ProjectWorkflow Guidelines

Steps / Roles / Procedure / Notes
Establish Command / EMS/ Fire Unit /
  • Declare MCI
  • MCI notification made (including Dispatch)
  • Patient estimates provided

Triage Group Set Up / EMS/Fire Unit /
  • Assign triage group supervisor
  • Set up triage area
  • Appropriate triage incoming patients (using ABC triage)

Treatment Group Set Up / EMS/Fire Unit /
  • Set up treatment areas for Red and Yellow patients
  • Update patient status changes while in treatment
  • Treatment area may not be necessary for all MCI Events
  • Make sure treatment area of red/yellow patients away from green waiting area
  • Possible EMTrack use: Initial scan with “Received” status

Transport Group Set Up/Establish Communication Regarding the Incident / EMS/Dispatch /
  • Establish communications with “Dispatch.” [Via MCI channel, phone number or approved alternative
  • Coordinate with treatment group regarding which patients are next for transport
  • Confirm MCI has been declared with Dispatch
  • Provide total number of patients that are being loaded

Create the incident /
  • Dispatch
  • Other roles may create incident: EMS Supervisor, Fire Unit, Incident Command or designee
/ An incident is created in EMTrack prior to tracking patients /
  • If incident is not created, Default Incident may be used

Enter Patient Information/Triage / EMS, Fire /
  • Provide & record the followingInformation into EMTrack
1. Triage Tag #’s (scanned)
2. Triage color/category
3. Scene
4. Provider and Unit number of transporting vehicle /
  • Hardware used for patient tracking is available. This can include laptops or handheld PCs.
  • EMS or Incident Commander should monitor EMTrack throughout the incident.
  • Patient is loaded into EMTrack with “Holding for Destination” status

Hospital Designation / Dispatch /
  • Edits record and assigns destination hospitals / facilities for patients identified
  • Document hospital destination in EMTrack
  • Send “all call” to hospitals to notify of MCI event
  • Assist EMS or Incident Commander in tracking patients

Hospital Transport / EMS, Fire /
  • Confirm hospital destination with Dispatch and record
  • Inform the transporting unit of its destination.
  • Document in EMTrack
  • Unit is considered en-route to hospital

Hospital Transport Notification / Dispatch, EMS, Fire / Receiving hospitals shall be notified of incoming patients via EMTrack /
  • Receiving hospitals view EMTrack to review patient data entered

Releasing Patients At Scene / EMS, Fire /
  • Patients that are released after receiving medical assistance will be released from the scene
  • Information will be documented in EMTrack

Receiving Patients / Hospitals /
  • Upon arrival at the hospital:
  • Patient is confirmed as received
  • Patient data is enteredin EMTrack
  • First and last names
  • Age
  • Sex
  • Status (discharged, received, etc.)
  • EMTrack unique ID will be added into the hospital record
  • Enter self-presenting patients
  • Patient data can be entered into EMTrack either by hand or by scanning drivers license
  • Hospitals will designate who enters data
  • EPIC interface will be researched for future cross referencing

Patient Transfer / Hospitals /
  • Location of transfer facility noted into EMTrack application