Full Senate

February7, 2018

6:30 PM Alderson Auditorium

I.Call to Order

II.Guest Speaker: Chancellor Douglas A. Girod, MD

III.Approval of the Minutes

  1. January 24 Full Senate minutes

Martin: Motion to approve the minutes

Motion passes.

IV.Officer Reports

  1. Mady Womack, Student Body President

Mady: Good evening everyone, I’m excited to have the chancellor here today. Our effort today was at the statehouse and thank you for all the students who came today. The first issue we talked about was state higher education funding, and I’ve spoken with you all about our strategy. We had a lot of conversations with legislators, and we met with the governor. They all were very receptive about our interests.The timeline for a report is in mid-March. I think the rising enrollment is really impressive. Other institutions are seeing declining enrollment, and it’s bad for tuition dollars. Our other items are concealed carry. We wanted to discuss with many members of the legislators, and there was dissent among them. I expect that they will deal with issues like this in the next month or so. In terms of feedback on what we go on that, I think they know our position, and it’s important for them to know how we feel about the subject. Finally, we spoke about affirmative consent. It’s the idea the consent is the presence of yes, and yes means yes. I think that education is very important in the statehouse. We got pretty good feedback on that, but it really is an education piece.

Zoya: There is a decrease in international enrollment. So, how has student senate been involved to combat that?

Mady: In terms of advocacy, we have raised that with upper level administration. But, I think some of those issues stem from federal enrollment, and how the United States as a whole is viewed. It’s on our radar.

Brittney: About Higher Ed day, out of the other school’s students, can you tell me how many are graduate students?

Mady: I can’t speak to the other state’s delegations. From KU, there were no graduate students speaking for us.

Eric: Unfortunately, this year, we were only allowed to take 12 students to the trip. The people we picked were who attended SLAB meetings.

Brittney: Should graduate students not be represented?

Eric: Our representatives represent the interest of all students on campus

  1. Mattie Carter, Student Body Vice President

Mattie: I did not attend higher education day, as there was a lot of on-campus meetings. Today, we had our tuition advisory committee meeting. It was our first meeting, so we talked about priorities. Last year, the committee devoted half a million dollars toward our faculty to maintain retention. I’m happy to report that from that money, we have been able to keep some of our faculty. Other priorities, Mady mentioned the K-12 Funding gap, but we won’t know much until March. I don’t think our increases will be very high, but because of that, there might be cuts from specific services. There’s always required costs, so there might be required cuts. For University Senate, I brought up the lack of sexual harassment training in SenEx among faculty, and there’s no penalty for them to not have this training. I’m going to continue to advocate for that. Moving on, the rights committee is looking for code revisions, and we are looking for policies that have student voices. I have a bill going through tonight, which is cleaning up SSRR, but be on the look out for all of that.

  1. Charles Jetty, Chief of Staff

Charles: I just want to use this time to confirm some replacement senators.

Brittney: move to acclimate.

Daniel: Second.

Motion passed.

Charles: There’s still some open seats, so please tell your friends to apply for those. Finally, your organization assignments for this semester will come out shortly.

Brittany: Where should people go to become a replacement senator?

Charles: They can email me or look at the website.

  1. Noah Ries,Policy and Development Director

Noah: I’m going to address the food insecurity concerns by moving the campus cupboard. Our administration has identified one key site that works the best, and we’re looking for a sign off for that. I’m working on Project Callisto, and in terms of summer venture, we met with Jennifer Jordan and talked to her about bringing in more diversity into the lecture series. I was also lucky enough to attend the Higher Ed day, but the key thing I heard was if there is a bill going through that you’re not satisfied with, reach out to representatives and senators. Be vocal about your concerns. My office hours are the exact same, but I have a different office.

