Biology and Taxonomy of Green Algae IV
An International Symposium
First Circular and Call for Contributions
The International Symposium will be organized by the Phycological Section of the Slovak Botanical Society SAS and the Institute of Botany SAS at the Congress Centrum of the Slovak, Academy of Sciences, Smolenice-Castle, Slovakia, in June 24-28, 2002. Smolenice-Castle is situated about 70 km NE of Bratislava, capital of the Slovak Republic.
The meeting will provide a forum for young and established phycologists for communication and discussion on many aspects of biology and taxonomy of freshwater green algae, including basic and applied research. Number of participants is limited to 80. Limited funds are available to assist young scientists to take part in the Symposium. Please, send the application for obtaining grants with the abstract by February 28, 2002
Scientific program consists of plenary lectures, workshops (Desmids Taxonomy, convener P. F. M. Coesel; Genetics and Biochemistry of Chlamydomonas(convener D. Vlček); Ecology and Applied Biology of Green Algae (conveners P. Marvan, J. Makovinská) and poster sessions. Proceedings will be published in the international journal Biologia, Section Botany, Bratislava.
- Response form to reach...... November 30, 2001
- Second Circular issue...... January 31, 2002
- Abstracts to reach...... February 28, 2002
- Full papers to reach...... June 28, 2002
Registration Fees
Regular...... 180,- Euro
Student delegate and
accompanying persons...... 80,- Euro
Registration includes
- conference materials
- conference hall
- tea/coffee
- welcome reception
- mid-symposium excursion
- evening banquet
- transport by coach Bratislava-Smolenice-Bratislava
Congress Hotel
single room...... 45,- Euro/night
double room...... 35,- Euro/night/person
rooms with 3-4 beds...... 25,- Euro/night/person
Full Meal (excluding beverages)
about 30,- Euro /day
Local Organizing Committee:
Chairman: F. Hindák, Members: A. Hindáková, M. Horecká, Ľ. Kováčik, J. Makovinská, E. Štefková, L. Tóthová, D. Vlček, A. Kubínska
Symposium Secretariat:
Assist. Prof. Dr. František Hindák, DrSc.
Institute of Botany SAS
Dúbravská cesta 14
SK-84223 Bratislava, Slovakia
Tel.: +421 2 59412505
Fax: +421 2 54771948
You will find additional information on our website:
We are looking forward to meet you in Slovakia!
International Symposium
Biology and Taxonomy of Green Algae III
Smolenice, June 24-28, 2002
Response Form
to be sent to
Ass. Prof. Dr. František Hindák, DrSc.
Institute of Botany SAS
Dúbravská cesta 14
SK-84223 Bratislava, Slovakia
Please, complete form using a typewriter or
in blockletters and mark with x
A. Participant Mrs. □ Mr. □
Family Name......
First Name......
Academic Title......
Postal Code/City......
B. Accompanying Person
Mrs. □ Mr. □
I will present a paper □ poster □
Hotel Reservation at Smolenice-Castle June 24-28:
single room □
double room □
3-4 bed room □
Ineed ahotel/hostel reservation in Bratislava:
June 23/24: Yes □ Not □
June 28/29: Yes □ Not □
Any other suggestions:
Date...... Signature......