Nancy Mundle - ,
Mollie Loughran - (work) (home)
Melanie Smith – , Deb Gimblet –
Sonya McNabb – (work) (home)
Jenn Matta – , Julie Charbonneau –
Lauren Petty – , Jen Van Tol - ,
Bank Balance $3,641.86
Still to come out of account: $280.68 – computer splitters/laminator sheets
: $67.80 busing for volleyball
Fundraising Update:
Lamontagne $2/chocolate bars & Steeped Tea starting in February
Campbell Soup Labels – Order to go in for sports equipment, update at next meeting
Kids Christmas shopping – brought in $556.85 and expenses were $675
Outdoor Ed Trip coming up at Shades Mills - Cambridge
Guelph Storm players coming to KPS January 31st to speak to the kids – Tickets for their Feb.26th 2:00 p.m. game will be sold for $18/each. We would need to sell 30 tickets, in order to get them at this reduced price
February 1st – Milk Presenter coming to KPS
February 9th – Junior Sledge hockey for our kids at the Mount Forest arena. Parent volunteers will be needed
Teachers Requests:
PATS will cover the cost of busing for the sledge hockey $205, as well as the ice time rental of $165. We also agreed to covering the cost of the grades 2,3, and 4’s to go to River Run $210 – Discuss at a later date the cubelets, which Nancy showed a video clip of & the potential of PATS purchasing some, approx.. $400
New Business:
Roof leaked in several areas of the school last week. Discussion over why this would happen, when he had thought that a new roof went on in the last 2 years. Nancy to find out for sure if we did in fact get a new roof, or if our old roof was just patched. Either way, we are getting it repaired.
Pancake Day – Tuesday, February 28th at 1st nutritional break 10:25-10:45. Jenn, Melanie and possibly Jenn Van Tol will be able to help this day, showing up at 9:45 should give plenty of time. Sonya will pick up the groceries: pancake mix, syrup, butter, plastic forks & knives and probably will need a couple more electric grills. Jenn mentioned that she could bring 2 in.
Next Meeting: Monday, March 6th at 6:30 pm