  1. Michael Shao, Director of Internal Affairs

Michael: Hello everybody, I hope you all are doing well. My name is Michael Shao, and I will serve as the Director of Internal Affairs for this semester. As I’m transitioning into this role, I don’t have anything tangible to report, but looking forward, I have had meaningful conversations with Noah about possible themes for the workshops for the freshmen internship program and freshmen senators. I’ve made the necessary contacts to get the ball rolling on that. I will have office hours Tuesday morning and Wednesday, Thursday, Friday in the afternoon.

  1. Libby Stauffer, Communications Director

Libby: First of all, thank you for everyone who came to the picture. Also, just some other stuff, I am starting senator of the week on Instagram. So, if everyone can give the senate Instagram account a follow, I think it’s going to be really fun. John and I are working on outreach week. Stop by my office hours, and I’d like to hear your ideas.

Daniel: When is the outreach board going to start meeting?

John Foster: Libby and I have talked about this, but we’ll get the board together soon to see if anyone has anything else to add.

  1. Katie Phalen and Insia Zufer, CCO Executiveand Managing Directors

Insia: Katie could not be here today, so it’s just me. Something that you all probably don’t know that we do is a toy drive. We had a bunch of boxes in the office, and we donated about 1700 products to the Lawrence community—the willow and the boys and girls club. And in addition to toys, we had toiletries and strollers. The CCO helps run the campus cupboard, and hopefully we see you all take this opportunity. Another need is for our program Music Mentors. If you know someone who knows an instrument, the applications are due this Friday. Last thing, we have a few advocacy events coming up, and you can find those on our Facebookpage. Our events have to do with ethical service abroad, and we’re partnering with Medlife and Alternative Breaks. We talk about poverty porn and ethical service for those events as well.

  1. Brittany Biel and AntonioLopez, Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer

Brittany (Treasurer): This past weekend, we had our line item hearings, and we will have block funding hearings this week. We will be in the crossroads room for the hearings and applications, so please do come.

Antonio: The unallocated will be about $14,000.

V.Consent Agenda


Zach: Motion to approve consent agenda.

Consent agenda passes.

VI.Regular Agenda


Author: I am going to let Amy, the representative of the org, talk about the event.

Amy: I’m here on behalf of ARS Rhetorica, which is part of the English department. We will have a guest speaker talking about the rhetoric about food waste. It will be a fascinating lecture, here in the union. There will be alot of different activities.

Author: They are expecting over hundred students for this event.

Brittney: Move to call to question.

Called to question.

Bill passes.


Charles: There was something in SSRR that we had to automatically remove senators if they weren’t enrolled for the first week of classes. So, some students were removed for certain instances beyond their control.

Nellie: Motion to call to question.

Called to question.

Bill passes.

Charles: Motion to move un-table bill 098.

Motion passes.

Bill 098

Hannah: Thanks for un-tabling the bill, which is for the KU painting club.

Representative: Cayce will be our guest speaker, and we are doing outreach for our event.

Other representative: The school of the arts has made a Facebook page, and we’ve brought it out to a bunch of people and shared it. I have the opportunity for an awesome printer for fliers to distribute them. We’ve looked at specific schools to aim for. I have access to a lot of e-mails for other departments to notify our speaker’s attendance.

Zach: Right now, in the Facebook event, it shows 14 going. How many students are you anticipating?

Representative: We are expecting around 50.

Zach: What other funding avenues have you sought out?

Rep: The Fibers department, and we are a new club. So, the whole point of our club is to attain more speakers.

Joe: Move to call to question.

Called to question.

Bill Passes.

Member: Motion to move into committee as a wholeto generate legislation.

Motion passed.

Committee as a whole

Mattie: This is committee as whole, so you can talk a little more freely. Not side conversations, but you can have comments.

Author: This is a bill to fund KU Design week. This is Grace Heitnmann’s club, so I’m just filling in for her for the author.

Representative: I’m the art director for KU design week. Design week is an annual week of events going on that is promoting KU design and encouraging students to come learn about design. We have events like resume workshops, speakers, and it’s a great way to get to know students in design and meet with students outside of design. So, we just wanted to promote the school of design, and we are asking funding for material and exhibition materials.

