, method, technique, product, system, process, design, prototype, procedure, computer programming instruction or code that: derives independent economic value, actual or potential, from not being generally known to, and not being readily ascertainable by proper means by the public or any other person who can obtain commercial or economic value from its disclosure or use; and is the subject of efforts that are reasonable under the circumstances to maintain its secrecy.
USEPA / United State Environmental Protection Agency.
Vendor / Organization/individual submitting a proposal in response to this RFP.
VID / Nevada’s Vehicle Information Database.
Will / Indicates a mandatory requirement. Failure to meet a mandatory requirement may result in the rejection of a proposal as non-responsive.
The State observes the holidays noted in the following table. When January 1st, July 4th, November 11th or December 25th fails on Saturday, the preceding Friday is observed as the legal holiday. If these days fall on Sunday, the following Monday is the observed holiday.
Holiday / Day ObservedNew Year’s Day / January 1
Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday / Third Monday in January
Presidents' Day / Third Monday in February
Memorial Day / Last Monday in May
Independence Day / July 4
Labor Day / First Monday in September
Nevada Day / Last Friday in October
Veterans' Day / November 11
Thanksgiving Day / Fourth Thursday in November
Family Day / Friday following the Fourth Thursday in November
Christmas Day / December 25
3.1The below listed tasks will be the direct responsibility of the vendor:
3.1.1Obtain all permits required to perform RSD of motor vehicles, through Nevada Department of Transportation and Nevada Highway Patrol.
3.1.2Co-ordinate RSD test sites with Department representatives for final approval.
3.1.3Photograph15,000vehiclesof which 90% must be readable,whether a failure or passing test,identifiedthroughthevendor'sRSDtestingprogram.
3.1.4Captureallexhaustemissionreadingsforvehiclesidentifiedthroughthevendor's RSDtestingprogram.
3.1.5Prepare the emissions reading data and photographs for all vehicles identified through the vendor’s RSD testing program in jpg format clear, crisp and readable license plate numbers must be displayed with date, time and location information on image.
3.1.6Supply all photographs and emission reading data for all vehicles identified through the vendor’s RSD testing program within 30 working days after concluding RSD activities. This will be in a manner and format approved by the Department.
3.2The selected RSD vendor will be fully responsible to provide and maintain all equipment necessary to remotely sense motor vehicle exhaust emissions within Clark County. All equipment used to remotely sense motor vehicle exhaust emissions within Clark County will remain the property of the selected vendor.
3.3The Department of Motor Vehicles must be assured that the vendor has the commitment and all resources available to fulfill the RSD project task needs as stated in the contract, prior to its award.
3.3.1Available vendor commitments and resources shall include, but not be limited to: personnel available that possess the required skills. financial resources sufficient to complete performance under the contract. and quantity of the appropriate type of equipment and hardware required in order to successfully carry out the needs of this project.
3.3.2If the Vendor identifies any of the submitted information as being confidential, it shall be treated as such; said information must be submitted in accordance with section 7, the confidential information requirements. Confidential information integral to the technical proposal must be separately tabbed in Vendors Part III confidential information response and four (4) copies provided.
3.4The Vendor will be responsible for submitting a detailed plan of action to the Department of Motor Vehicles. The vendor will be responsible for:
3.4.1Submitting a detailed action plan describing work to be performed.
3.4.2Specifying schedule dates, sampling times and a detailed site deployment map for each test site and upon approval through with the Department.
3.4.3Providing a complete listing of equipment and personnel intended for use at each test site.
3.5The Vendor shall be responsible for obtaining site authorization, including all permits prior to the commencement of RSD testing. The Vendor will follow all applicable laws in the State, County, or City of the site selection.
3.6The Vendor will determine a list of acceptable RSD test site locations ninety (90) days prior to commencement of testing. The test site location must be changed for each consecutive testing date. Testing dates, site deployment maps and times presented by the Vendor must be approved by the Department of Motor Vehicles prior to commencement of testing. This is for one (1) business week or five (5) days, excluding State Holidays.
3.7The Vendor will extract clear and readable license plate images to jpg format, from the video record and append that information to the remote sensing test data. Each complete remote sensing record will contain the following fields in Microsoft Excel:
3.7.1Unit ID – Must display number used to determine the unit that performed the testing
3.7.2Site Code – Must display the number used to describe test site locations
3.7.3Date – Must display the date the test was performed
3.7.4Time – Must display the time the test was performed
3.7.5Seq – Must display asequential number that increases with each test for verification of captured image
3.7.6Accel – Must display the acceleration at time of capture
3.7.8Speed – Must display the speed at time of capture
3.7.9CO – Must display the percent of composition of the sampled exhaust that represents Carbon Monoxide
3.7.10CO2 – Must display the percent composition of the sampled exhaust that represents Carbon Dioxide
3.7.11HC – Must display the composition of the sampled exhaust that represents hydrocarbons in parts per million
3.7.12Max CO2 – Must display the maximum CO2 captured
3.7.13Ave CO2 – Must display the average CO2 captured
3.7.14NO – May display the ppm of NO captured
3.7.13Plate – The license plate number and/or alpha characters of the motor vehicle tested
3.7.14State – The two-character abbreviation for state issuing license plate (Western States)
3.7.15Terms – Must define and display other terms for missing/unreadable/not recognized license plates
3.7.16Image ID – Must display the image (jpg) name or number
3.8The Vendor will ensure that all RSD test records and vehicle photographs, with valid data parameters and with or without license plate information, will be transmitted to the Department within 30 days after completion of the remote sensing activities. The file will be in Microsoft Excel with a new line separator following each record. The first record will be a header record followed by a new line separator. All clear, crisp and readable photographs must be submitted in JPG format.
Photographs must be clear, crisp and readable when submitted to the Department or the Vendor will be responsible to redo all RSD photographs and test records at their own expense.
In addition to the test data reports, the Vendor must submit a report to the Department, which must contain the following RSD test site statistics and validation (may be included with captured readings):
3.8.1Site Codes;
3.8.2Test date(s);
3.8.3Number of hours the testing was performed, specifying starting and ending times; and