Quarter 2 Book Project

Choose your own book. Needs to be fiction, at least 150 pages, and not a graphic novel.

  1. Complete a vocabulary worksheet while you are reading your novel in which you add new words to your writing and speaking vocabularies.
  2. Mind Map on (You may use your Q1 mind map to help you set it up.)
  3. Compete one of the following projects. This project will be completed outside of class. Use ASAP time to read the book, so only the project will need to be done at home.

Due date: All projects are due December 8th. Presentations will take place in class December 8th, 9th, and 10th.

EVERY PROJECT NEEDS TO INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION SOMEHOW: Time, setting, 2-3 characters and their descriptions, the theme of the book and how it is brought out, author, and title.

  1. Newspaper- Extra! Extra! Read all about it! What would the newspaper look like from the town the story takes place in? Here is your chance to show the rest of us. Create a newspaper. You should include articles based on events that have occurred in the novel, the weather of the town where the story takes place, games (word search, crossword puzzle), or anything else that you feel is important.Please type a one page summary on a Google Doc and share it with your teacher.
  1. Character Scrapbook - Compile a scrapbook for one of the main characters in your book. Put together mementos and items that represent special memories or events in the character’s life. Be sure you know what your character would save! Make sure there are at least 10 pages and you must decorate the cover too. Write a short paragraph explaining each of the items and why they would be important to your character. Please type a ½ page summary on a Google Doc and share it with your teacher.
  1. Diary Entries- Pretend that you are the main character of the story. Write 10 diary entries that the character could have written. Seven of the entries should include information from the text that was read during the novel. Three of the entries should be written after the book has been read. (What happened next for the character?) The journal entries should include the innermost thoughts of the character. Remember that you are writing the entries from his/her point of view.
  2. Diorama- Create a three-dimensional scene in some sort of box (shoebox, Rubbermaid, etc.), which includes models of people, buildings, plants, and animals of one of the main events of the book. Include a typed description of the scene and a one- page summary of the story taped to the back of the diorama.
  1. Talk Show-There are so many interesting characters in a story. Wouldn’t you love to ask them the questions that have been in your mind? Pretend that you are interviewing at least 3 of the characters that were in your novel. Think of 8 questions you would like to ask each of them, as well as how each character would respond. You can either videotape the talk show or act it out in class. Please type the 24 questions that you are asking and a one-page summary of the story on a Google Doc and share it prior to your presentation.
  1. Create a soundtrack- Create a soundtrack the represents different aspects of the book you have read.

Requirements for the soundtrack:

  • A song that portrays the main characters overall personality.
  • A song depicting the primary conflict, feelings and or emotions of the novel – the plot.
  • A song describing the setting of the story.
  • 3 songs of your choice that you feel go along with the book.
  • You must have at least 6 songs on your soundtrack. On a separate sheet of paper make a list of the songs you have chosen along with a brief explanation as to why that song fits with this book.
  • Your soundtrack can have no more than 12 songs total.

After completing the actual soundtrack, you then need to design a soundtrack cover. I want to see something original that you feel fits the book you read. I do not want to see a copy of the books cover. You will be graded upon your fresh idea for the soundtrack cover, neatness, and how the cover relates somewhat to the songs you have chosen. The soundtrack cover will be made on a 5 x 5 piece of white paper and the songs and their artists will be written on a separate sheet of 5 x 5 piece of paper. When you are finished you will turn in a front cover, a back cover with a list of songs that go along with the novel and a list of all the songs you chose with a brief explanation of how this song relates to the book.Please type a one page summary of your book on a Google Doc and share it with your teacher.

  1. Infographic- Create an infograph to help “sell” your book.
  • One page summary on a Google Doc shared with your teacher.
  1. Book Trailer- Create a book trailer that is 3-4 minutes long.
  • Please type a one page summary of your book on a Google Doc and share it with your teacher.