Other Representative: It’s also a campus-wide thing. Any student can come. We’re doing headshots, resume workshops, and fun things to get people involved in design. It’s definitely a big event because there’s multiple things going on. It’ll be a week and half, and we hope for funding.

Mattie: If you want to bring up the legislation, and come out of committee as a whole, we can decide on it.

Daniel: So, you guys need the funding now to get the event secured.

Representative: Yes.

Brendan: Why didn’t this go through committees?

Representative: We weren’t on rock chalk central and had technical issues.

Joe: Isn’t it the department’s job to promote this event?

Representative: It’s to get out of the school of design.

Other Representative: It’s an event for campus, and we are getting a lot of people involved. This is something we’ve been doing for years, and we go out to Kansas City. We aren’t particularly doing this to promote KU students.

Zach: Can we get an update of how this will affect the budget?

Antonio: That brings the total to possibly $14,662 dollars. For the other cycles, that’ll be over athousand dollars to budget.

Brittany (Treasurer): That isn’t a strict budget. It’s just a suggestion, and it’s up to you to make the best decision.

Brittney: Back to this bill, can you explain the “hardly working” thing?

Representative: That’s our theme for the week. It’s to say we’ve worked so hard and we’ve spent a lot of hours. But we’re trying to promote that it’s something we love to do.

Brittney: Can you go into more detail about the materials for the workshops?

Representative: Materials include printing, which can get expensive. We’re also getting industrial design and material involved, which can be more expensive.

Thomas: Move to exit committee as a whole with the generated legislation.

Joe: Second.

Motion passes.

Joe: You said this is an event you hold every year;however, your organization was not registered last week. Is there a reason this is the first time you’re coming to us for money?

Representative: This isn’t our first time. We’ve asked money for other things, but not through our club.

Zach: Did you all receive Pepsi funding?

Representative: No, but we sought funding through the KC design organization.

Zach: Is there a reason you didn’t seek Pepsi funding?

Mattie: That’s leading you don’t need to answer that.

Representative: I don’t know if there was a reason we didn’t.

Thomas: For my own clarification, how many days does it take to give people funding?

Brittany (Treasurer): If the bill passes, it’ll take around 10 days.

Thomas: So, this is for the 15th though, right?

Brittany (Treasurer): We could probably get it through, but in the instance that it didn’t get through all the university systems, do you all have a backup?

Representative: We have asked for funding from other people, but we might be able to figure out stuff if we cut back on stuff.

Brittney: Could you explain the relationship between design week, your org, and Kiosk?

Representative: Kiosk is a magazine that the English and Arts department puts together, which is unrelated. Prototype is a graphic design club at KU, and it’s run through a national graphic design organization.

Trey: Motion to call to question.


42 – 14, the bill is now called to question.

With a vote to 33-19-3, the bill fails.

Brittany M.: Motion to revote.

Thomas (Debating revote): Can we open this up for discussion to answer more questions?

Senator: I understand your reason to debate, but I think it’s pretty clear and there’s nothing left to debate.

Brendan: I feel like this bill is controversial because it’s not really brought through normal means. It was turned down by finance by my understanding, and this is kind of being brought without standard procedure. I feel like that bringing this here undermines the authority of committees.

Joe: We did table this through finance committee, not because for any debate.

Thomas: I move to extend time by 2 minutes.


26-29, the debate is not extended.

30-11-1, the bill is called to question.

39-11-2, the bill passes.


Mattie: As I mentioned earlier, this bill is to clean up an inconsistency. If you look at the SBP’s position, it’s just a simple majority, whereas the internal affairs are two-thirds. I didn’t want to debate the two-thirds majority. I yield the rest of my time to questions.

Daniel: Motion to call to question.

Bill passes.

VIII. Announcements

Brittney: Tomorrow is sexy science, so all of you should be there.

VIV. Adjournment

John: Motion to adjourn.

Motion passes.